Eugene Gilbo: biography, personal life, photo

Eugene Gilbo is a well-known national journalist, consultant, coach and publicist. He is the author of various books, journalistic materials in which he tries to analyze events taking place in the world around us, in modern Russia. It is popular for its accurate and vivid statements, conclusions.

Journalist Eugene Gilbo

Journalist Biography

Eugene Gilbo was born in Leningrad in 1965. After graduating from a specialized physics and mathematics school in 1989, he entered the St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University with a degree in Applied Mathematics.

Having successfully graduated from high school, Eugene Gilbo began working at the Institute of History, Technology and Natural Sciences of the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union, studying the history of alchemy and psychoanalysis. It is noteworthy that he was one of the first to apply the methods of psychoanalysis in solving the problems of epistemology, putting forward the concept of epistemological pluralism. The idea of ​​Eugene Gilbo was based on the inextricable unity of the generic unique characteristics of the individual with the research method.

Dealing with issues from the history of alchemy, he put forward a concept according to which alchemy was not the forerunner of modern chemistry in world history. According to him, alchemy was an independent discipline that studied systemic and complex instruments by the nature of the impact.

Evgeni Vitalievich Gilbo came up with the concept of school reform, which was based on the introduction of the so-called emotional pedagogy, a comprehensive impact on the personality of the child. According to the hero of our article, it was supposed to be an alternative to the modern subject-lesson scheme.

In 1989, Evgeny Vitalievich Gilbo defended his thesis, which was devoted to modeling cognitive activity of the brain. He defended his dissertation at the Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology in the laboratory of Academician Shepovalnikov.

Coach eugene gilbo

Writer and public figure

In the biography of Eugene Gilbo, unexpected changes occurred in the late 80s, when he acted as the author of science fiction novels. In particular, the book The Adventures of the Space Ranger brought him fame. The work is also known to readers under the name "One Hundred Hours on the Planet Gondor."

The book of Eugene Vitalievich Gilbo is written in the genre of science fiction. The author himself admits that he created it in 1992 at the cottage in Kingisepp from idleness and boredom. The novel was completed in just one week, the work was popular, Gilbo even wanted to write a sequel, but there was no time for this.

The novel is stylized under the then popular American science fiction, which was a tribute to fashion and style.

Also at that time, the hero of our article was becoming popular as a publicist who writes materials to the media on a variety of topics.

In 1989, Gilbo was appointed vice president of the Leningrad Psychoanalytic Society. Over the next two years, he has been developing automatic control systems for various enterprises in St. Petersburg.

He manifests himself as a public and political figure. In particular, he participates in the organization of the Leningrad Popular Front, in 1991 he became the head of the northwestern council of the political movement "Democratic Russia".

Economic activity

In the same 1991, another important event took place in the biography of Yevgeny Vitalievich Gilbo. He becomes the head of the Center for the development of integrated economic programs called "Modernization". In particular, he leads the development of social and economic reforms, which were submitted to the President of the Russian Federation, Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin.

In his work, Gilbo sharply criticizes the proposals of Grigory Yavlinsky and Jeffrey Sachs to improve the domestic economy. Including predicted negative consequences from the implementation of measures proposed by Sachs.

In 1992, he published a journalistic work entitled "Professional claims to the government," in which he reasonably sets out the reasons for the need to remove Chubais and Gaidar from reforming the country and from forming reforms.

In 1993, a career take off in the biography of Eugene Gilbo. Vice President Alexander Rutskoi and Chairman of the Council of the Republic Veniamin Sokolov make him his adviser. In this position, he continues to prove the need for in-depth reforms, the transition to a post-industrial economy, and the synthesis of the existing financial system. At the same time, he insists on the need to abandon the course of Boris Yeltsin on the full program for the implementation of reforms by Jeffrey Sachs.

During the 1993 government crisis, Gilbo sided with the Supreme Council, condemning its dissolution. Since "Democratic Russia", from which Yeltsin previously nominated for the presidential election, supports the policy of the incumbent head of state, Gilbo leaves this movement in protest. Following him, relations with "Democratic Russia" are severed by the inter-district organization that he headed.

