What is postamate? How does postamate work? How to use it and get an order?

Post office (postal machine), or post office - what is it? These are called automated terminals for the delivery of parcels and goods that are bought in catalogs or online stores. It is equipped with built-in cells of different sizes in which orders are stored, a touch screen in order to control the process of receiving orders, and a console panel. Also, the post office is equipped with a special bill acceptor and a slot for paying for purchases with a plastic card. Pickpoint postamata and points of delivery are located in large retail chains, shopping centers or in any other places of high traffic.

What is it

Latest shipping method

Automated terminals began to be used in Russia at the end of 2010. Systems that simplify the delivery of orders are new not only in our country, but throughout the world. They appeared about ten years ago. A high-tech delivery solution using terminal stations for sending and delivering parcels of small dimensions, that is, a postamate (what this is known in many countries of Western Europe). The concept of automated systems came to Russia four years ago.

What is a postamate?

Pickpoints and pickpoints

What is it and how does this control terminal differ from a regular payment terminal? The machine in this case is combined with a cabinet with lockable cells of different sizes. Systems can be installed both indoors and outdoors. They are mainly intended for the issuance of goods and shipments with the possibility of payment. Some devices are additionally equipped with the function of receiving parcels with the possibility of payment and clearance.

Implementation of these systems is carried out by logistics companies (postal operators of some countries signpost.com, packstation.de), alternative delivery services (bybox.com, smartpost.ee), etc. Thanks to their use, it is possible to minimize staff recruitment at the stage of receiving a parcel at the offices of delivery units. In addition, an almost round-the-clock mode of operation is provided.

How does postamata work?

Extradition systems work in this way: representatives of the owner of automated terminals load cells with goods and parcels at certain intervals and notify the recipient of this. For these purposes, they use e-mail, SMS messages and other communication channels.

How does Postamat work?

When ordering goods, the buyer selects the most convenient pedestals and pickpoint delivery points from the list provided. In order to pick up the goods, the recipient must enter a code that will be sent to him along with a message about the arrival of the order. Then the cell will open in the postamat, in which the order will be located. In addition to entering details, the fact of receipt is necessarily confirmed in various ways: by video or photo fixing, by receiving a digital signature or a sample of the recipient's signature. Now you know how to get an order on a pedestal.

The sender learns about the issuance of the order and receipt of funds through the owner of the automated system. If the goods are not suitable for the recipient, then a return function is provided in the terminal. If he previously connected the corresponding service, then he can immediately return the goods or shipment to the device.

Why postamate?

A terminal for issuing goods or a postamat (what we have already figured out) is a rather unusual name. In modern Russian, there are many variations of the name of the terminal: post office, postomat, post office and post office. This is due to the fact that a small number of people use this terminology. A more suitable option for defining this system would be the term "post office", since it more closely matches the requirements of the Russian language. In addition, the term has the Latin root post and the addition of mat - this is how the network of these ATMs is designated by Western European postal operators.

How to get an order in Postamat

Benefits of Using Postamate

So, the postamate - what is it and what is the advantage of using this service for the issuance of parcels? First of all, you should pay attention to the speed of delivery: placing an order on the site, you will receive a package within three days at any time convenient for you. In this case, you select the address of the postamate yourself from the list offered to you. You will receive and pay for the goods in one place, which is also very convenient. The duration of the receipt process will take no more than one minute. Confidentiality of the received order to the customer is guaranteed. If the recipient cannot pick up the parcel in person, then a person authorized by him can do this. To do this, you just need to tell him the postamata address and the parcel code.

Please note that the automated transfer terminal does not issue, but at the same time, Pickpoint provides the ability to deposit excess funds to the account of your mobile phone. You can also get change in the office of the company owner of the terminals. Choose the option “Getting change at the office” and come to the specified address with the receipt. The cashier, upon presentation of your passport, will give you a change in cash. Agree, a fairly convenient innovation is the postamate. How to use the system, to understand is also not difficult.

Postamate how to use

The prevalence of terminals in Russia

Today in Russia there are more than two hundred automated terminals for issuing items in more than sixty cities of the country. And every year the network of postamats or post-postmates is steadily increasing. Automated stations are produced by various companies: QIWI Post, Logibox, Pick Point and others. For their installation, they choose the places of concentration of the maximum human flow, which is very convenient for users due to the possibility of choosing the terminal closest to the house. In addition, such automated terminals are installed in large shopping and business centers, train stations, or simply on the central streets of the city. The list of addresses of automatic stations can be viewed at the time of application or on the websites of companies involved in their production, installation and maintenance.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/A9679/

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