Law of Attraction of Money: Secrets of Abundance

How do you want all your plans to come true every second, and success was accompanied constantly. Many people still do not believe in the possibility of the universe. And if she really reveals the secrets of abundance of wealth? In space energy, sources of prosperity and financial enrichment are safely hidden. Moreover, they are available to absolutely every one of us. What to do to make the law of attraction of money really work?

The nature of well-being

Only 5% of people on Earth know the laws of the universe. And in no case should they be violated.

Millions of people dream of becoming rich. But they resist changes in their own subconscious. Because choosing familiar negative beliefs is much easier. They are passed down from generation to generation.

You can easily find books that say how to live and think. However, few people are moving from reading to action. Accordingly, the latter carry out colossal internal work on themselves and pass into the class of “successful and rich”. Indeed, it is not easy to eradicate the obstacles to the arrival of benefits of quality. It is interesting to know what prevents you from getting rich? Here is what prevents us from changing the subconscious:

  • gossip bloom;
  • envy;
  • idle talk and slander;
  • self-pity and judgment of others;
  • revenge and resentment;
  • manifestation of greed and pettiness;
  • laziness;
  • desire for easy money.

There are many examples where the coveted money fell like snow on his head. Perhaps finance came in the form of a win or an unexpected inheritance. But literally a year later the lucky man again found himself at a trough. This phenomenon occurs quite often.

What united these “lucky ones" was one thing - a misunderstanding of how to live according to the laws of the universe.

Who are Esther and Jerry Hicks?

Unfortunately, few people know who Esther and Jerry Hicks are. It's a pity, because this is the most famous couple who wrote techniques and books on the fulfillment of desires. They came to this thanks to the law of Attraction.

money law of attraction hicks

The most observant and attentive readers at least once in their lives heard the name Esther Hicks. Although, to put it more accurately, they saw it.

Remember the famous movie "Secret"? Money and the law of attraction: Esther Hicks talks about how these concepts interact.

Esther and Jerry Hicks travel and conduct workshops on the Art of Reception. They come in about 50 cities every year. They have a converted bus, which shows a bright screaming inscription: "To live is to rejoice."

They felt their financial well-being only when they studied the principle of conscious intent and the law of attraction of money. The book they wrote is called The Amazing Power of Conscious Intent.

Their journey began with poverty. Jerry, after meeting Esther, built a successful business company with more than 100,000 employees. He says his success came about after reading Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich book.

6 truths of the teachings of Abraham

Esther and Jerry Hicks singled out the basic truths from the teachings of Abraham. If guided by them, then they will help to realize that life should be enjoyed only.

  1. You are a physical continuation of what is not physical. Consciousness, thinking create your real life. You are the personification of your thoughts.
  2. You are here because you have decided to be here. It is your own choice of what you have now.
  3. Freedom is the foundation of your life. The ultimate goal is joy. If you have taken the path of joy and positive, then you will live and grow in this joy. Of course, you can choose the path of sadness, pain and resentment. The choice is yours.
  4. You are the creator. You create your life with your every thought. According to this principle, the law of Attraction is built. You get what you pay attention to. Think about it: where is your attention focused?
  5. All that you represent - get. If you really want to get something, then the essence of your desire will certainly be activated. The Universe presents you with what you ask for it. Moreover, the request should be formulated in a positive manner. Only under this condition the desired will come to you faster.
  6. Relax in natural well-being. Everything is already good! Now, in real reality. And not the usual "will" ... in the future tense.
jerry hicks money and law of attraction


Esther and Jerry Hicks gained money and the law of attraction through channeling. This is their personal secret. A kind is a way of communicating with a consciousness that is not in the human face. This consciousness can express itself through a person - a channeler (“channel”).

Esther has become that very channel. Every day she meditated. And after 9 months of intense meditation, Abraham knocked on her mind.

money and the law of attraction esther hicks

It should be clarified what is Abraham. He is a great teacher of "all times and peoples", as many prominent philosophers called him.

Abraham says that the purpose of our life is to create and receive joy from it. We must not save anyone in this world. Our only duty is to become happy.

Esther and Jerry Hicks found answers to many exciting questions with daily 15-minute meditations. They released a book in two volumes entitled "The Law of Attraction of Money." Hicks throughout his life searched for the formula of wealth, and found it. The pages of the book offer practical tools (principles) with philosophical implications that will attract money, luck and health to life. Applying the law of attraction of money, you can see how your consciousness is transformed and the direction of thinking changes.

An equally interesting Hicks book is called The Amazing Power of Emotion. Follow your feelings. " The authors urge you to pay attention to your emotions and internal state when making decisions.

Canons of prosperity

You never thought that evil people with a "black" soul are often poor. In fact, they are mired in envy, gossip, idle talk, revenge. It is these negative qualities that prevent the penetration of the energy of money and well-being.

There are certain laws of the universe, the energy of attraction of money, which are canons. They need to be memorized by those who strive for an abundant life.

