DIY for the moonshine

A moonshine still with a tsar is required for every person who wants to get pure rectified spirit. Today there is a wide range of different devices, but not all lovers of moonshining can afford to buy this device and are limited to cheaper products. The best solution is to make the kingpieces with your own hands.

Moonshine still with a drawer

Drawer function

The drawbridge for a moonshine still is a tube of a certain length, made of stainless steel. The device is filled with prismatic nozzles in the form of a spiral. The main objective of the device is the separation of moonshine vapor into separate fractions with different density indices.

Made in accordance with all the rules of the tsar for a moonshine still with its own hands, the apparatus allows it to function no worse than the factory analogue.

DIY for the moonshine

Determining the length of the drawer

The length of a home-made distillation device should be clearly defined. It is this indicator that provides the multiplicity of product purification at the output. For example, a 15-centimeter device allows you to clean moonshine up to 20 times, and a 35-centimeter device - up to 50 times. As you can see, the longer the king, the more slowly the separation of fractions takes place. This provides a lower content of impurities and a higher strength of the drink.

Even with the standard indicator of the collet of 15-35 cm, you can get a great drink at the exit. But it requires mandatory purification by means of activated carbon, potassium permanganate or egg white. According to many experts, alcohol treated in this way is often much better than alcohol, which is purified in a 35-centimeter tsar.

However, it should be noted that coal and egg white cannot completely absorb impurities hazardous to the human body. That is why the use of the drawer provides a high quality process for the production of alcohol.

DIY device manufacturing

Forcing the moonshine still is a structural unit that allows for high-quality purification of moonshine from fusel oils and foreign impurities.

The main component in the distillation is the distillation process. With the heat exchange of vapors that occurs in the tsar, the quality of purification of moonshine is much higher. This allows you to get a completely pure product.

Tsarga for moonshine still

Design Features

The drawer for the moonshine still includes the following elements:

  • threaded knots for connection;
  • nozzle retainer;
  • stainless steel pipe;
  • heat insulation based on foam rubber;
  • chaotic nozzle with contact elements;
  • regular nozzle with contact elements.

As a rule, a rectification column includes several tsars. The moonshine still double distillation by tsars involves the complete filling of the latter with contact elements. This provides a heat exchange process between different fractions: liquid (draining condensate) and steam, which rises up.

Moonshine Double Distillation Tsars

How does reflux occur?

How does a moonshine still work with a tsar and a steamer (reflux condenser)? The production and purification of alcohol occurs through the influx of steam from the cube for distillation and condensate draining from the headband.

If steam reflux is not carried out, then heat exchange will become impossible, and rectification (separation of alcohol and steam) will not occur.

For reflux filling with steam containing alcohol, a reflux condenser is required. After it is a capacitor representing the hollow part. In it, the liquid is cooled to a certain temperature indicator. Parallel to the device should be air vents, the function of which is to draw unsettled alcohol from the steam, as well as excess gas.

The main difference between the distillation column and the drawbridge is that the reflux in the latter occurs very slowly. During this time, the heat exchange process is carried out.

Moonshine still with a tsar and a steamer

What materials will be required?

To make a tsar with your own hands, you will need the following materials:

  • A piece of pipe made of stainless steel, brass or copper, the length of which is 15, 35 or 45 cm (drawer base). Ordinary steel, cast iron and plastic are not suitable for this purpose. Steel is subject to rapid corrosion, cast iron is too heavy, and plastic emits toxic substances upon contact.
  • Threaded adapter for fixing the stopper. It is mounted on the lid of the cube for distillation by means of two clamping nuts on silicone gaskets. Rubber is not applicable. Only a heat-resistant version of the material is suitable. If the base of the cube cover is stainless steel, then the fitting can be welded.
  • A sieve with small openings to prevent spilling of the filling substance.
  • Stainless steel washcloths (30-40 pieces).

How is filler made?

Metal fillers are used as a material for the filler. You can also purchase small balls of glass or a ceramic filling. All these materials are inert and do not affect the final product.

The washcloth should be cut into two equal parts and carefully separated from the springs. They are twisted into small rings until 3-5 turns are obtained. Obtained springs must be sieved. No debris should enter the reflux condenser.

An ideal option for the filler is a corrugated fine-mesh mesh in a roll. When laying the material in the drawer, the direction of the stripes alternates from right to left and vice versa.

Sponge filler

Assembly of the drawer

How to assemble a moonshine with a vertical tsar?

The process involves the following steps:

  • An internal thread is cut on the king. If there is an internal thread on the fitting, then an external thread is cut on the king. The length of the thread should be at least 3 cm. It will hold the entire upper base of the apparatus. If the tsar acts as the basis of a rectification column, then there will be no lateral load. But if it is supposed to connect a side pipeline with a refrigerator, it is advised to make a solid foundation. The upper part of the drawer must also be provided with carvings. The steam outlet to the refrigerator is connected to it. The length of the lower part of the drawer can be 35-40 cm. If necessary, it can be lengthened. If there is a thread, you can use a coupling, an American, etc.
  • A 35-cm pipe and two adapters are taken, located below and above. The distiller is screwed to the upper adapter.
  • 35 cm are measured from the bottom of the pipe and a hole with a diameter of 6 mm is drilled. It will be a thermometer sleeve. A probe for a thermometer should be inserted here, which makes it possible to control the temperature. The sleeve with a thermometer is blocked by an elastic band from a dropper. This ensures a tight connection.
  • The pipe can be filled with prepared springs from a washcloth, balls of glass or clay filling. The filler is tightly compacted, but not pushed. Tapping the pipe on the table is enough.
  • A sieve is screwed onto the bottom, which is fixed by means of an adapter.

Moonshine with vertical collet


The manufacture of such a device as a drawer for moonshine still is not a complicated process. A person with the skills to use a grinder and a drill is able to make the simplest version of such a device. Undoubtedly, a better product will turn out if the master has the skill to work on a lathe and welding technique. Moreover, manual threading on stainless steel is a complex and time-consuming process.


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