Career Eugene Gilbo

Political activity

After 1993, takes an active part in political activities. In 1994, Gilbo together with Sokolov established a movement called "Creation". They declare that his goal will be the unification of all constructive forces in the country. They submit to the State Duma an alternative draft federal budget for 1994, which they are developing together with the specialists of the Modernization Center. This project is accompanied by in-depth reform programs.

In 1995, the hero of our article leaves Moscow for St. Petersburg, but at the same time continues to oversee and actually lead the work of the Modernization Center. He writes journalistic materials, is engaged in fundamental and large-scale developments. In particular, Gilbo continues to submit alternative budget projects to the federal parliament until 1998. In 1998, he officially announced a growing crisis in the strategy of President Yeltsin and the Jeffrey Sachs program, while he focused his own center on the development of a comprehensive program to modernize the country to bring it out of the crisis.

In 1999, Gilbo took the chair of the vice president of the international internship in practical psychology in Berlin.

School of effective leaders

"School of Effective Leaders"

In 2000, Gilbo launched a distance education project, known as the "School of Effective Leaders." The course, which is taught remotely, is dedicated to the formation of the Russian-speaking sector in the global post-industrial elite. Its goal is to organize the access of Russian-speaking youth to elite knowledge in the field of self-control, business, management and macroeconomics.

The training program includes several courses: Elements of Psychology, Make Yourself, Post-Industrial Civilization, Success in Communication, Leadership in Small Groups, Organization Management, Power, Business, Business Cultures "," Financial management "," Collective unconscious "," Large groups and their manipulation "," Differential psychology. "

For example, the course "Make Yourself" by Evgeny Vitalievich Gilbo is designed for 200 hours. In its framework, students must master the skills that are necessary for personal growth and success.

The author of the course will introduce everyone to the tricks and features of the unconscious, the source of life problems, and ways to eliminate them. Gilbo helps to master the simple method of self-rationalization of the unconscious. The hero of our article introduces the Qué method of self-hypnosis, the method of introducing a positive attitude into one’s unconscious, without using the methods of an altered state of consciousness.

Listeners will be asked to pay close attention to their health, to correct it with the help of breathing exercises, this will be the first step on the road to a sense of self-confidence. Also on the course they talk about the benefits of smiling and beauty, the importance of search activity, why success is required to be charming and beautiful. For the participants of the seminars, special facial expression trainings have been prepared, which allow not only to own it, but also to use it as a tool for influencing others.

It is important to find out what the image is, what significance it has in life, as well as the essence of education for life success and personal growth. As part of this course, Gilbo will explain why most of our problems are within us, help us get rid of complexes, teach daily breathing exercises, and talk about the importance of intelligence education and development.

In 2001, the hero of our article takes up the creation of the World Russian University of Distance Education. Declares that its main goal will be to open direct access to high-quality education for Russian-speaking youth. At the same time, Gilbo is developing a program for the unification of the Leningrad Region with St. Petersburg into one constituent entity of the Russian Federation in order to make it more investment attractive.

In 2004, Yevgeny Vitalyevich, as president, headed the International Academy of Humanitarian Technologies, which is located in Washington, DC in the US District of Columbia. Over the next four years, he worked as an expert at the European Central Bank, advising on risks in Eastern Europe. At the same time, he allowed himself public criticisms regarding the monetary policy of the European Central Bank. As a result, he stopped working with him in 2008.

He currently resides in Germany in the city of Frankfurt. Almost nothing is known about Yevgeny Gilbo’s personal life, he prefers not to extend to this topic. Therefore, it is not possible to find out any details about the marital status of the hero of our article from open sources.

100 hours on the planet Gondor

Resident error (n)

In 2001, a well-known article by Eugene Gilbo "Resident's mistake" was written. In it, the author examines in detail the nature of the decisions taken by the President of the Russian Federation in the first months of his leadership of the country. At the same time, the hero of our article himself noted that he actually describes in detail the restrictions that arise in decision-making, which are characteristic of almost all members of the federal Security Council.

