Alexander Denisenko - an athlete at the origins of domestic bodybuilding

Many people know that before in Russia there was no such thing as bodybuilding. There was only male body fitness, which was actively engaged in by domestic bodybuilders. One of the athletes who are at the origins of the development of a new direction is Alexander Denisenko.

Anthropometric and biographical data

The famous Russian bodybuilder was born on November 4, 1980 in Novosibirsk. His height is 179 cm, and his working weight is 83-90 kg.

Alexander Denisenko

All Aleksandr Denisenko’s duels with Igor Gostyunin are remembered by all admirers of this sport. After all, they have graced more than one tournament. Now the athlete has the status of one of the most titled classic domestic bodybuilders. In his arsenal - victories in competitions of Russia, Europe and the world.

For four years he did not compete, so that he would suddenly return to the stage and win the all-Russian championship.

Classic Bodybuilder Diet

Many people believe that a classic bodybuilder should be on a strict diet without carbohydrates. Alexander Denisenko is a bodybuilder who adheres to the reverse scheme. On drying, an athlete consumes at least 350 grams of carbohydrates. If this amount is reduced, then Alexander begins to quickly lose muscle mass.

The bodybuilder's diet is based on boiled fish, rice and skinless chicken thighs. In the first month of the diet before the competition, the athlete has to adhere to carbohydrate alternation. Alexander even admitted that without a drop of embarrassment he eats chocolate paste, pancakes, pastries and other sweets during this period. Closer to competitions, his diet is tightening.

Champion Coach

Alexander Mikhailovich Denisenko is an outstanding bodybuilder. But he could not have reached many peaks without the help of his constant mentor - Nadezhda Lobozina. The bodybuilder describes her as a trainer, able to see the slightest changes in the body, and foresee all situations in advance. Hope always objectively assesses the athlete’s chances of winning and does not accept unnecessary praise. Alexander Denisenko is not going to look for the best coach.

Alexander Denisenko bodybuilder

It is worth mentioning that Nadezhda is also the wife of a famous bodybuilder and the mother of his children.

How much does a famous bodybuilder sleep to restore strength and does he exercise?

Alexander Denisenko tries to go to bed early, but doesn’t particularly normalize his sleep.

As for charging, the athlete does not do it at home. In the morning, he prefers to just eat and drink coffee. And the warm-up takes place just before the training in the gym.

Which is better: measured exercise or wear classes?

There are a huge number of basic schemes that people adjust for themselves. For Alexander enough to do 3-4 times a week. Its result depends entirely on the effort invested and the time worked. Now the bodybuilder is engaged in a relaxed mode, performing no more than 3 exercises for different muscle groups per workout. But closer to the competition, the intensity of his work will increase and comes to two workouts per day.

Alexander Denisenko about serious injuries in sports

Once at a bodybuilder on a main thrust a belt broke. The weight in the hands of the athlete was quite large, and he was not ready for this situation, therefore he tore his lower back, losing consciousness from pain shock. First, Alexander was taken to the hospital and offered to lie down on stretch marks, but in the end none of this was done. After two weeks of taking painkillers regularly, the champion began to regain his health on his own.

Bodybuilder Sports Achievements

In 2006, Alexander Denisenko for the first time won the All-Russian Body Fitness Championship in the absolute category.

Alexander Mikhailovich Denisenko

He repeated this achievement in 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2014. He also has many victories and prizes in the regional championships of the Russian Federation.


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