How to open the lock: a few simple ways

Did you lose the keys to the apartment, or did you inherit from your grandfather a locked safe without keys? Most likely, a logical question immediately arises: "How to open the lock without a key?" If for some reason you are not satisfied with the options for calling EMERCOM employees or specialists in opening locking devices, then you can try to do it yourself. In this article I will talk about some methods of opening locks, and even then elementary ones. You will ask why?" I will answer with the words of Leo Soloveichik from the film “Features of National Fishing”: “You need to start with the simplest methods of fishing - the worm, then smoothly switch to the spinner”. So in our case, you must first learn how to deal with simple locks, and only then move on to the study of more complex mechanisms. So, today we will talk about how to open the door lock lever type. Consider the cross-shaped pin.

how to open the lock

What is the first option (leverage)? This is a well-known locking mechanism for the production of the USSR, it can be found on old office safes, fireproof cabinets, on the doors of apartments. True, they are found less and less, but still there are still plenty of them. How to open a lock of this type? The key to the device in question, due to its shape, is called the “butterfly”. The accuracy and reliability class of such mechanisms is quite low, and they can easily be unlocked using special tools. But they are unlikely to be at your fingertips. I'll talk about the available method. We drive to the flea market and buy the keys of the indicated type from the junkers, the more the better. Then we take a file or a hacksaw for metal and cut one side of the key. Such a "master key" in certain circles is called a "boy." So do with all instances, only select them so that the profile does not repeat. The photo shows the key from the level lock and “boys” for it. We insert our master keys in turn into the well and try to make a turn. So we looked at how to open the lock of the lever type. This method is also applicable to modern devices, only the problem will be to find the required number of keys, but everything is in your hands.

how to open a keyless lock

Now consider how to open the pin-type lock with a Phillips key. Again, I will keep silent about highly specialized methods and tell only about what may be useful to a simple layman who is in a hopeless situation. These devices have a very weak core, so it’s easiest to roll them up with a special “screwdriver” or a regular Phillips screwdriver. To do this, insert the tool into the keyhole and turn it strongly. True, after such an operation, the core becomes unusable, and it will have to be replaced, but the goal will be achieved.

how to open a door lock

Now you know some simple methods to open the lock. To proceed to the opening of more complex devices, it is necessary to study their mechanisms. To do this, it is best to buy such a lock, disassemble it, understand the principle of operation. There are no locking mechanisms that cannot be opened, the only question is how much you are willing to spend time, effort and money to solve the problem.

Finally, I recall that the opening of someone else's doors without the knowledge of the owners is strictly prosecuted by the law of any country. Do not forget about it!


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