Svetlana Fominykh - Head of the School of Public Speaking "Man of the Word"

She creates and creates her life independently: she sings it, draws, dances and tells. She seeks inspiration and inspires herself. He is in search of adventure and believes in miracles. She is successful, beautiful and smart. Her name is bright and tender, and her surname is sonorous and attracting attention. Who is Svetlana Fominyh?

Svetlana Fominykh

Man of his word

Svetlana Fominykh is a beautiful and charming young woman. External is a reflection of the internal. She is very smart. The internal thought process and the openness of character can be traced in how she communicates, talks and holds on to the public.

Svetlana Fominykh is a man of the word (both literally and figuratively). She studies him, works with him and opens it to her students. Svetlana is an experienced public speaking trainer and a successful coach. She founded in Novosibirsk her school of oratory, called "Man of the Word."

Give the floor

The ability to clearly and correctly present your thoughts, the skill is relaxed, but tactfully staying in public and convincing, politely and at ease to communicate - all this can open horizons for those who want to begin to move up the career ladder. This is exactly what Svetlana Fominykh and her colleagues are teaching. It is important to own a word and thoughts in order to effectively present yourself, a company, a product. In this case, you and your company will not be forgotten, because it was your word (or rather, speech) that impressed and “hooked” the thoughts of the public or interlocutor.

man of his word

It is equally important to give the floor, that is, provide the person with the opportunity to speak and transmit information in order to understand who is in front of you and why he came. After that, you can determine and make a decision whether to deal with it or not. Svetlana Fominykh and the team of her trainers effectively teach how to use this opportunity as efficiently as possible.

How it all began

It all started by accident. Neither in childhood, nor in conscious youth, the current leading licensee coach of the University of Rhetoric did not think about the path that she would enter with enthusiasm, but completely unexpectedly. Svetlana Fomina studied at the Faculty of Business, graduated from Novosibirsk State Technical University (State Technical University). A year before graduation, the girl, while continuing her studies, got a job as a sales manager in a modest small company. It was successful to sell, she set an excellent example to colleagues. That is why once Svetlana was asked to share her experience and conduct a small seminar on the topic "How to increase sales." That's where it all started! I began to like teaching more than selling. In addition, seminars and trainings began to bear tangible results, the company’s staff gradually expanded, and then the company (with Svetlana in the forefront) opened its first branch in another large city - in Omsk (it’s worth mentioning that the name of that company today almost everyone knows 2GIS). Then the girl became a trainer there and went into painstaking work on the perfect mastery of oratory.

Svetlana Fominykh Novosibirsk

School of oratory

Everyone who wants to receive and consolidate the necessary skills for public speaking have the opportunity to sign up for educational practical trainings at the school of oratory. Svetlana Fominykh Novosibirsk chose the city to open her school. However, if necessary, the leader, as well as the trainers from her team, often conduct (no less efficiently) on-site prepared trainings and master classes in other cities.

How is the training

The School of Public Speaking provides systematic instruction. In other words, a person who has come to the "pumping" of his abilities takes a course of mastering eloquence stepwise: from easy and simple to complex. And each subsequent mastered step partially repeats the previous one for fixing, which ensures gradualness and logic in the learning process. The theoretical and practical parts are harmoniously intertwined. Of course, the prevailing practice is approximately seventy to eighty percent of the total time allotted for work. The rest is theory. The basic principle of training is as follows: to acquire oratory, you must practice and speak, try yourself, and not passively listen to lectures on how to do this.

oratory school

Each lesson is conducted by two or three trainers at once. This approach provides attention to every novice speaker.

In order not to miss anything and to work out all the shortcomings and errors, the training organizers offer the participants discs with a record of their presentations in the lesson. To see and present oneself from the outside is very important for beginning masters of the word in the learning process.

Among other things, the school has created an oratory club. At such meetings, you can consolidate knowledge and acquired skills, as well as hone your skills by speaking to a fairly large audience.

To each his own

Novosibirsk gtu

Svetlana Fominykh with her team thought out their training program in such a way as to ensure an individual approach to each student participant, while simultaneously interacting with the entire public group. The school conducts various types of classes for practitioners depending on their preferences. This is done to optimally achieve the desired results.

There are open trainings. They are suitable for most comers - those who want to learn how to speak in public, make presentations with brilliance and leave a lasting impression on the interlocutor (or the audience) about themselves.

Corporate trainings are also held for the team of a certain company. Special conditions for classes will be created for them and the appropriate time will be chosen, previously agreed upon.

You can go through individual training. This format of classes is not suitable for shy people (they will go to open trainings, because you need to improve yourself and learn to speak in public), but for busy business people, businessmen and politicians. As a rule, such preparation for public speaking is limited in time, since it is not enough, and the results are very significant.

Thorough work (on myself)

Turning to the school of Svetlana Fominykh, the participant will not remain the same, many qualitative changes await him: awareness and elaboration of his fears (in front of the audience) and internal complexes, building a mental stream in a clear and consistent verbal picture, tracking “feedback” from the interlocutor (interlocutors) , mastery of oneself and one’s speech, the ability to properly present oneself and one’s point of view, the ability to act with a word and to convince, etc.

The path to the heart lies through ... a story told

The path to the human heart lies, says Svetlana Fominykh, through the story told. It is through his speech, appeal, performance that one person can attract or push away another. Voiced thoughts reflect the soul, the inner content of the narrator. If the listener is fond of the narrative of his opponent and follows him along the line of his story, then the imagination adjusts and begins to draw similar visual pictures. Thus, people find a common language, attune themselves. Or it is precisely in this way that they understand that they do not fit together and do not share each other's beliefs.

Leading Trainer Licensee University of Rhetoric

In any case, being able to speak correctly, conduct a conversation, dialogue, speak in front of an audience, it is much easier for people to find a common language and come to a compromise. Ideally, it is to convince with your speech, in a word so that the listener wants to follow the speaker. You can learn this at the trainings of Svetlana Fominykh and her team.


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