NPF Lukoil-Garant: feedback on the work of the fund

Non-state pension funds in modern Russia began to be in great demand. But it’s not so easy to choose a conscientious organization with which you could entrust your future pension. Today, NPF Lukoil-Garant will be presented to our attention. Feedback on it is important to everyone. Any opinion will seem very useful and informative to someone. What do customers think about this organization? Can you believe her? Or is it better to keep retirement savings elsewhere? This will have to figure out in advance. After all, retirement is not a joke. And issues related to it should be decided in advance.

NPF Lukoil Garant review


The first thing you should pay attention to is what this company does. Maybe you are too young and therefore do not need such services? Or maybe, on the contrary, it is worth taking care of your future well-being in advance.

Lukoil-Garant is a private pension fund. It serves to preserve and accumulate your future pension. Of course, with a slight increase. That is, this company collects funds "for old age" for citizens with the subsequent payment thereof. Nothing suspicious, quite normal activity. For all this, NPF Lukoil-Garant receives positive feedback from employees and customers. No need to figure out what other services the organization provides. Just remember that in this place you can store and increase your pensions for the future.


For any corporation, its prevalence in the country is important. In this sense, NPF Lukoil-Garant ( everyone can leave a review about it for free) has a pretty good reputation. This is a relatively old organization that has branches throughout Russia.

That is, before us is clearly not a hoax. If you want to become a contributor to Lukoil-Garant, there will be no problems. Just look for a branch in your city (it will certainly be found) and contact it at any time convenient for you. No problem, right? The organization is distributed throughout the country. Perhaps, at the moment, there is not a single city in which at least one Lukoil-Garant office is not located. And it pleases. Customer confidence from this prevalence of the organization is only growing.


The so-called customer confidence rating plays a huge role. Anyway, the organization is on the list of all possible non-state pension funds. In this area, the NFP Lukoil-Garant receives only good reviews from customers. And the rating of this company is also high. In any case, many say so.

NPF Lukoil Garant Employee Reviews

At the moment, Lukoil is one of the five best funds for pension savings. That is, you can definitely trust him. The trust level is A ++. This is the highest measure. It turns out that we have a really reliable organization. You can not be afraid that it will be suddenly closed or will not be able to fulfill its obligations. But is it really so? Often, statistics do not fully reflect the whole truth about certain corporations.


What else do visitors pay attention to? Of course, the so-called return on membership. I want to invest where there is profitability. NPF Lukoil-Garant profitability rating and reviews in this area are not the worst. But not the best.

Currently, the organization’s income per year is about 6-6.5%. The remaining amount is "eaten up" by inflation. In principle, this is not so much. But competitors so far can not offer greater returns. The maximum is 4-5%. And Lukoil-Garant has a big profitability. Not much, but still there are differences. And they delight many customers.

So the NPF “Lukoil-Garant” notes the national rating at a decent level. So far, there is every reason to believe that we have before us a bona fide company that will help preserve and increase your retirement savings. But is it really so? Are such statements simply advertising to attract new customers?

NPF Lukoil Garant license revocation

Become a member

It is difficult to answer this question. After all, not everything is so good with this company. And there are reasons for that. To some, they will seem insignificant, but to most citizens, nevertheless, these moments seem suspicious.

What is it about? NPF "Lukoil-Garant" (feedback on this organization can be found both positive and negative) is active, even too involved in attracting new investors. This phenomenon repels some people - why should an already successful, proven corporation actively search for new customers? They themselves must contact them.

But greater indignation appears when a citizen decides to check where is the funded part of his pension. It often turns out that you are already a client of Lukoil-Garant. But with all this, there was no appeal to the company on your part, no one concluded a contract for the provision of services. Surprise, alarming and outraging customers.

Why is this so? This is due to the fact that Lukoil-Garant enters into agreements on preserving the funded part of the pension with various employers. In turn, they force all employees to use only this pension fund. In such operations, consent is not required, the employer acts as a guarantor and gives the nod to the conclusion of contracts.

NPF Lukoil Guarantor reviews rating

But if you personally contact the organization, then there are no complaints. You will quickly draw up an agreement indicating all the nuances in several copies, quickly open an account, then begin to save your pension contributions. The agreement will be set forth in an understandable and simple language. Although some are embarrassed that very little information in the contract indicates a refund if necessary.

To another fund

No matter how sad this may sound, the Lukoil-Garant Non-State Pension Fund (reviews, ratings and the level of trust in this organization are presented to our attention) is not the most honest organization. In any case, this opinion is shared by customers who decide to leave the fund and switch to another. Upon signing the contract you will be informed that there will be no problems. Want to change your pension fund? Just write the application in the established form and present it to the office of Lukoil-Garant in your city. Do not forget to register the account details to which your funded part of the pension will be transferred.

npf lukoil guarantor national rating

But it all just sounds so good and beautiful. In practice, customer applications are constantly rejected for one reason or another. Promises are often made up. Everything to keep customers. There is no limit to indignation. In fact, by contacting Lukoil-Garant, you will be attached to this organization. Transferring to another pension fund will require perseverance, even importunity in asserting your rights. Several times you will have to write a statement and eliminate all the “errors” that the company will indicate. It just won’t work out.

Please note that you will suffer huge losses after you leave Lukoil-Garant. The company will not give you any profit for the year in which the transfer of pension savings was made. This clause is prescribed in the contract, but, as a rule, it is not given any significance.


Another negative point is the payment of already relying pension savings. You can pick them up only when you become a pensioner. After either immediately the whole amount can be taken, or receive a certain percentage of all savings. The second scheme is most common.

NPF Lukoil Guarantor profitability rating and reviews

But only NPF Lukoil-Garant (a review of this positive organization has become more and more difficult to meet recently) has notoriety in this direction. Many customers claim that it will not be possible to receive funds in the corporation on time. Constantly some kind of malfunctions happen, malfunctions, as well as answers from the category of "no money, wait." That is, it is highly likely that you will not be able to dispose of your funded part of the pension. All this forces to refuse the services of the organization. Or at least be wary of her.


They say that in the near future NPF Lukoil-Garant will revoke the license. But these are only rumors. They appeared due to the fact that most participants do not receive their pension savings on time. This raises suspicions: the company simply went bankrupt. She has no money to pay. So, once she let down all the money received that the clients transferred, to her needs. Dishonest, illegal and irresponsible!

All this makes us refuse to conclude an agreement with Lukoil-Garant. It turns out that we are far from the most conscientious corporation. And if you contacted her, you need to think in advance about transferring the pension to another non-state (or even state) pension fund. It is such advice that many participants give.

Pass by

As you see, NPF Lukoil-Garant (customer reviews and its rating are now known to us) is far from the most conscientious company. It is stable, relatively reliable, but you will have to receive payments in it with some delays and delays. Moreover, it may turn out that your funded part of the pension is already stored in Lukoil, and you have no idea about it.

NPF Lukoil Guarantor Non-State Pension Fund

You can contact here. Indeed, in general, the situation is not much different from what is happening in other non-state pension funds. Lukoil-Garant is one of the leaders in Russia. Both in terms of profitability and the number of customers (no matter how they came to the organization). This pension fund will clearly not lose its license and will not be closed. So it can be considered quite stable. Weigh for yourself all the pros and cons of the organization, and then make the final decision about membership. NPF "Lukoil-Garant" is a non-state pension fund worthy of your attention to some extent.


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