Providing first aid training for injured workers

The employer must take care of protecting and protecting the health of employees in the workplace. It is the supervisor’s responsibility to provide first aid training for injured people at work, and such fees should be held once a year or more often.

The need for such training is regulated by federal law and requires special courses for all employees of manufacturing enterprises. Upon completion of the course, all employees receive special state-issued certificates of successful completion.

Who should be trained?

First-aid training for victims of the law must be passed to all people who only receive or already have secondary specialized or higher education, and their intentions include subsequent official employment. Also, the obligation to obtain certificates falls on the shoulders of those who have been allowed to work on any type of work. From the moment you are hired, you need to come to training within a period of one working month.

Training is mandatory for passing on at all production facilities and hazardous industries, which require special skills from their employees. Many industry labor protection rules imply the need to train all enterprise personnel in assisting skills in rapidly developing emergency situations.

Resuscitation in courses

Examples of industries where staff training is required

At different times, certain types of industry enterprises were added to the law on compulsory first aid training for victims, whose employees were required to obtain certificates for admission to certain types of work. Among these industries, the following can be distinguished:

  • Confectionery production. All employees working inside tanks.
  • Construction, repair and maintenance of roads. Workers quarries located near the tracks. Workers on the preparation of asphalt mixtures.
  • Sphere of repair and communications. Workers in paint shops and employees of linear structures.
  • Logging and timber production. Personnel contacting pesticides.
  • The coal industry. Workers involved in the direct development of coal deposits (open pit mining).
Welder's work injury

Types of training courses

The organization that provides first aid training for victims offers a range of different types of activities and activities aimed at continuing education on the issue under study. Experts will conduct lectures and discussions, demonstrate training and real-life video materials, and issue guidelines. The basis of the practical exercises will be role-playing scenarios, playing out the most common emergency and emergency situations. Special simulators will help to hone skills in emergency situations at work.

The program includes a first aid training course for victims of industrial injuries from various environmental factors and other types of injuries, including:

  • Burns from chemical, thermal, or electrical effects.
  • Frostbite, poisoning and electric shock.
  • Fractures, dislocations and other injuries.
Girl learns to provide first aid

What knowledge will employees receive after training?

All employees who have received a certificate of successful training in providing first aid to victims will have all the necessary basic skills and knowledge of the basics of preventing occupational injuries. In addition, in specific industries, workers will learn highly specialized information about helping those affected by certain factors.

Among the main knowledge acquired by employees, the following can be identified:

  • Knowledge of fixed assets in the first-aid kit and understanding of their purpose.
  • Standard algorithm for assisting in basic situations.
  • Information about the types of injuries, injuries and the conditions they cause that may endanger the life of the victim.
  • Technique for applying tourniquets, dressings and tires. General knowledge of their types.
  • Understanding the mechanisms of resuscitation of the heart and lungs, as well as understanding the principles of its action.
  • Detection of signs of loss of consciousness and (or) breathing. Receptions for assisting the unconscious.
  • Signs and characteristics of traumatic shock and blood loss.
  • The ability to recognize injuries to the head, nose, eyes, spine, pelvis, chest, abdomen and limbs. Knowledge of the necessary actions in this situation.
  • Understanding of thermal burns, the causes of their occurrence and methods of assisting in the detection of such injuries.
  • The knowledge necessary to assist with chemical burns and poisoning with various poisons.
First aid kit

What skills will employees learn after training?

A set of theoretical knowledge of workers will be closely interfaced with the practical skills acquired by them in the course of training in providing first aid to victims of work. The list of practical skills includes:

  • Determination of harmful and hazardous to the health of employees production factors.
  • The ability to determine the degree of danger and provide a sufficient amount of first aid for various types of injuries and injuries.
  • The ability to competently and quickly analyze the situation, calculate the sequence of stages of assistance and immediately call emergency services.
  • The skill of finding a traumatic factor and its timely elimination.
  • Assessment of the life condition of an injured employee.
  • Organization of transportation of the victim to a medical facility or ambulance.
  • The ability to help yourself and others in an emergency.
  • Skill of resuscitation of the heart and lungs to the victim after drowning or electric shock. Carrying out the procedure alone or with one assistant.
  • The ability to remove a foreign body from the respiratory tract, to help with loss of consciousness and breathing.
  • Treatment of wounds, application of aseptic dressings, localization of bleeding and their stop.
The provision of first aid at work

How and by whom is training provided?

The choice of a specialized training center and the frequency of first aid training for injured in production depends entirely on the head of the company. Due to financial or other economic leverage, the employer may decide to conduct training within the organization itself. The determining factors in this case are the workload of the staff, the availability of material resources for training and the possibility of separation of employees from the production process.

It is logical that it is easier for small enterprises to organize the delivery of workers to training in a specialized center with which a contract was previously concluded than to create a whole training department within the company. Larger enterprises can afford to hire instructors and prepare the material base for them. Preference when choosing instructors is usually given to professional rescuers.

Emergency at work

Where is the best place to go?

Quality courses are available in all centers that offer training under the International Red Cross program, which was approved by the Russian Ministry of Emergencies and the Ministry of Health. Such training programs for first aid for injured in the workplace are best able to prepare a person for action in emergency situations with the expectation that he will not be confused and will apply all his knowledge and skills without delay.

First aid at a construction site

What gives training?

Completed courses give all employees the right to provide assistance until the arrival of specialists. Federal law indicates that unskilled employees without first aid training for victims cannot take any action and must wait for an ambulance.

Successful completion of the course gives the employee an international certificate, the validity period of which is usually three years from the date of delivery. Such an employee can provide first aid in all countries with applicable international Red Cross standards.


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