How to calculate karmic debt by date of birth?

The desire not only to know your fate, but also to correct it if necessary, is present in any person. And even if it existed several decades ago, but out of fear of being ridiculed or hearing the censure of others carefully hidden by people, now many are turning to knowledgeable grandmothers or astrologers for this kind of help. Their services are becoming more and more in demand every day.

Is it realistic to adjust your fate yourself?

It is not at all necessary to look for “experts” for such purposes, most of which are ordinary people, who can do little, but offer help in this delicate matter for the sake of profit, and also because of the desire to make easy money from people's problems and misfortunes.

karmic debt by date of birth

It will not be difficult at all to independently obtain all the information that interests you, you just need to pay attention to such a science as numerology and learn how to make the right calculations. Thanks to her, you can find out what the number of karmic debt means. Calculate it, too, will not be a problem.

Numerology - what kind of science?

This long recognized by all esoteric science can give a lot of information about a particular person. It is enough to make the necessary calculations by date of birth, and you can easily get literally about any individual such information as abilities and talents programmed in him by nature, present in the character of strengths and weaknesses.

Yes, and such a thing as karmic debt, according to the date of birth is very simple to calculate. And this, according to a very large number of knowledgeable people, will help to fix all the shortcomings that a person has suffered from birth. But it should be understood that in this case we are not talking about physical inferiority, which a person receives as a punishment for the sins of past lives, but about moral deviations that cause big problems not only to a certain person, but to the majority of people around them.

what does karmic duty mean

Not for nothing that any person is born in a certain number, often completely not coinciding with the forecasts of doctors. This happens because of the plans from above, designed to give a person the opportunity to experience all the consequences of their negative actions, thoughts and feelings of the past incarnation. Having felt all this on yourself, you can not only repent, but also correct them by opening the way for new incarnations that will not be burdened by anything.

Karma and its role in human life

So what is karma and how to know your karmic duty? This question is interesting to many, therefore, it is worthwhile to find out before you begin any calculations. The very concept of “karma” means the sins of past incarnations, which fate is destined to correct at the current birth.

Any person is believed to live several lives, each of which is given to him in order to correct the deficiencies of the person and bring his soul to perfection. But on the path of life sinful temptations always await, the avoidance of which is often impossible. The fact that you have committed something reprehensible in the past will be indicated by the number of karmic debt.

Why and how to pay for such debts?

Succumbing to any momentary desire that can cause even slight harm to another person, the person burdens his karma. In the event that she cannot correct her mistake in the current incarnation, her destiny will be destined to be punished for this in her next life in order to cleanse her soul. In order to know this, karmic debt should be calculated.

karmic debt by date of birth

That is, if in this life you have not denied any means, even dishonorable, for your enrichment, in the next incarnation you will be given poverty, which is designed to free you from sin, called greed. And you will bear this karmic (coming from the previous incarnation) punishment until you realize it. This is the answer to the questions about what karmic debt means and how to fix it.

Arithmetic of fate, or Karmic numerology - the accessible secret of numbers

To the mathematics that we studied since childhood, this process has absolutely nothing to do. Here we are talking about the fact that if a person has karmic debt, by the date of birth, calculate the reason for its occurrence, and also determine the path of correction under the power of anyone. And from that exact science , only the ability to add prime numbers is required here .

Thanks to such simple arithmetic operations, anyone has a great opportunity not only to figure out how to determine karmic debt, or rather, the type that accompanies a person during the current incarnation, but also, knowing how he developed this debt obligation to the universe, make every effort to its eradication. And also not to create similar situations in the current incarnation, so that the subsequent ones do not drag the tail from unearned debts.

What types of karmic debts are there and how do they arise?

All debts acquired by a person to the universe can be divided into 3 main types:

  1. Own, which a person managed to accumulate already in this life.
  2. Own, but earned in past incarnations.
  3. He inherited, that is, a generic "gift".

How and in what cases can karmic debts arise? This happens when a person consciously or unconsciously violates the life principles of Being, the values ​​of holy monuments and prayers, as well as the memory of parents and children.

how to determine karmic debt

So it turns out that karmic debts are not so difficult to calculate and understand. And thanks to this, there is a chance to make the necessary adjustments to your destiny, as well as to build life in such a way that in your next incarnations this problem does not affect you, and there is an opportunity to start a new existence from scratch.

Numbers indicating karmic debt to the universe

The debts that appeared due to the mistakes of past lives are indicated by 4 numbers - these are 13, 14, 16, 19. But they are not a sentence for a person, but, most likely, a pointer to what should be done to correct the mistakes of the past and prevent them from recurring.

