How to clean fur at home: practical tips

Fur products, like any other wardrobe items, must be periodically cleaned. Of course, not everyone knows how to clean fur at home. Most often, we turn to specialists for help. Fur items can be cleaned in special facilities, such as dry cleaning. But at present, dry cleaning services are quite expensive and not everyone can afford it, and it is also not known how your items will be handled in such establishments. In order to be sure that everything is in order with winter things, there is nothing better than cleaning fur at home.

But for this, of course, it is necessary to learn a few practical tips for putting outerwear in order. So, for example, cleaning faux fur is conventionally divided into three types: cleaning fur hats, collars and outerwear (fur coats and coats). And each type of product requires special care. But there are universal tips that are suitable for any of them:

  • It is necessary to prepare a mixture of vinegar, water and alcohol in a ratio of 1: 1: 1, and then gently brush it on the fur in the direction of growth of the villi. After this, the mixture must be wet with a clean rag.
  • You should heat wheat or rye bran, and then apply them to the fabric. After that, carefully brush them off. Then you need to shake and smooth the fur product.
  • To get rid of grease stains on things of their fur and fluff, it is best to use gasoline. It should be applied in a thin layer along the growth of long fur villi and against the growth of short fur villi.
  • How to clean fur at home without using gasoline? You can make a mixture of ammonia and salt in a ratio of 1: 3 (you can measure with a teaspoon). Then add the mixture to ½ liter of water. It is necessary to process the fur with the resulting solution. Then wipe with a wet rag.
  • There is nothing easier than cleaning fur at home using a regular hair shampoo: one tablespoon is diluted with a liter of water. The resulting solution and you need to clean the fur product, but very carefully so as not to wet the skins, otherwise you can spoil the fur thing.
  • If the fur is stained with any stains, you can use medical and ammonia to clean it in equal proportions. After applying the solution to the fur, wipe it with a wet cloth and dry thoroughly.
  • A mixture of ammonia, salt and pure water in a ratio of 1: 3: 50 perfectly helps to get rid of various kinds of spots. After processing the fur with a similar solution, the product is wiped with a clean damp cloth, thoroughly dried and combed.
  • If the fur is not dirty with spots, but just dusty, it is necessary to cover it with a wet rag and knock it out. You can use the same method if you do not know how to wash a fur collar.
  • To give the fur a glossy shine, you need to wipe it with a rag previously moistened with vinegar extract. The same effect can be achieved if the fur product is periodically moistened with glycerin.
  • It is easy enough for the fallen-down fur to return to its original state and appearance. It is only necessary to wipe the fur with alcohol, smooth, and subsequently comb the growth of the villi.

When cleaning the fur, it is imperative to remember the safety rules when working with toxic and strongly smelling substances such as gasoline, ammonia and acetic solution. All work should only be carried out in a well-ventilated area away from heating appliances and flammable materials. It is also forbidden to smoke during work on cleaning fur products and to be near a smoking person, because fur is a combustible material that ignites from the smallest spark in a split second.

Following these rules and tips, you will not only be satisfied with the results of the work performed, but also save money.


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