DIY cold smoked smokehouse: device, options, photo

If you like smoked meats - fish or meat, and you are not used to buying such products in the store, then you can do the smokehouse yourself. As a result, you will be able to gather in a large company of relatives and friends in the country to enjoy your own cooking.

Cold smoked smokehouse is perfect for this . With your own hands it can be made from improvised materials. Such a plant is more difficult to manufacture than one intended for smoking at high temperatures, but some people prefer products of this particular preparation.

Barrel use

do-it-yourself cold smoked smokehouse

In order to make a smokehouse from a barrel, you must take:

  • metal container;
  • tin sheet;
  • burlap;
  • a shovel;
  • bolts
  • grating;
  • metal mesh.

Under the firebox, you should prepare a pit by laying a sheet of steel on the bottom. It is necessary for uniform smoldering of sawdust and wood chips. Once the preparation is complete, you can do the chimney. For this, a shallow trench is excavated, the width and length of which will be 25 cm and 2 m, respectively. The length can be increased up to 7 m. For tightness, the space is closed with a non-combustible barrier like a slate, and from above everything is covered with soil.

DIY smoked smokehouse sizes

Making cold smoked smokehouse with your own hands, at the next stage you can do the smokehouse itself . It can be made from a steel barrel, the bottom should be separated from it. The steel mesh is fixed below. In order to ensure soot filtration, burlap is laid on it. In the lower part of the tank, it is necessary to strengthen the strong grate on which the filter will be placed. Another grill will be located at the top of the tank. An indent of 20 cm should be provided from the edges. It is here that food products will fit. Using this technology, you can make a smokehouse quite simply. In a complicated embodiment, the design involves the use of rods with hooks.

Using a refrigerator to make a smokehouse

The smokehouse can even be obtained from old unnecessary items, such as a domestic refrigerator. In order to give him a new life, it is necessary to remove the entire β€œfilling” and close the holes.

A smoke hole should be made on top of the body. If desired, you can install a fan. At the top of the chamber, food grilles are fixed. A galvanized stove should be connected to the refrigerator with a stove. Making cold smoked smokehouse from the refrigerator with your own hands, instead of a potbelly stove you can use another container of suitable size. In order to start smoking, it is necessary to use an electric stove, on which sawdust is laid. You need to wait until they smoke, after which the tile is turned off.

Camping option

Before starting work, it is necessary to consider a photo of cold smoked smokehouses. With your own hands in this case, you can easily complete the design. It can be represented as a hiking option. To carry out the work should prepare:

  • a piece of polyethylene;
  • rods with hooks;
  • stakes;
  • timber for the frame.

The convenience of this device is expressed in the fact that everything you need fits in the trunk of a car. The chimney, which is inconvenient for transportation, can be replaced with any other device. To build a smokehouse, you need to find a plot with a slope of 60˚. It is covered with branches and tarpaulin, everything is covered with soil from above. So you create an impromptu trumpet.

In the upper part after this, a frame of stakes and timber is installed, which is wrapped with a piece of polyethylene. Making such a cold smoked smokehouse with your own hands, inside the structure you will need to install a rack with hooks. You can use rods for smoking fish for this purpose. At the final stage, it remains only to make a fire from below, so that the supply of smoke begins. This will contribute to the start of cooking.

Installation of a smoke generator in a smokehouse

To save money, the coil can be placed around the combustion tank. It is important to ensure high-quality air circulation so that the heated case does not become an obstacle to cooling the smoke, which is required for the smoking process. For the manufacture of do-it-yourself cold-smoked smokehouses with a smoke generator, it is necessary to prepare the following materials:

  • pieces of pipe;
  • metal hose;
  • compressors;
  • round and square pipe;
  • thermometer;
  • special wires.

For the smoke line, pipes are required, the diameter of which can vary from 25 to 40 mm. Instead of a metal hose, a corrugated pipe can be used. A unit for welding, as well as an angle grinder, will be needed.

Installation work

If the bottom is removable, then doors on the side surfaces will not be needed. The top cover must be free of chimney and ventilation. It should be equipped with opening elements. A chimney is installed on top. A fitting is welded perpendicular to the wall. Making your own cold smoked smokehouse with a smoke generator, in the next step you will need to thread the fittings.

