Mortgage on 2 documents at Sberbank: terms of provision, necessary documents and interest rates

Everyone wants to own their own living space. But not everyone, unfortunately, has the opportunity to immediately buy it. Fortunately, in our time, almost everyone can get a home loan from a bank.

Now we will talk about the option, which is one of the most popular. And this is a mortgage for 2 documents at Sberbank.

Borrower Requirements

Any citizen of the Russian Federation, whose age is 21 years old, can apply for this loan. Also, his total length of service should be at least 12 months over the past 5 years, and at the time of applying to the bank - six months continuously.

The mortgage terms in Sberbank for 2 documents are really loyal, and here are the papers the client should provide:

  • Application form, which is filled in the department.
  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, in which there is a registration mark.
  • The second document that can verify your identity. These include: a driver’s license, a passport, a certificate of a military serviceman or an employee of federal agencies, a military ID, insurance.
mortgage on 2 m documents Sberbank

You will also need a document on the provided collateral, if the client has one. If the application is approved, the presentation of the following securities may be required:

  • Confirmation of the down payment.
  • A package of documents on credited housing.

It is necessary to clarify that although it is a question of a mortgage in Sberbank under 2 documents, an organization may request the presentation of other securities at its own discretion. But this is in contentious cases.


Of course, Sberbank simply will not approve a mortgage for 2 documents. Potential borrowers are subject to stringent conditions. Namely:

  • The minimum down payment is 50%.
  • A loan can be taken in the amount of 300 000 rubles.
  • The maximum amount is 15 million for people buying real estate in St. Petersburg and Moscow, and 8 million for residents of the regions.
  • A housing loan can be issued for a period of 12 to 360 months.

These conditions apply to only two products. Sberbank provides a mortgage for 2 documents to customers who are buying housing under construction or ready-made (“Single rate”).


This is the most important nuance that cannot be ignored by attention. I must say that the most favorable interest rates are offered to people who are Sberbank's payroll clients. Mortgage on 2 documents for other citizens is offered on other conditions - they are added to the annual 0.5%.

mortgage for 2 documents sberbank reviews

The minimum rate is 10.1% for the purchase of finished housing and 10.4% for the purchase of a building under construction. Extra charges may also be applied:

  • Without online registration - 0.1% e
  • Without concluding an agreement on health and life insurance - 1%.

It should be noted that most often the rate is determined individually. The real value, as a rule, is 11-13% per annum. This is a fee for simplified conditions and the absence of the ability or desire to present documents proving income.

How to calculate loan parameters?

Thanks to the existence of an online calculator, anyone can find out their individual mortgage conditions on their own.

Suppose the conditions are as follows:

  • The apartment costs 10,000,000 p.
  • The down payment is 5,000,000 p.
  • The rate is 12% per annum.
  • A loan is issued for 10 years.

The monthly mandatory payment in this case will be approximately 71,736 rubles. Each year it will be necessary to pay a total of 860 832 p. Over 10 years, the total payment, including interest, will amount to 8 608 320 r. It turns out that 3,608,320 rubles will be overpaid.

Sberbank mortgage for 2 documents conditions

According to the terms of the bank, in this situation, the monthly income of the client should be approximately 90,000 p. But, if you try this salary on the above conditions, it turns out that for 10 years a person will give 79% of his income to the bank.

And everyone knows that debt should go no more than 20%. Otherwise, it is financial slavery. However, everyone himself has the right to decide whether it is beneficial to him or not. For some people, a mortgage in Sberbank according to two documents with an interest rate of 11-13% is really the only way to buy their own housing.

How to apply?

You can just come to the bank branch, but nowadays people are increasingly using the online service. After reviewing the terms of the mortgage in Sberbank for two documents, a person has the opportunity to immediately apply, remotely.

This not only saves time. According to statistics, 8 out of 10 applications are approved. And the result, by the way, comes quickly. The application review takes several hours. In rare cases, it drags on for 1-2 business days.

