Children's organizations and associations

What are children's organizations? In addition to the informal trends of youth, the country has a variety of children's institutions. As a rule, they are led by adults. Let us dwell on this issue in more detail, because it is children's organizations that perform the most important educational function - they form the younger generation.

how to organize children

What is a baby movement

This is an objective movement that is generated by society. Children at a certain age (mainly 9-15 years old) have a desire to communicate with peers, to implement large-scale joint projects. Children's organizations are established on the basis of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. It is in this document that freedom of peaceful assembly and association is proclaimed as the standard of life for children.

Scientific facts

The results of statistical studies indicate that in recent years the social activity of children and adolescents has grown significantly. They need organizations that fully satisfy their interests, identify and develop their abilities and talents. The work of the children's organization should be organized so that the children feel respect, trust in them from the mentors.

After the collapse of the Komsomol and pioneer organization, which for several decades carried out a lot of educational tasks, children's organizations in our country became a rarity.

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Relevance of the problem

Psychologists are convinced that it is they who are currently vital for the Russian Federation, as they contribute to the involvement of children in practical activities, help them gain first social experience, and are a means of teaching the younger generation some social skills.

The activities of the children's organization are organized taking into account their individual abilities and the needs of the parents. Such associations are an excellent way to form a child’s civil qualities, without which it will be difficult for him to adapt in a democratic society.

The legislative framework

All children's educational organizations operate on the basis of the laws of the Russian Federation, in particular, the documents “On Education”, “On Public Associations”, “On Support for Children and Youth Public Organizations”. Among the forms of public children's associations are: organization, movement, foundation, institution.

children's educational organizations

Features of children's public organizations

They are self-governing and amateur associations that are created with the goal of solving a particular problem. Such organizations are guided in their activities by the charter or other constituent documents, differ in a fixed number of members, a clear structure.

In our country, there are more than 200 public youth associations and organizations of various kinds. Some of them are called unions, leagues, associations.

At this stage of development, children's organizations are trying to find their own direction, which would be the most relevant and rational depending on the region.

how to organize kids


Among them, self-organization consisting in the creation and promotion of associations from below can be mentioned. Many programs created in kindergartens and educational institutions are distinguished by their search character, reflecting the results of collective and amateur creativity of enthusiastic teachers. Among the main functions performed by public associations, note:

  • the involvement of the individual in social relations, the socialization of the younger generation;
  • the elaboration of life activities, which would fully satisfy the needs of children and parents (legal representatives), corresponded to the moral and emotional state, age characteristics;
  • protection of individual freedoms and rights from the negative effects of the social environment;
  • change in various influences on the personality, its behavior (assistance in the social and moral formation).

Among the distinguishing parameters of such organizations, one can single out democracy, voluntariness, and openness. They use in their work personnel, financial, technical support of other state institutions.

That is why children seek to get into such associations. Both children's organizations and educational institutions, on the basis of which they operate, are interested in ensuring that the younger generation is maximally involved in creative activities of various kinds.

Management of amateur children's associations does not imply a rigid framework. From time to time, there may be different members in the leadership, the emphasis is on cooperation between all members of the organization.

why do we need children's organizations

Features of work

The involvement of the younger generation in social activities should be carried out from an early age. That is why the organization of a kindergarten with a certain bias (line of activity) has become commonplace in our country. Some DOWs even have volunteer units. Kids help adults take care of plants in a living corner, arrange creative exhibitions.

children and children's organizations

To summarize

In modern Russia, the attitude to the creative activities of children and adolescents has changed significantly. New organizations appear that contribute to the formation of citizenship in the younger generation. The children's movement is considered as a set of actions of various organizations that are in the region or territorial unit (district, city). In Russia today it is represented by international, federal, regional, interregional children's organizations, which differ significantly from each other in directions, forms, types.

In particular, the following activity priorities are highlighted: focused on an individual, socially significant, civic, environmental, tourism, local history, youth army. The latter area of ​​activity is one of the most popular. A large-scale movement of young patriots has been created in Russia, who respect their country, are proud of its traditions, and study the historical roots.

Among temporary children's associations, regional, Russian, international competitions, festivals, and shows developed as part of the federal program Young Russia can be noted. Children's public associations, which include children under 18 years of age, are a form of social education organized by the leisure of children, an effective means of obtaining their own life experience, independence. Children who from early childhood are involved in projects that are significant for society will become much more successful, socially adapted, and competitive in the labor market in the future.


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