Form for making garden paths: tips for use

mold for making garden paths
Every resident of the UK knows that his house is his fortress, which means that you can not spare any money on the arrangement of your home. They hold a similar opinion on the issue of arranging the garden. Few people know that among the British there is an opinion that at least one third of the cost of the house itself should be spent on a garden.

In our area, such a policy may seem like a waste of money and yet a rare owner of a private house will not want to bring the land adjacent to the building into proper condition, investing in this enterprise not only family capital, but also his own soul. Of course, the costs for the services of a professional designer or builders are not affordable for everyone. However, there are things that are simply not permissible to save on, for example, garden paths. There are many coating options for them: wood flooring, gravel, crushed stone, expanded clay and even tile. To give your site a touch of elegance and some luxury will help shape for the manufacture of garden paths.

form for garden paths

Slabs made in this way can easily simulate stone or block flooring. The form for making garden paths can give the site an individual and incomparable appearance - just add a little pebble or a special pigment to the solution. In addition, the use of this technology will significantly save on material. Plastic molds for garden paths are relatively inexpensive, and the only one is quite enough to produce about a thousand plates.

plastic molds for garden paths
Not to mention the variety of stencils that manufacturers now provide. As a pouring, cement mix and sand are usually used (1: 3, respectively). Then the required amount of water is added. The resulting solution is good in itself, and with the addition of a plasticizer, its quality only improves.

It remains only to determine what form for garden paths is suitable specifically in this case. When making a choice in favor of one or another stencil, you should start from your own preferences. However, it is worth remembering that the appearance of the path should be in harmony with the design of the garden.

Stages of plate manufacturing

mold for making garden paths

  • Cleaning and thoroughly leveling the surface on which the plates will subsequently be laid.
  • Preliminary work with a stencil. The mold for the manufacture of garden paths should be lubricated with some film-forming substance, for example, drying oil or automotive "working off".
  • Directly filling the mold with a ready-made cement mortar and removing excess mixture from the surface with a spatula or improvised material, for example, it is convenient to do this with a rail made of wood, metal or even plastic.

It is completely optional to wait until the cement has finally hardened, it is enough to leave the solution in the cells for 60-90 minutes. After this time, the slabs will be strong enough to be easy to remove. In the meantime, they harden, the form for the manufacture of garden paths can be reused.


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