How to make induction heaters with your own hands?

Almost every owner strives to reduce heating costs. To do this, not only wall insulation is made, but even new types of boilers are installed, which are often simply ordinary heating devices such as AGV. But sometimes, some sellers simply β€œflush” such units to customers under the guise of β€œthe latest technical development.” You can satisfy your needs as much as possible only when you do something with your own hands. And today we will consider how to make a vortex induction heater with your own hands.

DIY induction heaters


In the course of the work, we will need to apply the following parts and devices:

  1. Welding inverter (not necessarily the most expensive) with a current regulator from 10 A.
  2. A piece of metal or plastic pipe up to 10 centimeters long.
  3. Metal wire with a 6 mm cross section.
  4. A copper wire with a diameter of 1.5 millimeters.
  5. Thermoregulator.

To find out how you can make induction heaters with your own hands from all of these devices, we will consider all the steps in more detail.

Instruction manual

First you need to take a steel wire and cut it into small pieces 9-10 centimeters long. They should be placed inside a metal or plastic pipe, which will then be closed with special adapters. Doing induction heaters with your own hands, at the top of this device you need to wind a copper wire of at least 100 turns. After that, the output part of the inverter is connected to the end of this winding and is turned on with the help of a thermostat, followed by heating and heat transfer. By the way, the regulator itself can be installed near the supply pipe. Everything, at this stage the device is successfully done.

induction heaters


During the manufacturing of a home-made induction heater, connect the rectifier diodes exactly to the inverter output - and nothing else. Thus, making induction heaters with your own hands, you will need to solder the conductors to the rectifier diodes. Otherwise, you will not get a heater, but a simple electromagnet that will simply form a field around itself without the occurrence of thermal heating.

The whole essence of the operation of such a device as induction heaters is as follows. As a result of the appearance of an electromagnetic field, which is directed from the inductor to the end of the wire, the device begins to gradually heat up. As a result, the temperature of the entire pipe will begin to rise, through which water passes in the heating system and, accordingly, the room, too. The inverter is a source of high-frequency voltage, which forms this field in the pipe near the wire scraps. When you turn on this unit, Foucault eddy currents form in them, which leads to the heating of all parts of the device.

vortex induction heater

So, we learned how to make induction heaters with our own hands, and figured out how they work.


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