Viva-Money: debtor reviews, loan terms, interest rates, debt repayment and consequences

There are more companies that lend money today, and their conditions are becoming less and less loyal to the borrower. But what if life circumstances make you climb into bondage and agree to such deals? First of all - carefully get acquainted with the conditions, as well as explore alternative options. Today we’ll talk about the Viva-Money company. Feedback from debtors will help to understand whether it is worth dealing with its representatives.

viva money reviews


This is a relatively young microfinance organization. She did not become the first or only one in the market for such services. In 2011, the company Viva-Money appeared in Russia. Reviews of debtors during this time managed to accumulate in large numbers. Of course, among them are negative and quite neutral. Communication with collectors does not bring much joy, but no one forced to draw up a contract.

The company is committed to providing microloans for a short period. The minimum amount is 1 thousand rubles, the maximum is 80 thousand rubles. The loan term can be from 7 days to a year. If the person returned the money the next day, he will still pay interest for the week.

Marketing move

As the advertisement says, each new customer can receive cash on very attractive terms. That is, up to 40,000 rubles at 0%. At the same time, managers are actively persuading potential customers to take money, just hold it on their card, and then return it. They promise that a person will not lose anything and at the same time improve his credit history. Can you believe the tales of free cheese? Decide for yourself, but practice shows that under such conditions no one can take money.

When concluding the contract, you will meet the need to pay insurance, interest for servicing the card, and a dozen different points that allow Viva-Money managers to justify any amount. The feedback from the debtors emphasizes that no one acquainted them with the final amount.

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Loan processing

Everything is very simple here. The company is engaged in inappropriate lending, that is, a person can receive the necessary amount and spend it at his discretion. At the same time, the company does not collect certificates from the place of work, income, or the like. This is confirmed by the reviews of debtors. “Viva-Money” for obtaining a loan requires you to go through the standard procedures:

  • Register on the official website or personally visit the nearest office.
  • Indicate in the application the required amount and the period for which you take the money.
  • Wait for a call from a company representative. He will talk about all the nuances and details of lending.

On the surface, the conditions are acceptable: I borrowed money, gave them away without any problems. But if you think a little, then doubts arise. When money is given to everyone, it means that the percentage of delinquency is quite large. At what expense or by whom will the company cover risks? In addition, the MFI is simply obliged to enlist the support of collection offices, which also knock out debts.

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Features of the loan

The loan amount may depend not only on the desire of the client himself, but also on the assessment of the manager. The criteria are not voiced, it remains only to guess. For registration you need to present a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. Age restrictions - from 21 to 65 years. And now a very interesting point. The minimum interest rate is from 1% to 1.5% per day. We are not talking about the maximum, but below we will consider real rates, which are very different from the stated rates and certainly do not look like 0% per day.

Express money is issued without guarantors or collateral. At the discretion of the company, the first few days may be preferential, that is, interest will not be assigned to them. The possibility of obtaining loans at any time of the day or night is being considered.

Despite the simplicity of the conditions, there are a fairly large number of negative customer reviews. Viva-Dengi is not the only representative of MFIs, and the occupation of all is similar to each other. If you take a small amount on the eve of your salary and return the day of pay, then the overpayment will be tolerable. But reaching the delay, especially after a considerable time of using the money, threatens with bonded wrapping, which will be very difficult to pay with.

Viva money company reviews

From heaven to earth

Of course, no one will lend cash for nothing. Therefore, it is necessary to calculate and weigh the overpayment. This information is also on the site, the company does not hide it, but does not advertise it either. In any case, finding it is more difficult than advertising 0%.

At first contact:

  • If the loan amount is from 1 thousand to 29 thousand, for a period of not more than 28 thousand rubles, the interest will be no less, but 730% per annum.
  • If the amount of up to 30 thousand is borrowed for 180 days, then you will have to pay 305%. You can start saving today.
  • The loan amount is up to 40 thousand, and the term of 360 days is only 216%. That is, taking 40 thousand, you will give back about 150 thousand.

When re-applying interest is not reduced. And there are not many people who, having calculated the overpayment, are ready for a second loan. “Viva-Money”, reviews of which are so heterogeneous, does not try to keep regular customers with interesting bonuses. In principle, this lending program is only suitable for critical situations when it is impossible to solve problems in other ways. Therefore, people do not choose what the MFI system is designed for.

