How to learn how to bake cakes: professional courses, home schooling, transfer of experience, learning recipes, step-by-step instructions for kneading, baking and decorating, confectioner's secrets

The cake will be a table decoration for any occasion. Sometimes you want to surprise guests with unusual pastries not bought in the store. This article will tell you how to learn how to bake cakes at home. Consider all the subtleties of cooking. But first, we'll talk about where to start a beginner.

Sometimes a person has different desires. For example, one fine day the thought may come to my head: I want to learn how to bake cakes. Before you begin to learn the basics, you need to be tuned that the process is long, requires skill, patience and imagination. And also you should not be afraid to experiment. But this is already when classic cakes for a solid five will be obtained.


How to learn to bake cakes? What do you need for baking? Of course, that every master will need a room to work. The kitchen should be spacious (preferably), fully equipped with high-quality appliances. When there are problems with the oven, it will take much more time to learn how to bake good cakes. After all, it is important that the base is baked and not burnt. You can use a slow cooker.


learn how to bake cakes professionally

You will also need tools:

  • Be sure to have a mixer with different nozzles, and a whisk will not hurt. At first, he will be a lifesaver. If there is no mixer and you need to buy it, then it is better to take a stationary one. Whipping proteins sometimes takes time. And while the mixer will do this, other ingredients can be prepared at this time.
  • Bowls of various sizes made of plastic, stainless steel and enameled.
  • Different sizes of spoons, forks and spatulas.
  • Cake baking dishes. It is advisable to purchase detachable metal and silicone, in different sizes. The shape can be varied, it is not necessary to buy only a round one.
  • It is imperative to have a kitchen scale indicating gram accuracy. Sometimes just 1 extra gram can ruin a masterpiece.
  • Measuring glasses and spoons do not interfere.
  • Pastry bag with nozzles. It is much more convenient and easier to use than a syringe.
  • Cliches for drawing patterns.
  • Lubrication brushes and cream-based designs.
  • Devices for rolling dough. For example, a rolling pin.
  • Food wrap.
  • Apron and scarf / cap on the head.


It is important to check with a prescription more than once whether all the necessary products are available. Before cooking, everything must be at hand or in close proximity. There is a basic list of products that is used for almost every baking. They are desirable to have in the house all the time. In the process, each culinary specialist forms his own list of necessary products.

Books are needed!

To learn how to bake cakes professionally, you need to buy more than one cookbook about baking cakes and cakes for them. After all, the recipe for one baking varies in different books. You can take into account all the nuances, choose the most useful chips, then the cake will turn out incredibly tasty.

Think about the design of future products

You need to work on decorating the cake in advance.

  • A beginner is recommended to start with mastic. This is a rather elastic mass, reminiscent of a fresh dough for pasties, sweet in taste. You can just cover the whole cake with it. And apply an inscription or a peculiar pattern to it. You can cut decor elements out of it.
  • You can buy a spray (confectionery) and cover them with cakes both separately and on top of mastic.
  • Or buy ready-made figurines for cake decorating. They are all edible. They can be either in the form of flowers or with inscriptions.
  • There is just a colored sprinkle that will decorate any pastries, not just a cake.

Sometimes it is recommended to start making cakes from purchased cakes in order to master the process of assembly and impregnation of the base with creams well. Moreover, the purchased cake is always smooth and perfectly round. Initially, the simplest design cakes are selected.

How to learn to bake cakes from scratch

learn how to bake custom-made cakes at home

Before you start practicing, it is recommended that you watch a few videos on making simple cakes. Then already start learning to cook cakes. Perfectly smooth and well-baked and magnificent (sometimes it is required not magnificent) cake is the basis of a beautiful cake.

Description of making a cake from scratch:

  1. Purchase a special confectionery flour. It contains less gluten, so the dough is not as magnificent as in buns. It is sold at any grocery store. If it happened that it is not on the shelves, then you can cook it yourself.
  2. To do this, take 1 empty glass with a volume of 250 ml. Pour 60 g of corn starch into it and add a glass of wheat flour to the top to the top (top grade). Pour the mixture from a glass into a bowl of the required size and mix thoroughly. After this, the resulting flour must be sieved. For the splendor of the test, sifting is recommended 2-3 times.
  3. Before starting the dough, you need to prepare all the necessary ingredients. You need to start by mixing all the dry ingredients. Stir thoroughly so that later it can be used immediately.
  4. The use of milk is often required in recipes, and even its fat content is indicated. Initially backtracking is not recommended. But you need to know that whole milk can be replaced by its analogues.
  5. Be sure to monitor what oil is required in the recipe: butter or vegetable. If creamy, then it must first be melted in a water bath. Sometimes it also needs to be whipped. If the oil is mixed up, the taste of the cake will be completely different, it will affect the appearance.
  6. Use the mixer only for whipping proteins. In other cases, use a whisk or scapula.

Step-by-step cooking of biscuit cake

how to learn how to bake cakes at home

The ingredients are designed for one large cake or two medium. Required:

  • 4 chicken eggs (elite);
  • 450 g of confectionery flour;
  • up to 7 g of salt;
  • 17 g baking powder;
  • 350 g of granulated sugar;
  • 250 ml of milk (whole or its analogues);
  • 25 g vanilla sugar;
  • 180 g butter (pre-melt).