1. Everything in this world is fair.

Indeed, in our modern world everything is arranged according to the principle of justice. Even if, at times, it seems quite the opposite. Many will ask: “Why is a good person sick and poor, and moral violators bathe in wealth and suffer nothing?” Few people think that good people sincerely believe that modest living conditions are the norm and are right. They believe that wealth is from fraud and they are not worthy of the best conditions for life, remaining to live in my grandmother’s old collapsing apartment. But sooner or later you will have to pay for unseemly acts.

2. The will is sacred.

There are two rights given by the Higher Powers. This is free will and choice. Violations of these rights will sooner or later affect the violator or subsequent generations of his family. Such attacks include love spells, conspiracies, coercion to marry or choosing a profession, raising a child without taking into account his individual characteristics and desires. The bottom line is that you can’t forcefully impose anything against the will of a person, even if it seems that this will be good.

3. In love, salvation.

Even the Bible says that there is no hatred where there is love. It is impossible to attract into your life something good through the prism of hatred. Money easily comes to someone who sincerely loves them, who is not afraid to stand out from the crowd and who is not afraid to lose them.

4. Generosity is the door to prosperity.

Indeed, the door to well-being opens only to generous people. Avaricious greedy people block part of the profit, even if things are going well at first. This does not mean that money needs to quarrel left and right.

Financial well-being appears under such conditions:

  • if a person has no fear of his future, he is not afraid to lose customers;
  • if he does not save on the appearance and quality of food;
  • if he doesn’t refuse pleasant trifles: going to the theater, cinema, gallery.

The modern world is built on the principle of mirroring - a person receives what he gives. Having saved on yourself, it is unrealistic to get to a higher standard of living.

Use the principle of tithing in your life - donate a tenth of the income for good deeds every month.

5. The perpetual motion machine.

Activity is the main thing that should move a person. If one goal is achieved, set another.

Rest, of course, is needed. However, you should not rest on your laurels and wait for the money to fall from heaven.

Feel free to use ways to increase energy:

  • do sports with pleasure;
  • lead an active social life;
  • go to self-development courses;
  • communicate with like-minded people;
  • Read useful literature, not statuses on social networks.

6. Be honest - it’s profitable.

Going for the sake of profit is the fastest way to enrich yourself. Merchants cheat and make a deal with their conscience. However, the law of karma is relentless. Fear of paying off one’s debt (dishonest act) is transformed into failure, illness, loss.

The nature of money

Many modern people do not believe in the existence of subtle energies. And this is not surprising. No one taught us at school or university how to “communicate” with these substances. Namely, in the sphere of subtle energies, the key to the treasured abundance is hidden.

Money is also universal energy, which is visibly embodied in coins, jewelry, and banknotes.

laws of the universe the attraction of money

The energy of money is neutral. But as soon as we begin to use it with the help of our thoughts, then it acquires certain qualities. The energy of money can heal and enrich a person, and can blacken.

You need to know the law of attraction of money. The energy of money can be independently managed.

Three laws of attraction of money

Money is energy. It enables a person to manage, rejoice, gain authority and arouse trust and respect.

The laws of attraction of money in the universe work on the basis of energy. The more money energy, respectively, the wider the possibilities.

The first law of attraction of money: "The energy of plenty is obedient to attention"

These words were spoken by many Chinese and Hawaiian Masters. Attention in itself is important for energy. The degree of our energy depends on how careful and focused we are: it will be poor or rich. Attention is a kind of control over thinking and desire. To manage attention means to “educate” the psyche in the spirit of attracting finance.

three laws of attraction of money

Do not be shy to think and dream about money. All your attention should be focused on the energy of money. Think of prosperity with money and success without shame or embarrassment.

The second law of the energy of money: “Any message I send will come back to me”

The energy of money is like a magnet that draws attention in response. Simply put, to attract money to yourself, you need to become a magnet for them. To pay attention to their "attention". To do this, you need to do special exercises.

We’ll do an exercise right now called “I am a magnet for money”.

law of attraction of money book
  1. Decide on the attribute of wealth. It can be jewelry, an antique item, a banknote. Try to energetically connect with this item.
  2. Visualize that your biofield opens its doors to this luxury item and “invites” to its home.
  3. There should be a feeling that you and the subject are one whole. An invisible connection has been established between you that you feel.
  4. Imagine that the selected item is shrouded in a light haze of golden color.
  5. Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Imagine that you inhale this golden haze into the area between the eyebrows. It is in this place where the energy center of Ajna - the chakra is located.
  6. After a deep breath, take a short pause. Visualize the golden energy accumulated in the center of your chest.
  7. Continue to breathe in this rhythm for several minutes until you feel the flow of energy to Anahata. The inflow can act as heat, a pleasant chill, tingling sensation, the feeling of a full ball, a whirlwind or waves. Everyone has a different way.

The third law: “You must not be a debtor”

If you borrowed money, be sure to repay with energy of joy and gratitude. The person who regularly pays for utilities, repays debts, will certainly become richer. Because the energy of joy attracts the energy of money.

laws of the universe the energy of attraction of money

Try changing your mindset! Open your biofield of money energy. What if the “effect of self-fulfilling prophecy”, known in psychology, acts in relation to enrichment too. Try to solve your secret of abundance!


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