Once the chimney part is installed, you can connect two pipes and a tee element. The line from the compressor element is fixed to the pipe, which goes down. You can install a special pipe that attaches to the side fitting. Instead of a fan, you can use a computer cooler or a processor for the aquarium. It is important to ensure air circulation. The tee must be fixed to the cover. The integrity of the side walls will not be affected.

You can easily make your own cold smoked smokehouse with a smoke generator. Such a device will be characterized by mobility and compactness. You can store the device even in a cabinet. Installation of a smoke generator can be carried out on the basis of heat-resistant materials. It can be ceramic tiles, concrete slabs or metal tables. The unit is heated quite quickly, burning particles begin to pour out from it.

Approximately 0.8 kg of sawdust, wood shavings or wood chips should be poured into the container. The cover should be well closed. Next, the compressor pipe is connected. The chimney is connected to the smoking chamber in the next step.

Making a wooden smokehouse

do-it-yourself cold smoked smokehouse from a cylinder

A wooden smokehouse can be based on a design in the form of a small house with a pitched or gable roof. The shape of the roof should be such that the back is lower than the front by 0.2 m. Before you make a cold smoked smokehouse, you must choose the dimensions of this device. They can be arbitrary, but for the equipment of a small device made of wood with an area of ​​1 m 2 and a height of 1.3 m, it is necessary to prepare the following materials:

  • wood screws;
  • bars for the frame;
  • hell;
  • boards for roof sheathing;
  • temperature indicator;
  • hardware for doors.
cold smoked smokehouse

For the smokehouse it is recommended to use hardwood lumber, which does not contain resin. Assembly begins with the installation of the frame. For this, bars of the following sections are used: 25 x 50 mm or 50 x 50 mm. Their length should be 1.5 m. The most optimal chamber height is 1.3 m. If the base is a smoke generator, this value should be increased to 1.5 m, because the design will also have legs 20 cm high.

When the dimensions of the cold smoked smokehouse (it’s quite easy to make it with your own hands) are determined, you can start work. Having familiarized yourself with the technology, you will be able to understand that after this you can begin to trim the frame house. To do this, boards are usually used that fit together as tightly as possible. Slots should be covered with tow. In order not to have problems with this, you can use the floor board with grooves and spikes.

If you make your own cold smoked smokehouse from wood, then the next step will be the installation of doors. It is made according to the size of the opening. Fittings are installed on the doors. Doors should be hung on hinges, fixing on the camera body. They must be closed tightly and not allow smoke to leak out.

To exit the smoke on the roof should be installed fungus. This element is made according to the size of the hole. Seams are treated with a moisture resistant sealant to protect against moisture. By making your own wooden cold smoked smokehouse, you can cover the roof with slate. The building should be protected from rain, which will increase the life of the structure. The floor is sheathed with boards. If there are gaps, they should be repaired with tow.

cold smoked

It is unacceptable to use polymer sealants inside. Under the influence of temperatures, a layer of a synthetic composition may begin to release substances harmful to health. Now you can install shelves and accessories for products. The first will be made of boards. Between them should leave gaps of several centimeters. Hooks are screwed into the bottom of the shelves. You can pull the mesh. For this, products from unpainted yarns or stainless steel are selected. It is important to provide a drip tray that will be emitted when smoked. We also need a temperature sensor. On this we can assume that the camera is ready.

Balloon use

Do-it-yourself cold smoked smokehouse from a cylinder can be made from a product that is not very damaged. Residual gas is removed from the tank. To do this, open the valve and turn the bottle upside down. Soap foam is applied to the valve. So you can check for gas inside. If the soap foams, then there is still gas in the bottle. Work should be performed away from people and open flames. The cylinder is well washed to remove gas residues. The neck can be cut with a hacksaw. In order to exclude fire, the place of a saw should be watered with cold water.