Begin preparing the dough with mixing: flour, sugar, salt and baking powder. Be sure to mix everything very carefully.

Add milk, melted and cooled butter, eggs and vanilla to the dry mixture. Stir until the mass becomes homogeneous. It is better to use a spatula to mix the dough.

While the dough is preparing, you need to preheat the oven. The temperature should be 180 degrees. It is better to cover the mold with baking paper, do not oil. If one cake is baked, then the baking time is 45 minutes. And if two cakes, then bake for 30 minutes. Until the baking time comes out, it is better not to open the oven. Otherwise, the cake will lose splendor. When it is ready, it will be covered with a brown crust on top.

Cakes should be in the form of 15 minutes after they are taken out of the oven. So they are easier to move away from paper. And not much deformed when shifted to a plate. The advantage of the cooked cake is that you do not need to whip the proteins separately, the dough is prepared without difficulty. Plus, the finished product can be consumed immediately. And you can lubricate it: boiled condensed milk with butter (200 g butter on a can of condensed milk); can be soaked with plain yogurt and so on.

An additional advantage of the cake is that it can be stored in the freezer for up to 3 days, before serving, it must warm to room temperature, it will take up to 4 hours.

how to learn how to bake cakes from scratch

It’s better to start mastering the culinary art of making cakes with just such recipes. On them, you can also experiment with jewelry. Then you can complicate the recipe for shortcakes and diversify with creams.

One of the simplest is considered a honey cake. Although there are nuances for making dough. You can try making cakes, the basis of which is dry cookies.

Pastry Tips

Now we’ll figure out how to learn how to bake cakes according to the advice of experienced chefs. You must always follow the recipe exactly, take the exact amount of all the ingredients. They are calculated by trial and error. Be sure to use the scales. Putting components in strict order. Any, even a slight deviation from the prescription can turn into a failure. Experiment and put other components only when experience comes. There it will be possible already by eye to determine the right amount of components.

Be sure to observe the temperature regime. If you install a little less (for fear that the cakes will burn), then there is a good chance that they will not bake and settle, when they get out of the oven. If you hurry up and increase the temperature, the cake will most likely burn, and inside the dough will remain damp.

For cooking use only clean and dry dishes and tools. Even a small drop of water can ruin everything. This is one of the important rules on how to learn how to bake cakes.

how to learn how to bake custom cakes

When mixing components with a mixer, sometimes it should be turned off and mixed with a spoon. Scrape the contents off the walls well. Lumps may remain there.

If cakes were baked in advance, then they should be stored only in the freezer. In the refrigerator, they lose moisture and are stale. To prepare a cake from frozen cake, it should be removed in advance so that it becomes room temperature.

You can decorate only completely cooled cakes. Otherwise, the oil decoration may melt or soak the cake. And he himself can become dry from this and begin to crumble. Do not overdo it with sugar. Of course, he will sweeten the product, but because of it, the cake may burn, and the dough will not be the desired consistency.

If the recipe does not stipulate what the recipe should be used for (warm or cold), then all the ingredients should be removed from the refrigerator in advance so that they become room temperature. This is especially true for eggs. Otherwise, they will be badly whipped.

The dough should fill the form only halfway, since during the baking process it rises almost 2 times. And in the end, the edges will be uneven, plus the runaway dough will fill the whole apartment with a burnt aroma.

If the cake is made of several shortcakes, do not simplify your work and bake one, and then cut it. Better to bake a few. Then the chance that they are baked will be 100%. Allow time for the cake to cool in shape, and only then remove them from it. So they will better keep their shape. The cream is applied in two stages. In the beginning to soak cakes. Then for decoration. Between them you need to withstand at least 15 minutes.

The taste and shape of the product is important!

Those who are interested in how to learn how to bake cakes to order should definitely follow the taste of the product. Its beautiful shape is a minor thing to strive for. Even the most beautiful cake, if it is tasteless and dry, will not be in demand.

At first, you need to experiment on only one recipe, until it turns out to taste and appearance, as expected, without any flaws.

learning how to bake cakes at home

Where can I learn to bake beautiful cakes?

When it comes to cooking cakes without jambs, I want to know where you can learn how to bake products. There are several options here:

  1. Attend one-day courses. They often talk about all the latest in cooking, without the knowledge of which you can begin to lose even regular customers. These courses are important for those who want to learn how to bake custom-made cakes at home.
  2. You can just watch online video tutorials on the Internet, but there is a minus. Basically, simple recipes are considered and the most important chips, without which masterpieces do not work, are not revealed.
  3. A good option to learn how to bake cakes to order at home is to attend paid courses. The so-called from A to Z. There will be told all the intricacies of cooking. There will be feedback with the pastry chef and you can make out why the dough settled after baking, or why the cake crumbles a lot, and so on.
learn to bake beautiful cakes


Now home-made cakes are gaining great popularity. Learning how to bake cakes at home is not difficult. The main thing in this business is patience and desire to achieve a result. Then your favorite business will also bring financial stability. Here you need to not only know how to learn how to bake cakes, but also be able to look for customers, and even make yourself advertisements.


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