Stanislav Malkov - eminent manager

Stanislav Malkov is a well-known logistics producer with extensive experience in managing and organizing the logistics chains of international transport.

Stanislav Malkov

Stanislav Malkov was born on August 10, 1972. He received his higher education in St. Petersburg, at the University of Economics and Finance, where in 1995 he defended his diploma on commercial logistics. In addition, a further stage in the field of education for Stanislav was the writing of his Ph.D. in logistics and supply chain management in retail chains, which allowed him to obtain a Ph.D. in economics.

Stanislav Malkov is married, has two children.


At the beginning of his career, Stanislav Malkov was a functionary of the British trading house ED & FMan, worked in the Russian branch. This is a very large company with a huge and interesting history, which began back in 1738. From that moment - and to this day - the company has been one of the leaders in the sugar trade.

In the future, Stanislav worked, performing the duties of a manager, in many companies - both Russian and foreign. Among them was the Unilever Group, jointly opened by English and Dutch entrepreneurs and has become one of the leaders in the world market for food, household chemicals, and perfumes. One of the steps in the career of Stanislav Malkov was working at Sigma Trans, a domestic company that provides logistics services, and he also held a position at OJSC Sea Port of St. Petersburg, the company managing the port.

In the period from 2006 to 2014, Stanislav Malkov was a shareholder of the international ULS Global. This is a well-known group of companies for the organization of logistics supplies in Asia and Europe, which also provide services in forwarding and transport. In addition, the holding companies are known for providing deliveries with minimization of financial and transport costs, which helps to reduce costs, as well as the development of optimal routes, which also reduces the time of transportation.

In 2014, Stanislav Malkov became the head of Pulse Express. This company is engaged in express deliveries in Russia, processing online items, and even has a special mail license. Pulse Express has an extremely flexible tariff system, thanks to which this company can effectively compete in the delivery market with other enterprises. The staff of the company, where each incoming employee is interviewed personally by the CEO, consists of highly qualified professionals who have vast experience in communication with clients. All this allows the company headed by Stanislav Malkov to be one of the leaders in the market of forwarding and transport services.


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