Avon Gel Effect Nail Polish. Reviews, palette and other brand new products

The Avon brand has a large number of fans around the world. Thanks to the long history of its development, the company can be called an expert in the field of beauty. She always stands guard over innovation and fashion trends. The development of new formulas for cosmetics allows the brand to often be the first to launch new products on the market, which are then often adopted by other companies.

good nail polish

Avon Nail Care

All of the above can be fully attributed to manicure. In each catalog you can find not only the newest, most fashionable and classic tones and types of coatings for nails, but also the methods of their application and ideas of manicure, which can be performed with their help.

As you know, the quality and fashionable nail polish price may seem to many quite high. But not when it comes to the Avon brand. Even the Avon Gel Effect nail polish , the reviews of which are only the most positive, is relatively low compared to such varnishes of other brands. All cosmetics are characterized by low price and excellent quality, which is why with varnishes of this brand you can always stay at the peak of fashion, no matter how quickly it changes.

Basic rulers and effects

All coatings for nails produced by this company can be divided into medical, decorative and additional.

It is known that even the best nail polish will not look good and stay for a long time on unhealthy and exfoliating nail plates. In order to eliminate this problem, the company issued several types of coatings, some of them prevent the stratification of the nail, others bleach it or accelerate growth, others take care of the cuticle and much more. All these varnishes we will conditionally call healing.

Avon Nail Polish

Among the additional coatings, there are two main types. The base for varnish (base coating) protects the nail plate from the negative effects of aggressive coloring pigments, which even have a good nail polish. The base is applied before applying the color coating. The final coating is already applied to the dried layer of decorative varnish. It makes the manicure more durable and resistant to mechanical stress, gives additional shine.


"Avon" decorative nail polishes have a wide palette of colors and a wide variety of effects. The Expert Color series includes a variety of color schemes for a classic varnish with a creamy texture. The palette of this series includes many colors and tones: from light and natural to rich and evening. Such varnishes stick to nails for a long time and dry quickly. Varnishes of the “Quick Result” series will be ideal when you are in a hurry, because they dry in just half a minute. The palette is also very wide and has colors from natural to saturated.

The Color Trend range of varnishes includes the most fashionable and creative varnish colors that are perfect for young girls and lovers of club life. The palette of these coatings is often updated in accordance with the latest fashion trends.

Decorative effects

The line “Magic of Magnet” allows you to create an unusual and unique pattern on your nails using the special magnet included in the kit. The coating is applied to the nail, then you need to hold the magnet over it for several seconds.

trendy nail polish colors

Metallized particles contained in the varnish move, creating an unusual pattern on the nail. Depending on the type of magnet, the pattern can be an asterisk, parallel stripes, etc. Varnish with craquelure effect is applied over the main color of the varnish and after drying it cracks, forming a contrasting mosaic on the surface of the main layer of varnish. Most recently, a new line of varnishes with a 3D effect saw the light. In order to create such an effect on the nails, in addition to varnish, you will need a decorative coating “Colored rain”. It represents small balls. Having applied the main color varnish in two layers, you, without waiting for the second layer to dry, will dip your fingernail into a jar of colored rain balls. Then evenly distribute the balls on the nail and dry thoroughly. In addition, the Gel Effect nail polish is a popular innovation. "Avon" reviews have characterized very well for many years, regardless of what kind of effect of varnish in question.

Gel polishes from Avon: characteristics

More recently, the world saw the new line of the Avon brand, which includes gel polishes. Of course, these varnishes have nothing to do with those that are used in salons when building, but the nails covered with them look like after a salon manicure.

Nail polish "Gel effect Avon" reviews characterize only positively. You can apply it yourself, like an ordinary coating. It dries quickly enough without the use of ultraviolet lamps. The varnish gives a dense coating, even when applied in one layer, for fans of a completely opaque tone, it is recommended to apply the varnish in two layers.

nail polish gel effect avon reviews

It is highly resistant, keeps on nails for a week, while not changing color and not chipping. In addition, it is resistant to mechanical damage, that is, the coating remains completely glossy even seven days after application. Varnish does not require any specialized means for removal. It can be washed off by applying ordinary nail polish remover.

nail polish Price

Gel polishes: application features

The coating lays down as tightly and evenly as possible even when applied independently and is resistant to damage, due to which it is characterized by high strength and stays on the nails for a long time. We owe all the wonderful properties to the innovative formula that manufacturers applied when they developed the Avon Gel Effect nail polish. Reviews confirm that using it, you can get all the benefits of salon nail extensions. The series includes all the most fashionable colors of nail polishes. In total there are 16 basic shades, from pastel to bright and rich club ones.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/A9737/

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