I want to sleep, but I can’t fall asleep. Possible causes of insomnia, treatment options, reviews

Everyone is familiar with this situation - I want to sleep, but I can not sleep. Lie on the bed and look into the darkness. But tomorrow is a new working day, no strength, no energy either, and my eyes are sticking together. What is the way out of this situation? But first, find out ...

What is insomnia

Insomnia belongs to the category of neurological diseases that affect a person’s emotions, his energy, performance and health. If the condition when you want to sleep, but you can’t sleep, is repeated constantly, you can talk about a serious ailment. It’s not worth worrying in advance, a little effort, and everything can be fixed. To do this, you need to change your life. Special exercises will help get rid of the disease.

it’s hard to open your eyes in the morning

What are the signs of insomnia? Do not assume that the symptom of this problem can only be that you can’t fall asleep, although you want to sleep. The signs should also include such moments:

  • wake up very early;
  • in the afternoon there is a state of irritability, drowsiness, fatigue;
  • waking up at night;
  • without alcohol, sleeping pills are hard to fall asleep.

Insomnia is the lack of proper rest, which provokes fatigue and irritability the next day. The degree of the disease is determined by the quality of sleep, well-being in the morning and the time it takes to fall asleep.

Causes of Insomnia

There are several categories of causes that contribute to the appearance of a condition when you want to sleep, but you can not sleep.

  1. Exterior: cold or hot in the bedroom; uncomfortable bed and pillow; noise; illumination.
  2. Body-related: age (small children sleep more and older children less); inattentive attitude to biorhythms; thirst and hunger; physical overwork; ENT diseases or physiological structure of the nose; illness or pain; disorders of the nervous, endocrine systems.
  3. Psychological reasons: disturbing thoughts, conflict, stress, trouble. They "run" one after another and do not allow to fall asleep; depression, apathy, overwork. This condition makes you wake up in the middle of the night and keeps you awake until morning; at the same time, depression and anxiety; joy, expectation and other emotions.
the tablet should be hidden away

Bad sleep baby

Not only adults suffer from insomnia, sometimes the baby wants to sleep, but can not sleep. Young parents are very worried, but why they do not always know. There are many reasons that cause this condition, the following can be attributed to the main ones:

  • daily routine is broken;
  • sleep is associated with negativity;
  • colic
  • lack of care and affection;
  • put your baby to bed late;
  • the room is not ventilated, loud noise, extraneous sounds. The temperature in the nursery is no more than 19 degrees;
  • convenient place to sleep. The crib should not be very soft, the pillow should be discarded altogether, the blanket should be light;
  • too early "moved" the baby on a large bed;
  • feeding before bedtime. The child should be fed, hungry babies may not fall asleep. The child should be fed twenty minutes before bedtime.

If the baby wants to sleep but cannot fall asleep, try using these simple tips. Establish a daily routine, walk more with the baby, bathe him before bedtime, talk with him, sing a lullaby.

Ways to treat insomnia

Before you begin to get rid of the problem "I really want to sleep, but I can’t fall asleep" using tablets, try changing your habits first.

  • Do not drink alcohol and strong sleeping pills. They will only aggravate the situation.
  • Less coffee consumed throughout the day.
medications will help but
  • Air the room where you sleep. It should be cool, dark and quiet. They will help to create such an atmosphere: a sleeping mask, earplugs, blackout curtains and a fan.
  • Observe your sleep patterns. Go to bed at the same time.
  • Give up short sleep during the day.
  • Try to avoid stress, unrest at bedtime. No exercise, watching TV or doing computer exercises.
  • Brightly lit gadgets are also prohibited.

By following these simple guidelines, you can solve the problem without visiting a doctor.

When to contact a specialist

There is a situation when one cannot do without specialist intervention. So what is this situation? When should I go to the doctor? If all the methods of self-treatment are used, but there are no results, you still really want to sleep, but you can’t fall asleep, it’s time to make an appointment with a psychologist or another doctor. It will certainly help to solve the problem.

