The youngest bodybuilder Giuliano Stroy: success story, training, biography

In the world of bodybuilding, there are a lot of athletes who have achieved almost impossible results. However, the boy Giuliano Stroy became a famous bodybuilder at the age of five. He even managed to get into the Guinness Book of Records. The young athlete walked 10 meters in his arms, while holding a rubber ball weighing 15 kg between his legs.

Athlete Biography

Giuliano Stroy with brother

Born Giuliano July 18, 2004 in Romania. The family lived in Italy for several years. However, due to financial difficulties, they were forced to return to their homeland. His father was an amateur amateur bodybuilder. Thanks to this, the boy from two years old began to play sports. Father went to the gym and took his son with him, introducing him to bodybuilding.

The family wanted to make Giuliano Stroy a unique child. They did it, since he had already managed to get into the Guinness Book of Records. The young athlete has a younger brother, Claudio, who was born in 2006. In the sports arena, he, like his relative, is not far behind. In three years, he managed to do 90 repetitions of push-ups.

World records

Giuliano Stroy

Thanks to perseverance and daily training, the boy managed to leave his mark on history. He got into the Guinness Book of Records already 2 times. In addition, Giuliano was constantly invited to television. Thanks to this, he became a real star. World records set by a young athlete:

  • In 2009, he walked 10 meters in his arms, holding the ball weighing 15 kilograms with his feet. He was only 5 years old when he got into the Guinness Book of Records.
  • In 2013, the boy again surprised the world. He achieved such results at the age of 9 years. It was a category of push-ups on the floor. He managed to do 20 repetitions in a row without touching the floor with his feet. Achievement parents recorded on camera.

A loving family rejoiced in the success of their son. Therefore, they led a YouTube channel. Father loaded on him training and son's tricks. Videos collected millions of views. In 2019, the channel has 450 thousand subscribers. Because of its popularity, many people blame their father for training. However, he claims that all this happens at the behest of his son.

Young bodybuilder training

At the age of 8, Giuliano Stroy had a height of 130 cm and a weight of 42 kilograms. Such indicators he was allowed to achieve strength and gymnastic exercises. The boy began to play sports at the age of two years. He liked athletics and boxing. Training always took place under the supervision of his father. Thanks to the experience of a relative, Giuliano Stroy was able to gain muscle mass and look great. The athlete's nutrition is no different from his peers. In his diet there are no proteins, creatines, steroids and so on. Parents believe that this can negatively affect the health of Giuliano.

Public condemnation

Giuliano Stroy on the TV show

In the world there is an opinion that the father exploits the boy, since Giuliano performs complex exercises and strains during training to obtain monetary benefits. It is also believed that the child takes steroids to increase muscle mass. However, the father denies all condemnations from the public. He claims that his son is moderately loading his body.

All training takes place exactly as much as Giuliano wishes. At the heart of its nutrition there are no additives. In addition, parents do not force the young athlete to take steroids. Since this can fatally affect the health of the son. Giuliano also constantly undergoes medical examinations. They show that the boy’s health is all right. In his free time from playing sports, the child behaves like other children. He watches cartoons, communicates with friends, draws and plays.

He also enjoys cycling. When he and his father have free time, they ride around their hometown. Parents claim that world records and physical fitness are more than hard work. The boy has a good heredity. In addition, his dad is a bodybuilder with extensive experience.

What happened to Giuliano Stroy?

what became of giuliano

On the Internet there are a lot of rumors about the fate of the boy. Since the videos and photos of Giuliano Stroy do not appear anywhere. Some users believe that he fell ill due to serious training. However, all conjectures are false.

There are several photos on the Web, on them he no longer has the musculature that was at a young age. Father commented on this. A relative deliberately reduced the load so that he grew up like all his peers. Father did not want to deprive Giuliano of childhood. On the boy’s channel, videos are now being released every other day. On them he is depicted as a simple child of his age. Mostly videos are dedicated to various martial arts, cardio and functional training.

The father said that his son was simply tired of constant training. Therefore, they were forced to reduce their number. Now Giuliano continues to play sports, but in a different direction. Users can watch its development on the official YouTube channel, where training videos, blogs and discussions of the young athlete and his father are published.


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