Company advantages

Why is MFI so popular? Despite all the negative reviews, Viva-Money continues to work, and the number of customers is only increasing. Many are comfortable with her services as a way to intercept until salary. Regular borrowers are given a bonus in the form of free first days for which interest is not charged. Unlike banks, very attentive and polite employees work here. This is understandable: their salary depends on how many transactions they can close in a certain period. Well, the main reason for popularity is the ability to receive cash immediately at the office, presenting only a passport. If money is needed urgently, then they think about how they will give it back later.

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Today, the lending culture among the population is gradually growing. People are beginning to realize that money can be borrowed only when there is an urgent need, for something specific, and not just like that. And of course, you immediately need to calculate your strength, if possible, leave a margin to pay two or three payments.

Getting and repaying a loan

Analyzing reviews about Viva-Money company, we can say that it is quite easy to take a loan here. Much more problems arise with his return. The issuance of funds is carried out immediately, on hand, or the client transfers them to a bank card.

When applying for a loan, an online representative of an MFI must call back and answer all questions, as well as inform the client about how he will pay the debt.

Loan repayment is possible in several ways:

  • At the office of the MFI. The work schedule is standard, so not everyone can be convenient to keep up in the evening.
  • At Euroset ATMs.

When applying, each person wants to get acquainted with the experience of other people. Not the last question is, which way is more convenient to pay a loan. The reviews here are also different. Some write that the service is very polite, employees answer all questions, and repaying a loan is simple and convenient. Others complain about the confusion. For example, they approved by phone, but upon arrival at the office it turned out that this application was a refusal.

Viva money company reviews

Delayed Entry

Viva-Dengi regularly receives negative reviews about the intrusive calls of problem loan managers. Moreover, people are outraged that it is worth missing just one day, as the calls begin. They come many times from different specialists. Assurances that the payment will be completed today do not help. Moreover, when it is paid, calls can continue. A call to the hotline confirms that the funds have arrived, but the inconvenience does not end there. As a result, you have to borrow funds and close the loan amount in full. It is difficult to say whether this applies to the particularities of the work of zealous employees or is this the policy of the company.

Viva money company reviews

Special offers

More recently, a new product has appeared in the company's offices. These are gift plastic cards from MFI "Viva-Money". There are practically no reviews about them, so it is difficult to say whether they are in demand. This is a great gift option, especially if you have no time to go shopping. The balance can be from 300 to 15 thousand rubles. You can not cash them, but you can pay them in any store.

Another interesting suggestion is a deposit. In banks, the percentage is small, they offer much more. After all, your money will also be used to provide loans. For 12 months you can invest cash at 19% per annum. This is twice as much as in banks.

Careers at MFIs

And what do staff reviews say? Viva-Money is also a company in which they get a job. Job offers are pretty attractive. They promise good earnings and a friendly team, a normalized working day. Most beginners are happy with their choice.

Nevertheless, practically no one recommends Viva-Money as a permanent work. Reviews emphasize high stress and stress. These are problem customers, and discontented bosses, and plans for issuing loans. If a person leaves, deciding not to apply for a loan, this will entail a debriefing, and possibly depreciation. In general, the employee will have to communicate with customers, smile and dissemble a little, conduct calls to potential borrowers, offering them their product. And also - to put up announcements and remind customers that they have a payment tomorrow. And the most unpleasant thing is to call those who have a delay, their friends and relatives. A huge amount of work, so the staff turnover is very high.

Instead of a conclusion

“Viva-Money” is another MFI that entered the market about 8 years ago. She, like many other companies, has high interest rates, problems with collectors in late payments. If you need to intercept a small amount before the next salary, then the services of the company can be used. It is pretty fast and convenient. Good deposit conditions. If there is free money, then you can invest it to make it work.

It is better not to take large amounts for the long term, because the overpayment is very large. As well as getting a job in a company: you will have to listen to a lot of negativity from both clients and management. However, if you need a part-time job for several months or an initial work experience, then it may be difficult, but it’s even interesting in places.


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