What is hygiene training? Hygienic training and education of the population

The health of the nation is an integral part of the socio-demographic position of the state. Hygienic education plays an important role in this matter. The final result depends on how successfully it is built and formed. This process provides for active actions, both from the side of propagandists and from those who are aimed at educational measures. The recovery system developed by the state is mandatory and comprehensive. Citizens of the country should not only understand all the dangers and what consequences they bear, but also adhere to recommendations and rules. What is hygienic training and education of the population?

hygiene training for educators

The scope of hygiene education

Hygienic education and training is a strategy to foster a culture of health. It is carried out for various groups of the population and is aimed at motivating people to lead a healthy lifestyle. Influence and pedagogical methods are carried out using various sources. They try to influence every citizen as versatile as possible. That is, information and propaganda should surround him everywhere and reach by any means. The source of influence is society as a whole. But at different stages of the life cycle and depending on the prevailing situations, hygienic training falls under the responsibility of various social institutions and specialized institutions. This is a family, and a school, and medical, and cultural institutions.

Hygienic education as the main preventive measure

The organization of hygiene education is a basic preventive measure. It underlies the prevention of various diseases. This term refers to a set of actions aimed at reducing the risks of developing various kinds of violations. Also one of the areas of activity is inhibition or complete arrest of the development of diseases. Educational and enlightening methods should also be aimed at reducing the likelihood of becoming disabled. This once again confirms that hygienic education is the key to a healthy and successful nation.

All measures of education and upbringing boil down to preventing or preventing something. That is, we can say that this is one of the forms of prevention. Prevention, depending on the degree of development or progress of danger, can be divided into three types:

  1. Primary measures. In this case, the potential for the development of the disease is low. Hygienic training is designed to ensure that the risk is not justified. In this category, you can include any government actions that in any way lead to an increase in the percentage of healthy citizens among the entire population. They can create favorable conditions both in the environment and affect the person himself. That is, the first type of prevention refers to the improvement of the ecological situation, and the second implies vaccination, regulation of the diet, optimization of working conditions (the ratio of working time and rest should be proportional).
  2. Secondary measures. Their action is aimed at suppressing existing risks. In this case, it is necessary to prevent not their occurrence, but aggravation and development. The state is trying to prevent the occurrence of pathogenic foci. That is, you need to prevent the establishment of favorable conditions for relapse. The main preventive method at this stage is forced medical examination. It can be aimed both at the whole population, and at individuals who pose the greatest danger or threat to society.
  3. Tertiary measures. The direction of their impact is due to an already developed problem. Most often, the methods at this stage are of a rehabilitation nature. All preventive measures are aimed at restoring and maintaining normal life. These measures should help people adapt in society. Although they have one common goal and idea, they can be carried out by various methods, which together will cover all spheres of human life. This is medicine, society, psychology and professional activity.

The essence of the process of health education

Sanitary and hygienic training is based on standards that are justified from the standpoint of science and medicine. It is a set of measures that ultimately should form the correct behavior of a person in relation to his health and lifestyle.

hygienic education and training

Thanks to the measures being introduced, the working capacity of the population should at least remain at one stable level, and in the future have positive dynamics. One of the tasks of such education is to increase the average life expectancy. Such indicators clearly demonstrate the general situation in the country and the degree of development of the state. All world powers necessarily care about the health of their citizens.

In order for the hygienic education of the population to be as effective as possible, it is necessary to ensure the implementation of certain principles. Firstly, it is necessary to provide an alert to the population, which should be so that everyone knows about what factors have a negative impact on health and depress vital functions. Knowledge will help everyone in case of danger to apply effective methods to eliminate risks.

Also, state institutions and organizations are obliged to create favorable conditions in order to popularize among the inhabitants of the country a healthy lifestyle and encourage them to observe the rules of hygiene. But in order to attract, people need to create an appropriate atmosphere that would be conducive to this process.

Sanitary training is not only the concern of physicians. A fully healthy person should take care not only of his physiology. The moral as well as the social component is important. For this reason, workers in areas such as psychology, education and social protection are also required to participate in the upbringing process.

Work principles

The requirements for hygienic training are justified, due to which the set of measures applied can be as successful and effective as possible. The main principle on which such education is based is confirmation by scientific facts. One cannot say for sure about the benefits or dangers of something unless proven. It is one hundred percent confidence in their actions that gives the state guarantees for a positive result.

distance hygiene training

You also need to understand that you need to assess the situation soberly and from an objective point of view. The use of truthful information, their analysis and processing allow us to draw certain conclusions. All measures should be focused. That is, only by setting a specific task, it is possible to achieve it. These should be accurate numbers or indicators, not vague thoughts.

To talk about the health of the nation, it is important to know that all actions must be massive. All people live in society and, in contact with others, are influenced from the outside. The introduction of any measures should affect everyone in need.

Hygienic requirements for training conditions are certainly characterized by a consistent order of steps. They should be arranged in a logical sequence. Events can not be one-time, as it will not work to achieve a result. Consistency is another key to the success of educational activities.

And the final principle is the diverse influence and participation of various specialists. Only a complex effect can give full success. The involvement of specialists from various industries in hygienic education helps each member of the society to feel completely healthy.

Directions, means and methods of hygienic training

Hygienic education of children and adults is based on two main areas. The first is responsible for popularizing healthy habits and the factors that provide it. The second direction, as opposed to the first, should consolidate information in the minds of people on how to disrupt normal life.

health education

Hygienic training and certification is carried out in relation to various population groups. All of them differ quantitatively. This is necessary in order for the implemented measures to be appropriate, reasonable and effective. According to this classification criterion, the following forms of education are distinguished:

  • individual order, when the impact is directed personally to one person;
  • group education (people in a group are selected according to a certain list; these are usually people of the same age, gender and social status);
  • massive, covering a wide population.