Now about each reason separately.

  • All activities listed in the previous section do not help.
  • Bad sleep is a factor that provokes the appearance of problems at work, in the family, at school.
  • Insomnia is the cause of shortness of breath, chest pain.
  • Every night, the gap of "open eyes" increases.

In order to help yourself, you need to undergo an examination. Only after this, the doctor will be able to correctly diagnose, prescribe treatment. After all, the problem can be organic or nervous in nature.


Treatment begins with the use of methods of psychotherapy and relaxation. In parallel, mild drugs that can be obtained without a prescription are used.

cup of coffee cause problem
  • Valerian tincture. The drug belongs to sedative sleeping pills. It is used for irritability, irritability, and sleep disturbance. The effect develops slowly.
  • Tablets "Valerian forte." Assigned if insomnia is caused by overexcitation.
  • Persen Night, capsules. Used for nervous irritability, which is the cause of difficulty falling asleep.
  • Insomnia caused by increased excitability, irritability, can be "removed" with passiflora extract.
  • Melaxen tablets. The drug will accelerate falling asleep, provide sleep without awakening. Often used to adapt when changing time zones.
  • Means "Doppelherz Melissa" drink before bedtime. Used for insomnia.

For more serious problems, the following medicines are prescribed. They are issued only by prescription.

  1. Periodic disorders - "Reslip", "Doxylamine", "Valocordin".
  2. Presomnia insomnia - “Andante”, “Ivadal”, “Somnol”, “Zolsan”.
  3. Frequent awakenings are Phenobarbital, Zolpidem.
  4. Early awakenings - Nitrazepam, Bilobil, Cavinton.
  5. Insomnia and depression - Trittiko.

Drugs are not used for a long time. They can cause side effects. They are not prescribed to people whose professions require increased attention.


If you want to sleep, but you cannot sleep, honey, a steam bath with an oak broom will help. A few recipe with this treat.

honey will help avoid problems
  • Honey, lemon, Borjomi. Take one tablespoon of Borjomi water, honey and half a spoon of lemon. It is cut and mixed with other ingredients. It is taken every morning for thirty days.
  • Honey, water. A tablespoon is stirred in one glass of warm water. The remedy is drunk before bedtime.
  • Honey and kefir. Take one glass of kefir, add one tablespoon of honey. It should be drunk before bedtime for seven days.
  • Honey and apple cider vinegar. Three teaspoons of vinegar are mixed in a cup of honey. The mixture is taken at bedtime in two teaspoons.

Herb fees are also used. They also cope well with insomnia.

  • It will take thirty grams of mint leaves, motherwort grass, twenty grams of the roots of Valerian officinalis and cones of ordinary hop. Mix all. Ten grams of the mixture are poured with a glass of boiling water and heated for fifteen minutes in a water bath. The broth is cooled, filtered. Boiled water is added, the total volume should be the original volume. It is taken three times a day in half a glass.
  • Ten grams of oregano grass, five grams of valerian root. All mix, take ten grams of collection, add one hundred milliliters of water. The mixture is infused for sixty minutes. It is used at night for a hundred milliliters.


Now we learn how those who really want to sleep, but cannot sleep, are saved from insomnia.

Many believe that in this case, drugs can not be dispensed with. Glycine Forte Evalar helps well. It has no side effects, and after two weeks the issue with prolonged falling asleep has been resolved.

There is an opinion that folk remedies will also help to cope with the problem. A little warm milk with honey before bedtime. Means well relaxes and helps to fall asleep.

need to sleep soundly at night

Representatives of the strong half of humanity prefer a contrasting soul at bedtime. Water should be very cold.

Another tip - two hours before bedtime, no loud music, computers, or eating. If possible, take a walk, read an interesting book.

Changing stereotypes at bedtime, according to people, is considered the easiest way to deal with insomnia. Fall asleep under the TV - turn it off, close the curtains, open the window, take a shower and sleep.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/A9750/

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