DIY gas boiler: execution technique, necessary materials and tools, step-by-step instructions and expert advice

From the article you will learn about how to make a gas boiler with your own hands from cheap materials. In fact, it is a central component of the entire system of any private home. Not only the climate in the house depends on it, but also the security. Therefore, it is extremely important to correctly calculate all the parameters of the equipment. For the operation of the boiler, even in the absence of electricity, it is necessary to install an additional source for uninterrupted power. You can buy it ready or make it yourself - it all depends on your abilities.

Pros and cons of gas heating

Gas is one of the cheapest types of fuel. For this reason, gas-fired boilers are popular. The following advantages can be distinguished:

  1. High efficiency of boilers.
  2. Using devices is very simple.
  3. From an environmental point of view - a minimum of emissions.
  4. Fuel is relatively cheap.
  5. The service life is longer than that of competitors - 20-40 years.
Do-it-yourself floor heating from a gas boiler

But there are also disadvantages, and they are significant:

  1. Equipment must be licensed without fail. To do this, contact the gas service. Without a license, the operation of the device is prohibited.
  2. The boiler must be installed in a separate room (and this is not always possible to do).
  3. A chimney must be present.
  4. A power outlet is required to enable electrical components.
  5. If the operation is not performed correctly, there is a risk of fire.

But the difficulties are justified by the fact that gas boilers are very economical when compared with others. For example, coal and firewood are needed in large quantities for heating. And kerosene or gasoline is very expensive. Electric heaters can be used in boilers , but their efficiency is much lower.

Types of Boilers

The classification of boilers can be carried out according to several criteria. First of all, they can be divided by the number of circuits:

  1. Single-circuit - allow you to perform one function. They either heat water for domestic use or heat pipes for heating.
  2. Double-circuit - allow you to heat water for sinks and heat pipes.

Also, by the type of exhaust of combustion products can be divided into:

  1. Natural draft boilers. Air comes from the street. Such boilers can be installed in small houses or sheds.
  2. Supply draft boilers are a rather complicated system; for normal operation a chimney and a closed combustion chamber are required.

Type of ignition of gas boilers:

  1. On piezoelectric elements - ignition occurs manually.
  2. Electronic - as soon as the power appears, the boiler starts to work.

There are two options for installing equipment:

  1. On the floor.
  2. On the wall.
gas boiler option

There are also two adjustment options:

  1. Single-stage - the power level is only one (full).
  2. Two-stage - you can install the boiler in one of two modes (strong or weak).

The gas boiler can be connected both to the cylinder and to the main. The most common and effective designs are made of steel. Pig-iron can boast that they retain heat for a long time, but their mass is quite large. Copper is pretty cheap, but it cools quickly. Therefore, the best option would be a device made of cast iron or steel.

How does the boiler work?

In the article we will look at how to make a gas water boiler with our own hands. But first you need to find out what components they consist of:

  1. Gas-burner.
  2. Pump.
  3. Heat exchanger.
  4. Expansion tank.
  5. Automation.
  6. Fan.
  7. Thermometer.
  8. Safety system.
  9. Pressure gauge.
  10. Gas valve.
  11. Air vent.

The operation is very simple: as soon as the device is connected to the network, the burner is ignited. With its help, the heat exchanger warms up, antifreeze, water or oil is poured into it. It all depends on how the house is heated. The pump creates operating pressure in the system. As a result, the liquid circulates through the pipes, and radiators give off heat to the room.

Preparation for work

Before you make a gas boiler with your own hands, you need to make sure that all the tools and materials you have are in stock. And most importantly - you must be confident in your own abilities and skill. In the event that there is no welding machine available, it is better to abandon the manufacture of the boiler.

DIY gas boiler repair

Pay attention to such nuances:

  1. The boiler must not be connected to the main line if the gas service permission is not obtained.
  2. To obtain a permit, it is necessary to call specialists to the house or transport the structure to the gas service for examination.
  3. An improperly installed boiler is not so much a penalty as the risk of a gas leak, resulting in a fire and explosion.
  4. When carrying out welding work, remember your safety. Overalls should be worn on the arms, head and body.
  5. Do not purchase components for the manufacture of the boiler from hand, it is better to trust specialized shops.
  6. All elements must be made strictly according to the drawings.
  7. Before starting work, prepare the necessary materials and tools.

Design calculations and drawings

In order to make a floor gas boiler with your own hands, you need to use drawings, proven in practice. If you look closely, there are few reliable designs. In order for the boiler in the house to create coziness and provide rooms with heat, it is necessary to calculate its volume. The easiest way is to calculate the quadrature of the house. For 10 square meters. m. at least 1 kW of power is needed. For accuracy, it is recommended to add approximately 10-25% (power reserve). In this case, the boiler will work as efficiently as possible.

