Flyamama Svetlana Goncharova

In this article we will talk about who Svetlana Goncharova is - a woman who manages everything. Her assistants are God, the Bible, a husband and two sons. However, even with such strong sources of energy, not everything worked out initially for her. But she was still able to pull herself together and take action. In this, the American Flyledi system helped her.

Svetlana Goncharova

How it all started

From childhood, Svetlana Goncharova attended a Protestant church with her mother. This allowed her to remain a believer throughout her life. Her life was also affected by moral education in the family. She grew up as an easygoing girl, avoiding bad companies and dreaming of a bright future.

She married in the last year of the institute and immediately faced the difficulties of family life. She had to look for a common language with her husband, resolve conflicts together. When the children appeared, the problems only increased. Indeed, now Svetlana Goncharova did not have time to do much on time. As she herself admits, she could not understand how one could simultaneously be a wife, mother, mistress, and even be successful at work, when it happens that there is not a whole day to at least fulfill her duties without worrying about raising their qualities.


One fine day, she realized that something needs to be done with this, and decided to study the Flyledi system in more detail. This led to the fact that now Svetlana Goncharova is a “flyama”, the creator of the fly-planner and the head of the Internet project Flymama. She is an expert in time management and teaches women how to organize and organize their lives. Conducts free and paid seminars, trainings, publishes books, video materials. Anyone who wants to live can learn, like Svetlana Goncharova, the flyme. She does not advertise her telephone number. You can contact her personal assistant via Skype, through social networks or by email. Do not be offended by her for not communicating personally with fans of her system. There have been so many of them over the years of the existence of her project that if a woman did this, time would not be enough for anything else.

Svetlana Goncharova Flymema phone

What teaches

What do the materials offered by Svetlana Goncharova give? They are useful primarily to young mothers. Svetlana knows from her own experience how a woman’s life changes after the baby’s appearance, how difficult it is without anyone’s help and advice. Here for such bewildered mothers and her books and trainings are intended. A woman teaches not to despair if life seems boring and monotonous. After all, the first year mom does nothing but her child, and from this it seems that life is over. But Svetlana Goncharova, the flyme, the photo of which is presented in this article, teaches not to be afraid of difficulties and explains how to plan your day so that there is enough time for the baby and for her beloved. And loving yourself is very important. Only in this case, you can find time to relax (and this is primarily a full sleep) and look after your appearance.

Accessible to all

But she has books and seminars that are suitable for women of all ages. In them, Svetlana also talks about how to manage to do homework, take care of households and at the same time be successful at work. Nowadays, there is the opportunity to work through the Internet, which means less often leave home and spend more time with your family. Svetlana also talks about this. All the knowledge gained from her in any way helps to achieve perfection in relationships and build a career.

Svetlana Goncharova Flyama photo

A year ahead

Svetlana Goncharova also developed a 12-month calendar that will help plan her life. She developed it in accordance with the principles of time management. Each page has a place for notes. Thanks to the calendar grid, you can plan the day, month, week, and so on. The principle of work is that one thing can be divided into several small stages and performed in several steps, instead of trying to do everything at once, feeling the lack of time. But this does not mean that some things can be put off indefinitely. On the contrary, it is better to do the necessary work regularly, then such a lump will not accumulate that there will be neither strength nor desire to cope.

Read and learn

In her book “Time Management for Moms,” Svetlana talks about a special system that will help to cope with routine tasks. If you strictly follow it, then there will be time for her husband, and for children, and for cleaning the house, and for doing what she loves. In another book (“The Source of Strength for a Tired Mom”), the author recalls, but for someone, perhaps, he rediscoveres the truth that mom is the heart of the family. The man is the earner. The remaining problems and concerns fall on the woman. And it is as hard as bringing money to the house, because often mothers do not have time to relax, to take care of themselves. But this means that the quality of home “service” is deteriorating, the house is in a mess, the husband does not like the untidy look of his second half. To avoid all this, take advantage of the training offered by Svetlana Goncharova in this book. Give yourself a rest and look at everything with a fresh look. And the author’s works are really capable of turning over the female worldview.

Svetlana Goncharova Flymeama

Svetlana Goncharova made a large number of women happy. She allowed them to believe in themselves, told how to save time and use it to their advantage in order to look good and give their love to the household without a trace.


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