Scenario for Russia Day: features of the holiday, preparation

Currently, a serious modernization of educational and upbringing activities is taking place in Russia. In connection with such innovations, measures are important that contribute to the formation of a sense of patriotism among the younger generation. The scenario of Russia Day is a serious step towards the implementation of an individual-personal approach in the education of the younger generation.

script for the day of Russia

history of the holiday

This is the day of an independent country that is able to cope with any adversity, to defeat even the most powerful enemy. A person in the Russian Federation is recognized as a person who has his rights. June 12 is the main holiday of Russia, which marked the emergence of the Russian Federation (new state). He received his official name on February 1, 2002. In the new Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it is considered Day of Russia.

At present, June 12 is a celebration of civil peace, freedom, consent of people on the basis of the constitutional rights of citizens of the Russian Federation.

holiday scripts Russia Day

Target audience selection

In order to correctly compose a script for the Day of Russia, it is necessary to take into account the composition of the audience for which it is intended. So the holiday is massive (folk). Participation in it can take people of various ages. What can be included in the scenario of the Day of Russia? It is advisable to pay attention to the history of the holiday in order to form citizenship in the younger generation.

Ideological and thematic analysis

The developed event should not only be entertaining, but also perform the following pedagogical tasks: education, development, training.

The scenario of Russia Day is thought out in such a way as to show children how important it is to remember the historical roots of their people, to be proud of the cultural heritage of their ancestors.

holiday fragment

The first version of the event

What are the features of the scenario dedicated to the Day of Russia? Before the event, the song โ€œWhere the Homeland Beginsโ€ sounds. To decorate the hall, three colors are used: blue, white, red, symbolizing the colors of the Russian flag.

The main task is to convey to all participants the significance of June 12, to form true patriotism in the younger generation. For elementary school students, a game in the form of an educational quest is offered. Their task is to use the map and tips to find all the main historical and cultural objects, try to cope with the task before the rivals. The winning team receives a prize - symbols of the Russian Federation (caps, flags, badges).

Peoples Day of Russia script

Decoration Features

The scenario of the Day of Russia can be developed not for one specific team, but for the entire educational institution, including parents of schoolchildren. It is necessary to pay close attention to the decorative and artistic design, in particular, the stage. You can divide it into several zones:

  • main;
  • youth;
  • body art;
  • children's playground;
  • fair.

For each of them, you can choose your own original scenario for Russia Day, satisfying the wishes of all participants.

On the main stage, the presenters will perform, awarding the best students and teachers of the educational organization. Strict tones are suitable for its decoration, the use of state symbols is an obligatory element.

It is on this site that the event itself begins with the opening address of the director of the educational organization. Awarding of the winners is also expected at the main venue.

my beloved Russia

Youth Zone

How to make a memorable and bright Day of Russia? The organizers think over the scenario of the event so that children and adolescents can demonstrate to others, in particular, parents and teachers, their hidden creative capabilities and abilities. An art studio is organized at the youth venue.

Here, young people compete in creating images of historical characters who have made a major contribution to the development of our country, armed with spray cans with colors and imagination. Among the criteria by which the jury, which includes teachers of history, evaluates the results of the activity, the quality of performance, realism, relevance to the subject.

Features of the children's area

How can I organize the Day of the Peoples of Russia for younger students? The scenario can be made so that students in grades 1-4 as part of the quest studied the cultural heritage of their small homeland. For example, high school students create a film that indicates "City of Miracles." They can be historical sites, the best people, cultural heritage. After a preview of the finished film by the participants of the quest, the teams begin to perform creative tasks directly related to the content of the film.

Questions are charmingly indicated in the script itself. Russia Day for children should be the main holiday. That is why it is so important to use all educational and developmental resources in order to contribute to the formation of a sense of civic responsibility among the younger generation.

holiday option June 12

Scenario plan

Let us dwell on one more important point - the musical accompaniment of the holiday. It is necessary for any theatrical performance, including holiday scenarios. Russia Day involves the use of folk melodies, the national anthem of the Russian Federation, and folklore material characteristic of a particular Russian region. The variety of musical genres will guarantee an organic complement to the holiday.

After the grand opening of the holiday, performances of choral and dance groups, separate venues begin to work. Within the framework of the body art studio, everyone has the opportunity to make a coat of arms of the Russian Federation on his cheek or on his hand.

Special attention should be paid to the site where the fair will unfold. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that all the crafts and goods offered on improvised shelves are made by the hands of students of a general educational organization and their parents.

Everyone has the opportunity to buy handmade earrings, caskets, bracelets, soft toys for a very reasonable price.

The holiday is held for three to four hours. Its logical conclusion will be a debriefing, rewarding, and also parting words of the leadership of the educational organization to the little patriots of Russia.

quest specifics

What to include in the thematic class hour

Currently, many teachers use various children's scripts in their work, the Day of Russia in which is regarded as a significant holiday of the country. Thinking through the plan of educational work, they necessarily leave room for civic-patriotic education of the younger generation.

Depending on the region, additional material of local history can be used. For example, teachers of the Arkhangelsk region, planning their work, as part of the Day of Russia, are trying to select material for classes with schoolchildren relating to the Solovetsky archipelago, the activities of Peter the Great, about the Solovetsky Jung school.

It is difficult to imagine the Arkhangelsk region without the Solovetsky Islands, the history of the Kiy Island, located in the White Sea. Northerners are proud of their folk traditions, trying to pass them from generation to generation. In particular, during the classroom, the teacher shows the children spinning wheels of different sizes. He notes that the tradition of the northern people included โ€œgiftingโ€ an infant (girl) with this instrument. The baby, growing up, sat down at her own spinning wheel next to her mother, adopted the spinning art. The teacher demonstrates the principle of the spinning wheel, invites children to try themselves as future keepers of the family hearth.

Involvement in active work is an excellent methodological technique that contributes to the awareness of the practical significance of folk traditions. Through immersion in reality, children understand how complicated the life of their ancestors was. They begin to respect their grandfathers and grandmothers, who had to deal with similar crafts.

As part of the classroom, the children will learn that in the North they married the girl with a dowry, which was made by her own hands. For example, thinking over the classroom hour together with the staff of the museum of local lore, you can clearly show the chest itself and demonstrate its contents to schoolchildren.

To summarize

Recently, in our country, much more attention has been paid to the formation of a sense of duty to the Motherland (patriotism) among the younger generation. School teachers should not be aloof from such work: teachers, class teachers, employees of centers of additional education.

June 12 is the day that modern Russian schoolchildren should know. Conducting class hours and school holidays dedicated to this date is an obligatory element of the civic-patriotic program implemented in each individual educational institution in our country. Particular attention should be paid to the state symbols of the country: coat of arms, anthem, flag. With proper planning of events, each child will have a great opportunity to demonstrate their love for the country, care for its prosperity.


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