Then, of course, you will need to come to the bank. Personal presence is necessary for the execution of all necessary documents. But it will no longer be necessary to worry, thinking about whether the person will approve the application or not.

How to fill out a form?

You can answer this question in one word - carefully. The questionnaire has six pages, so if you want to get a mortgage in Sberbank for two documents, you need to fill it out in advance. This process will take enough time.

mortgage on two documents sberbank

In addition to standard information (full name, date and place of birth, contact details, etc.), you will need to indicate the following information:

  • Education.
  • Family status.
  • Permanent or temporary registration address.
  • Address of the actual residence.
  • Information about relatives.
  • Information about the main work.
  • Name of organization, its TIN, approximate number of employees, position held.
  • Current and total length of service, number of jobs over the past three years.
  • Monthly income and expenses.
  • Information about the housing product.

Also in the questionnaire there is a block for co-borrowers. If a person decided to attract them, then there they will have to provide information about themselves.

About the pros

Now you should pay attention to the reviews. Mortgage on 2 documents from Sberbank is a popular service.

mortgage on two documents sberbank interest rate

And here are the advantages of this service people who use it note:

  • Indeed, only two supporting documents are needed. In this regard, there are no pitfalls.
  • A manager helps fill out a questionnaire. If the client comes to the bank, then he will not need to write anything on the form. The manager himself will fill everything with his words.
  • An application is considered quickly, even if a person has submitted it at the end of the working week, he will not need to wait several days.
  • Information about whether the application is approved or not is sent to the client in an SMS message. The amount that may be issued to him as a loan is also indicated there.
  • The entire list of documents required for presentation when buying a property is also provided by the bank. You don’t need to learn anything on your own. And realtors are usually involved in the collection of documents.
  • When signing the contract, the manager honestly informs about the possible costs of the transaction.
  • Information about approximate payments and a schedule are issued immediately.
  • After the transaction, all cash is immediately transferred to the seller of real estate.
  • If a person pays monthly more than necessary, no commission is ultimately charged for this. On the contrary, if he asks for a recount of the schedule, the interest will decrease.

In general, the majority of customers who applied for a mortgage at Sberbank under two documents leave positive reviews. However, some recall that in this case, not everyone can get lucky with the approval of the application. Many call it a kind of Russian roulette.

About cons

Perhaps the main drawback of this mortgage product is that for its design you need to have a solid start-up capital. Therefore, it is suitable only for people who have accumulations. Or those who have maternity capital that can be redirected to a mortgage.

two-mortgage mortgage sberbank reviews

But there are also really negative reviews. Some call the mortgage from this organization "hassle for life." There are people who have faced uneven distribution of credited funds and violation of the loan agreement.

Due to the many nuances that few are safe from, many people recommend refraining from mortgages. But again, for many, this is the only way to get their own housing. Therefore, in order to avoid various troubles, you need to familiarize yourself with the proposed conditions in detail, as well as carefully study the contract.

How to repay payments?

This is worth talking about in the end. The following options for mandatory repayment of payments are offered:

  • A person can issue a standing order in the accounting department of the enterprise where he works. And every month on a certain date, part of the salary will be deducted to repay the loan.
  • You can issue a similar order for your personal card.
  • It also offers the option of completing an additional agreement to the contract of their contribution. You can make sure that funds will be debited from his account.
  • The simplest thing is to deposit cash directly to the bank cash desk.
Sberbank mortgage on two documents conditions

The account can be replenished from your other cards, through the terminal and ATM, by wire transfer, as well as using a mobile or Internet bank.

You can pay off your mortgage early too. You do not need to inform the bank about this beforehand. Interest is paid for the actual period during which the person used the borrowed funds. No commission is charged.

The main rule: you need to make payments in advance. Suppose a monthly installment is due on the 25th. Better to deposit funds on the 20th. Sometimes computer crashes happen, and adjusting for the duration of the transfer will not hurt. Such prudence will protect against delays.


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