The cylinder is filled with water using a hose. In the process, the container should be shaken periodically. Then the water drains, which must also be done away from home, because the liquid will have an unpleasant odor of methane. If you are faced with the question of how to build a cold smoked smokehouse with your own hands, then you must remember that the container can be the basis of the design, but it should be cleaned well. At the next stage, you can do the cutting of the tank. To do this, they lay it on the floor, and make notes on the walls where the doors should be located. Using a grinder, a hole is cut out. In integrity, only those places where there should be loops should be left. The side parts must be intact. You can speed up the process by using different cutters.

Hinges are fixed to the door. Bolts can be used as fasteners. Now you can do the manufacture of legs or coasters. The height of the smokehouse rarely exceeds the height of the kitchen table and is usually about 100 cm. The removable legs and stand can be made of metal corners. The weight of the smokehouse loaded with products will be more than empty, therefore it is so important to ensure stability.

The manufacture of cold smoked smokehouse with your own hands at the next stage involves work on the chimney and furnace. An iron elbow must be welded to the sawn neck. A chimney is inserted into it. A shutter should be made on top to control the amount of smoke. It is fixed to the pipe by a bolt or made removable. In the other side, a hole should be cut. Through it, smoke from the furnace will enter inside. The furnace tank can be made of a sheet of metal or a smaller tank. It is performed with holes for laying sawdust.

A grate is installed between the smokehouse tank and the furnace. It is necessary in order to exclude the effects of open flame on products. The best solution is to have a transition in the form of a pipe. In order for the smoking to be cold, the pipe connecting the firebox and the tank should be lengthened so that the smoke reaches the chilled products.

Before starting work, it is necessary to consider the design of a cold smoked smokehouse. With your own hands in this case, you can make the design quite simply. Among its elements, two removable pipes must be provided. In the lower part for products, a steel sheet is installed, which is wrapped with foil to collect fat. You must change the foil after each use. A metal pipe is fixed to the top, where fish and pieces of meat will be hung.

Making an electric smokehouse from a barrel

how to build a cold smoked smokehouse do it yourself

The basis of the electric smokehouse can lie all the same metal barrel. It is good if it is made of heat-resistant steel. In addition to the barrel, you should prepare:

  • electric stove;
  • small wheels;
  • temperature regulator;
  • electrical cable;
  • thermometer;
  • fat collection container;
  • drill;
  • mesh cloth;
  • pallet.

Using the wheels you can move the smokehouse from one place to another. But the thermostat allows you to control the temperature inside the device.

Assembly process

If you decide to assemble a cold-smoked electric smokehouse with your own hands, then the barrel must be thoroughly washed. Soda and a stiff brush are usually used for this. The composition is washed off with detergent and rinsed with plenty of water. An electric stove is installed at the bottom of the barrel. It can be fixed with metal plates.

Next, ventilation is performed. To do this, you need to drill several 10-mm holes in the bottom of the apparatus. Now the area where the products will be placed is fixed. To do this, use the grill and hook system. Once all of the above processes are completed, you need to take brushwood or firewood and lay them inside the barrel. The fuel is set on fire. This will eliminate residual oil, which will contribute to the calcination of the walls. As soon as a trial attempt of smoking is carried out, it is necessary to remove carbon deposits from the walls. To do this, you can use a metal brush.

The do-it-yourself cold-smoked smokehouse from the barrel is installed on wheels in the next step. Now you can go to the electric stove. From it it is necessary to borrow TEN. You must remove the heating disc and disconnect the wires from the heat element. Using screws, it is necessary to fix the heating element in the center of the smoking plant. Nearby is a thermostat. It is recommended to use a copper wire. Now its sensor should be placed in a place where it will be convenient to look at it.

At the next stage, you can do the upper part. To do this, drill holes through the wall through which the thermometer can be fixed. It must be inside the device. A 5-centimeter hole is made in the lid, which will become a chimney. In the center of the smokehouse a drip tray is installed. They may be an old baking sheet or other container, suitable in size. Slightly higher should be the lattice where the products will fit.


do-it-yourself electric cold smoked smokehouse

From ancient times to this day, meat has remained a traditional dish. It can be prepared in many different ways, but one of the common solutions is smoking. This procedure allows you to get a product that can be stored for a long time. A smokehouse that can be purchased at the store or made independently is perfect for this.


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