So this is a clear and detailed guide for everyone who wants to penetrate the logic of decision-making by the current Russian government. Moreover, as Gilbo emphasizes, practically nothing has changed in the decision-making methodology of the Russian government over the following years.

Gilbo in this article, which is important for understanding his work, emphasizes that politics and the work of special services are closely connected in Russia, everything is woven into a real ball. From here follows the logic and validity of certain decisions.

Photo by Eugene Gilbo

Future that has already come

The hero of our article is known as the author of a large number of works on a variety of topics, one way or another connected with politics, economics, and the further development of the world.

One of the most famous books of Eugene Gilbo is called "Post-Industrial Transition and World War. Lectures on the introduction of modern sociology and geopolitics." As the author of this work himself notes, the book is dedicated to the future, which has already come. The work was published in 2013.

It tells us in an accessible and understandable way about the structure of modern society, as well as about the transformation that is happening to it. Gilbo sets out his views on why the threat of global war is growing in the world, who can become a participant in it, what is the fate of corporations, people and states in this confrontation. The author tells which business is becoming the most profitable and profitable in these conditions.

After the appearance of this book, photos of Yevgeny Vitalyevich Gilbo appeared in many publications, because she interested everyone who is trying to understand the transformations taking place in society, master the relevant business technologies, effective political techniques, and achieve success in life. As Gilbo himself notes, his book is addressed to the counter-elite, those who tomorrow will decide the fate of modern society.

Biography of Eugene Gilbo

Chelyabinsk meteorite

Eugene Gilbo's popular sayings about the Chelyabinsk meteorite are known. He even dedicated a webinar to this incident, entitled "Post-Industrial Age Geopolitics."

On the example of a meteorite incident, Gilbo explained that there was a change from the era of world governance through PR to the era of governance through the so-called landmark events that begin to determine the behavior of PR specialists. After 2012, according to Gilbo, such incidents turn into an object of manipulation. Previously, PR managers themselves controlled and created reality, but now they only have to adapt to events.

The Chelyabinsk meteorite, according to the Gilbo hypothesis, was a test ball that demonstrated how the Russian PR-system will respond to what happened. After all, a celestial guest was very suspicious, the hero of our article emphasizes, when he twice made a maneuver of evading air defense systems, left a characteristic double reversible mark in the air, and also fell into a nuclear waste storage facility.

As a result, a kind of show was organized with the participation of experts on meteorites, as well as a system of anti-meteorite defense was created, the characteristics of its activities were worked out.


Eugene Gilbo remains an active user of LJ, although this site has recently lost its former significance and influence.

The hero of our article regularly maintains his blog, entitled "Leader in a Changing World." His acutely social posts are enviable in popularity.

For example, the latter are devoted to an active discussion in the blogosphere of Zolotov’s appeal to Navalny and the demonstrative challenge of an opponent to a duel. There is also a post discussing the results of the voting day, a response has been published to Ukrainian bloggers accusing Gilbo of looting and love of easy money.

On the pages of the blog you can even find poems, though not by Gilbo himself, but by the French poet Pierre-Jean de Beranger.


Reviews about Eugene Gilbo, his thoughts, projects and statements can be found the most controversial. Some praise his courses at the School of Effective Leaders, noting that excellent material has been selected with a large number of illustrative examples from life that help with the assimilation of information. At the same time, individual graduates of the School admit that after completing the training, their whole life has radically changed: their worldview, intentions and plans, their attitude to people around themselves and themselves, life attitudes and aspirations.

Others directly call Gilbo a fraud, noting that all of his trainings, courses and lectures are based on publicly available and well-known materials. At the same time, Gilbo takes a lot of money for teaching well-known things.

Therefore, everyone should pay attention and caution to such proposals, being aware of all the risks. You should adequately assess whether you need specific courses to improve your life.


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