Hygienic training and certification can be expressed in various forms. This is due to the fact that the perception of the information provided is different for everyone, and the educational process must be effective. Therefore, data is provided in the form of oral speech, writing or illustrations.

Various means are used to implement these forms. That is, for people who perceive information by ear, lectures, conversations, discussions, quizzes or briefings will be more effective. People who perceive the world with their organs of vision are better influenced by print media and images. These are books, journalism products, slogans.

hygienic education and training

The most interesting way of learning are visual examples. They are most often better remembered by people. Their implementation may be due to any technical means, natural objects, geometric shapes.

The main target audiences targeted at hygiene education

In order to conduct direct or distance hygienic training, it is necessary to form a certain group of people to whom the flow of information will be directed. Depending on the target audience, methods and methods of education are chosen.

Target groups are of two types, depending on the direction of work. The first includes subjects on which educational measures are directed. These are people of various age categories and social status. These are children, adults, old people. This includes both young people exposed to all kinds of risks and people with disabilities who are limited in their actions.

The secondary target group is those who state and promote this type of education. Before they educate others, they must undergo hygienic training themselves. This category includes physicians, psychologists, social workers, teachers, educators and others. Recently, media workers have been added to this list. Since it is the media that have the greatest influence on modern man, people working in this area are able to manipulate others and instill the necessary information.

The formation of target groups should occur in accordance with the worldview of the people at the current moment. For this, it is necessary to take into account not only the situation in the state, but also national traditions, religious differences or professional characteristics. Thus, the program of improving the population should, although it be massive, but at the same time have an individual focus.

Training for specific categories

Hygienic training of workers should be carried out at each enterprise and institution. But categories of workers in the following areas are subject to special attention and control:

  1. Food industry. These are people who in any way come in contact with food and products. It doesnโ€™t matter at what stage of product distribution, whether it is production, storage, transportation or sale. Those workers who are involved with confectionery, baby food or animal products undergo careful monitoring. This is due to the fact that they may be the most likely source of health risks.
  2. Community workers. This applies mainly to those people who collect household waste and street garbage.
  3. Enterprises related to drinking water. Since this substance is vital, any contact with it can lead to irreversible consequences. In this case, as well as with the food industry, workers involved in the production, storage, transportation and sale of drinking water are subject to control.

Hygienic training for workers in other areas is carried out upon hiring, and then once every two years.

Primary training

Hygienic education of educators, however, as well as workers in other areas, is mandatory when hiring. It is also carried out for those who have not passed the final exam. The educational process can be carried out in the form of full-time education. If it is carried out in this way, then specialized programs are drawn up for a period of nine to fourteen hours.

hygiene training
The second view is remote. With him, everything is extremely clear, since the worker himself takes responsibility for the absorbed material. But in the end, he still must pass the exit exam.

A mixed form of training, or part-time, takes place thanks to the joint efforts of the workers themselves, as well as specialists and instructors. Consultations should take at least four hours from the program.

The educational process can be carried out by various institutions. It can be organized both in the factories themselves and in specialized institutions. In the first case, all necessary conditions must be created in order for the training to proceed normally. People selected in groups should have the same occupation. The target audience is about ten people. If training in hygienic education is carried out in specialized institutions, then they must have appropriate permission to carry out such activities.

The main issues addressed in the courses are the rationalization of labor, the prevention of alcohol, cigarettes, narcotic and psychotropic substances. People are taught to mitigate negative psychological and social factors, as well as to monitor personal hygiene.


Certification is the most important moment in the learning process, as it clearly demonstrates the results. Testing knowledge in this area is carried out only by certain specialists. These are valeologists and epidemiologists. Examination is carried out only in institutions of sanitary supervision. It can be carried out in written and oral form. In the first case, these are open-ended questions or testing, and in the second, an interview.

For workers in special fields, such as the food industry, utilities, education, there are always steps preceding certification. In addition to the educational process itself, people employed in these sectors must undergo a medical examination of their normal state of health. The results of such control are recorded in the sanitary card. The same document consolidates the positive results of knowledge testing. In those institutions and enterprises where the issuance of a sanitary card is not mandatory, the results of the exam are also recorded by issuing a certificate of training and a satisfactory assessment of certification. This paper is approved by the seal of the state sanitary supervision service.

hygienic training for workers

If the result of passing the certification is unsatisfactory, then such an employee is sent for a second training course. A poor assessment is not recorded anywhere, but in the event of a repeated failure, the results are reported to the higher management.

The management of the institution or enterprise is responsible for ensuring that each employee undergoes such training. It also provides funding for courses, as it is in its interest to have employee knowledge.

Patient School

The essence of such schools is to establish contact and understanding between patients and doctors. This helps to improve the effectiveness of treatment and prevents the occurrence of diseases.A person due to his knowledge, knowledge and erudition can significantly improve the quality of his life. People are better guided in doctor's prescriptions, understand more precisely how to implement recommendations. The goal of schools is to establish partnerships between medical institutions and the people. People have a sense of responsibility for their health. They become motivated, pay attention to their condition and body. People diligently follow the treatment regimen, as they are interested in the results. Thanks to the training that is carried out in this vein, the effectiveness of the medical care provided is increased.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/A9774/

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