Games on paper for adults and children

Before, when there were no computers, the main fun for adults and children was playing on paper. For entertainment it was enough to take a notebook sheet and a pencil. The whole evening flew by unnoticed while talking with parents or friends. There are many games that will be incredibly interesting in any friendly company. They are simple and do not require special training and sophisticated equipment. Most common today are games on paper for two.

Paper games

Bulls and cows

The essence of the game is that one comes up with a four-digit number so that all the numbers differ. The other player must guess this number. To do this, at each move he calls a new four-digit number. If at least one digit matches, the first player says: “Cow”. If the digital designation from the announced number is in the same place as in the hidden number, this situation is called "bull". Both players go in turn, the one who first guesses the number wins.

Two people take part in the game. The first makes a word and draws dashes on a piece of paper, indicating the number of letters in this word. In the corner of the sheet is a gallows. Another player calls a letter that may be included in a given word. If guesses, the letter fits, if it is wrong, then the head is drawn at the gallows. At the next error, the body, abdomen, arms, legs are drawn. If a little man is drawn before guessing the word, the first player wins. Further, the rivals change roles and continue their games on paper.


For the game you will need a notebook sheet in a cage. Players in order draw horizontal or vertical lines one cell long. The opponent, who managed to close the whole cage, puts a point in it and receives a bonus move. The winner is the one who took the most cells.

Games on paper for two

This fun is a paper game for two players. For the battle you will need two square fields, one for each opponent. 10 warships are drawn on the sheets: 1 has 4 decks, 2 consist of 3 decks, 3 from 2 decks and 4 from 1 deck. An important rule is that objects cannot be located on adjacent cells. After the alignment of forces, you can start a war. The first player calls the opponent’s field. If the enemy’s ship is located on this cell, he says: “Wounded,” and the attacker continues to shoot. If the object is completely destroyed, the enemy reports: "Killed." Players take turns shooting at targets of the opponent. The one who shot down all the ships wins.

Football is a paper game for two players. You will need a piece of paper in the box. On this football field you need to draw a 6-square goal on both edges. The game starts from the very center of the field. The first player makes a move, which consists of broken lines (each with 1 square). Next is the move of the second player. An important rule is that you cannot cross the opponent’s lines. If one of the opponents cannot make a move, the other person breaks a free-kick of 6 cells in a straight line. Play up to 1 goal.

Games on paper for one

There are different games on paper, for one or for two. But it’s always a very exciting and entertaining activity that develops imagination, memory and thinking at any age.


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