How to make a protein shake at home

People who are interested in bodybuilding know that in order to build muscle mass, training alone is not enough. It is very important for bodybuilders to eat, which should not only be balanced, but also relatively light, so as not to overload the stomach before and after training. Most of them drink special cocktails that contain the maximum amount of protein and carbohydrates needed to build muscle mass. Make a protein shake at home simple enough. In addition, unlike the purchase option, it will not contain harmful chemicals.

There are many rumors about this dietary supplement, among which the most popular is that it affects potency. This is an erroneous opinion, since neither cow's milk protein nor chicken protein has any effect on men's health. Here there is some substitution of concepts, and people often confuse proteins and anabolics, which are precisely able to deprive a man of the delights of life. Self-prepared protein shake at home does not contain absolutely any harmful substances for the body. Rumors that using it can greatly improve, turned out to be true, because in its composition a lethal dose of proteins and carbohydrates. If you take a protein shake at home conditions and not give the body a certain physical load, then literally in a short period of time you can gain a large number of extra pounds.

Making a protein shake at home is a snap. This will require 0.3 liters of skim milk, 2 raw eggs and raspberry jam to taste. All ingredients are whipped with a mixer and the protein shake is ready for use. This is perhaps the simplest recipe, the preparation of which will take only a couple of minutes. You can drink such a cocktail before, after and during training.

Another popular recipe for which it will not be difficult to cook . For it, you need to take one glass of sour cream with a fat content of not more than 15%, 2 bananas and 3 eggs, as well as 2 teaspoons of chocolate or syrup. All this is mixed with a mixer until a homogeneous consistency. It is recommended to use it one hour before the workout and half an hour after its completion. Anyone can make such a protein shake at home, which is one of its main advantages.

The most valuable thing in homemade drinks is that all of their ingredients are familiar to the bodybuilder, and he can control their dosage himself. In addition, preparing a protein shake at home will not take much time, and there will be much more benefit from it than from an analog produced in an industrial way. In its last version, manufacturers often add flavor enhancers and various additives that only add calories to it, but do not contribute to an increase in muscle mass. In homemade cocktails, all components are natural, while they are easily replaceable. So, for example, in place of skim milk, you can use soy, and syrup - with fruit.

Do not forget that such a drink is not a substitute for food intake, but only its addition. It makes sense to consume protein shakes when a person is engaged in the gym for at least three hours a day. Then its energy consumption will require quick replenishment with a large dose of protein. Thus, taking a cocktail will be justified during the workout itself, as well as half an hour after its completion. For those people whose main task is to reduce weight, such nutrition is absolutely not suitable, since they will experience a sharp increase in their body weight. Do not blame it on muscle mass for it, since the effect of proteins will only be if the person is actively training.


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