In order to more accurately understand this, one should consider the values ​​of these numbers. Then you will not only answer the question “How to work out karmic debt?”, But also gain the opportunity to solve painlessly many of the problems that accompany the current existence. In addition, the correction of past mistakes will help not to do the same in this incarnation.

How are numerological calculations made?

Karmic debt by date of birth is very easy to calculate. All that is needed is to write out a digital code of your date of birth on a piece of paper. For example, for a person born March 4, nineteen seventy-two, he would look like this: 431972. Have you written it out? Now we add all the numbers together and record the resulting number. In our example, it turned out 26.

We do not reduce anything else, but we look to see if the resulting number fell under the karmic. As we already know, there are 4–13, 14, 16, and 19 in this section of numerology. And in the case when one of these numbers happened during the calculations or is the date of birth, we can talk about the debt to karma, which should be fixed .

karmic debts calculate

In the described example, a person has no unworked sins of the past. But this does not mean that he, with an unburdened past fate, will be able to live and the current incarnation is sinless, insuring himself against the appearance of a number of karmic debt in his next life.

Thirteen - laziness is punishable

Having found out what karmic numerology is, one can more carefully consider the meaning of each number from this warning list. They are necessary for anyone who decided to adjust their fate with the help of numerology. The meaning of karmic debt numbers must be known in order to correctly correct one's fate.

The first number is 13. Anyone who has it in their numerical code should pay for the selfishness and futility of the previous incarnation, when he preferred to transfer all the hardest work to the shoulders of others. In his present existence, he will encounter multiple obstacles in those situations that go smoothly for everyone else.

Such a punishment should help a person learn to concentrate and be able to bring his chosen case to the end, not only accepting help from others, but also not transferring the blame for what happened to someone in case of an error.

Burrowing talents into the earth is also a sin

Another debt obligation to the universe bears the person number 14. The karmic debt by the date of birth, which it gives, is that once, in his past incarnations, a person instead of using the talents given to him from birth to benefit himself and to others, preferred a vacation with a departure from reality.

Now it's time to pay your debts. In order to eradicate the negative impact of this number, it is necessary to exclude such ways of avoiding the surrounding reality as alcohol and drugs, all kinds of excesses in both food and feelings.

In this embodiment, a person is required to become restrained and not to put it off until tomorrow, but to abstain today. It is worth moderation to restore order in your life and maintain clarity of mind.

Low passions in the past - problems in the present

The number 16 also means a lot. Karmic debt to its owner by date of birth is given for indulging in sensual pleasures and abuse of love in past lives. The negativity of this number also occurs due to the fact that in past incarnations he found himself, and quite often, involved in adventures unacceptable to society, and this brought suffering to other people.

In this same life, a person with a karmic debt of 16 very often has to find himself in situations where full focus on his beloved, on his personal interests is required, as a result of which he very much loses in relations with people around him.

The keys to success with this number include humility and modesty. A person should avoid all manifestations of his own egoism, learn to put the interests of those close to him above his own.

Loneliness among people - what is the punishment for?

The number 19 is also not sugar. People who have it in their numerical code are given karmic debt by date of birth for abusing their strength and power in past incarnations. Therefore, they have to lead a lonely existence in their current lives because of past sins, when there is nobody to rely on and rely on.

numerology karmic duty

In order for the negative of this number to completely disappear, a person needs to learn to take care of others. The life lesson of number 19 is the provision of selfless help to people in those cases when it is really required.

Wheel of Fortune, or Good Karma

But in such a fascinating and useful esoteric science as numerology, karmic duty is not only punishment. There is also a number in it that is responsible for the good kind of karma. A person born with him has already paid all his debts and can begin to build his fate from scratch.

This opportunity is given by the number 10, otherwise called the Wheel of Fortune. You can decipher the numbers that make up its structure as follows: a unit is the beginning of everything new, and zero in numerology not only carries energy, but also says something promising that awaits in a new cycle.

The lucky ones who have the number 10 in their numerical birth code may not think about how to determine karmic debts, but will direct all their efforts to prevent their occurrence in the future.

And those who are not the happy owners of the number 10 in their numerical code should make every effort and, using the information obtained when calculating debt obligations to the universe by the date of their birth, to recover from the karmic disease given to them over.

karmic debt numbers

To do this, you need very little. Just realize, understand and accept everything that the figures explain to him. Only in this case you will not have to bear your duty in subsequent lives.


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