For example, your house has an area of ​​80 square meters. m. Therefore, energy needs approximately 8 kW and at least 0.8 kW of supply. This is data for 1 hour of work. The boiler is able to use up about 211 kW of energy per day. Now consider the calorific value of natural gas - this is a constant, it is 6.55 kW. To calculate the volume of the boiler, you need to know the maximum amount of energy that it consumes in one day. Then this indicator is divided by the calorific value of the gas.

boiler piping diagram

So, in our example, we need to divide 211 kW by 6.55 kW. This is approximately 32.2 liters. In other words, for heating a house with an area of ​​80 square meters. m. a boiler is required, the volume of which is approximately 33 liters.

Tools and materials

To make a gas boiler for your home with your own hands, you need to acquire such materials and tools:

  • Electric drill.
  • Pliers.
  • Level.
  • The square.
  • Tape measure.
  • Metal pipe.
  • Steel sheet.
  • Gas pipe.
  • Firebox door.
  • Red brick.
  • Armature.
  • Clay.
  • Galvanized sheet.
  • Welding machine and electrodes.
  • Thermostat
  • Automation.
  • Baffle.

The most difficult thing is to pick up the thermostat, baffle and automation. Therefore, their choice must be approached responsibly.

Component selection

boiler components

You can make gas heating boilers with your own hands quickly enough if you choose the right accessories:

  1. Thermostats - both wired and wireless. Wired are cheap, in no way inferior to wireless. It is recommended to select programmable elements, since with their help it is possible to regulate and control the temperature of the coolant in the boiler. The thermostat is made essentially of two elements. One is located in the room, and the second - on the front of the boiler. When the temperature drops in the room, the thermostat starts the boiler. Please note that domestic manufacturers are generally not inferior to foreign counterparts.
  2. As for automation, it usually includes overheating protection, a flame control module, a blast valve and a traction controller. These items can be purchased separately. For the boiler to work properly, you will need to install all these devices. Do not take the cheapest or very expensive - opt for the mid-range price range.
  3. The deflector is an element that allows for a good extract. It is placed on the chimney pipe. The ideal option is a stainless steel cone-shaped umbrella.

We start manufacturing the boiler

DIY gas heating boilers

Please note that you can even power the underfloor heating from the gas boiler. Do it yourself is not difficult to do it yourself. But first you need to assemble the entire structure. For this:

  1. Install the boiler on the foundation. To do this, dig a hole (depth about 0.8 m). The width of the pit is the same as that of the boiler. You can make a small margin. At the bottom of the pit, you need to fill the sand, pour it with water and let it soak. Stack stones and rubble from above.
  2. Assemble the formwork and frame. Armature required. After pouring concrete and formwork in 1-2 days, remove. Lay tar or ruberoid on top of the foundation.
  3. Make a wall of brick - it can protect the main one from a hot boiler. In width and height, the wall should be larger than the boiler (but not much, 10-15 cm is enough).

On this, the preparation of the foundation is over, now you can mount the boiler on it.

Boiler making

When repairing gas boilers with your own hands, you can encounter the most unpredictable nuances. Therefore, perform all work strictly according to the drawings, following the instructions. Otherwise, it will subsequently be difficult to repair. The first thing you need to do is a heat exchanger - it is in it that the water is heated. A steel tank and a copper pipe (0.4-0.5 m long) will be required. In the upper and lower parts of the tank you need to make two holes for the tube.

cylinder boiler

The tube must be bent in the form of a spiral and inserted into the tank. Fittings must be placed at the ends of the tubes, and then gently solder them. During operation, the burner will heat the spiral of copper, and it will transfer heat to the tank. It is unrealistic to make such elements as automation, thermostat and deflector on your own, so you need to purchase them in a specialized store.

After assembling the boiler body and installing it on the foundation, you can begin to manufacture a chimney. The pipe for it should be at least 20 cm in diameter. Above the roof should be at least 40 cm of pipe. It is welded to the boiler on the side. Using the hood, carbon dioxide is removed faster and easier. To do it, you need to purchase a grill and a fan.

UPS and stabilizer

In order for a self-made gas boiler to work correctly, you need to power all the automation from the AC mains. Moreover, it is recommended to stabilize the supply voltage, as well as install the UPS. In this case, the boiler will work even with a power outage. With the help of a stabilizer, the boiler is protected from overloads and power surges.


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