Tariff for thermal energy: calculation and regulation. Heat meter

Not all homeowners are aware of how the cost of services for the provision of thermal energy is formed. To many, it seems unreasonably high. The tariff for thermal energy is also increasing annually, although the quality of the provision of this service remains at the same level. Does the price of the number of eliminated accidents on heating systems affect its price? Do technological improvements in citywide systems and the replacement of pipelines have an effect?

In the article we will examine in detail how the tariff for thermal energy in the Russian Federation is formed, who sets and regulates it. We will analyze the functions of the corresponding counters.

Approval and Regulation

Tariffs for thermal energy are approved by the REC (regional energy commission). In its work, it is based on the model regulation on the executive authority of the Russian entity in the field of state regulation of tariffs, which was approved in accordance with Government Decision No. 136 (2004).

In the Russian Federation, it is REC that is engaged in setting tariffs for thermal energy. The one that was developed and transmitted through heating systems. The commission also relies on various legal documents that are relevant at the moment.

Key factors

As a rule, the cost of heat for the population is set depending on two factors:

  1. Indications of devices taking into account the amount of consumed thermal energy.
  2. Taking into account the actual ambient temperature characteristic of a particular area.
tariff calculation

Specific numbers

Let us analyze the examples applicable in the Moscow Region as a tariff. Here 1 Gcal of heat energy, on average, is estimated at 1534 rubles. Both in the Moscow region and throughout Russia there is a tendency to increase tariffs for thermal energy. This is not an exceptional occurrence. Along with them, tariffs for electricity, water, gas, etc. are also rising.

In the Moscow region, tariffs for heating residential premises remained constant for a long time. On average, it is 175 rubles per cubic meter. It is important to note that the price of the service also depends on the company that provides it. So, the owners of the premises in which the MOEK heat meters are installed pay slightly more than the owners with the Mosenergo meters.

Why is the cost of the service different?

Tariffs for heat energy are heterogeneous in Russia. Moreover, they can vary even in the territory of one region. There are cases when people living on the same street pay completely different amounts for heating. What is the reason for this?

The entire heat-conducting system of the settlement is divided into several sections. They can be owned by one or several companies. Each of these organizations is authorized to introduce its own tariffs. This is what causes the difference in payment for the same service.

Depending on what, heat supply companies set tariffs for the population? The cost of the service is affected by the state of the heating system, the wear of its pipeline. If the pipes are old at a specific site, which results in a high level of heat loss, the service provider may submit a request to the REC to raise tariffs for homeowners in certain houses. Here he himself and the state will not remain in the red. The expenses will be paid by just the same population.

heat meter

Heat meters

Such devices help to calculate the cost of monthly heating payments on their own, based on the readings taken from your meter. The owner of the heat energy meter pays only for the service he received, without additional posts from utilities. Some devices allow you to adjust the heating of the room both automatically (depending on the temperature in the street), and in manual mode.

By scope of application, such devices are divided into industrial (house) and individual (apartment). By the principle of operation, mechanical and ultrasonic devices can be distinguished.

Energy consumption here is determined by vortex, electromagnetic, turbine measurement. Housing devices usually consist of a heat meter and a hot water meter (it acts as a coolant). As for ultrasonic devices, in this case, an emitter and a device receiving ultrasonic signals are mounted on the pipe.

Installation of such meters in an apartment is not possible without obtaining the appropriate permission from the management company. It is possible to get it if you comply with all the technical conditions set by the Criminal Code. You should also choose a company that has a certificate for such activities.

During operation, the homeowner must take care of periodically checking his meter by specialists from Rostest - the service department of the device manufacturer.

tariff regulation

How to calculate by yourself?

Heat meters allow homeowners to independently calculate how much they need to pay for heat in the current month. You only need to find out the amount of heat consumed on your device and multiply it by the indicator provided by the REC. That is, the price of one cubic meter of Gcal of thermal energy.

Further perspectives

Is a reduction in heat tariffs realistic? According to analysts, this will become possible only if intermediary companies stop buying it from resource-supplying state enterprises.

In this case, the cost of heat and hot water will decrease again. There is already a price of 1 Gcal of thermal energy will be set for each region, based on its economic situation and taking into account the climatic features of the area.

In this situation, residents of the same constituent entity of the Russian Federation will pay the same payment for heat at the same tariffs set for the region, republic, settlement, etc.

heat meter

Variety of tariffs for organizations

Tariffs for thermal energy come in several varieties. Consider them.

The first is for thermal energy (i.e. steam). They are installed by resource-supplying institutions that directly generate heat on their own heat sources. Similar tariffs for thermal energy for the population and enterprises are graded according to the types of generation:

  1. Produced by boiler houses for heating purposes.
  2. Generated by power plants. Here, production is conducted in a combined mode. That is, both electric and thermal energy are simultaneously generated.

The second type of tariffs is for the transfer of thermal energy. Such tariffs are set by organizations that own (for example, by right of ownership) certain sections of heating networks.

Varieties of tariffs for consumers

As for the end consumers, for them the calculation of the cost of heat supply depends only on the tariffs for heat energy approved by the REC. Their formation depends on waste, heat supplying institutions. It also takes into account payments to third parties and other intermediaries under agreements for the transfer of this kind of energy through heating networks. That is, under contracts for its transportation.

In addition, the Russian Federation also approved tariffs for the heat carrier (it is water that has been chemically purified) and heated components for hot water.

tariffs for the population


Calculation of tariffs for thermal energy is a rather complicated, time-consuming and time-consuming process. It requires the formation, collection, provision of many documents. They are sent by resource supply companies to the REC.

The documentation itself has strict requirements. It must be numbered, collected in brochures, certified by visas of responsible persons. This is especially true of analytical data.

All documents to be sent for tariff calculations in the REC can be divided into the following categories:

  1. Are common.
  2. Technical specifications.
  3. Economic documentation.

Consider the content of each category in detail.

General documentation

In order to formulate full and preferential tariffs for thermal energy for the population and organizations, REC needs to analyze a whole range of documentation from resource-supplying companies.

The general category of such documents includes the following:

  1. Title documents for land plots, equipment, structures, buildings that participate in heat supply processes.
  2. Copies of statistical accounting for the previous year, as of the last reporting date.
  3. Information on previously established heat tariffs.
  4. Estimated information on the useful supply of thermal energy with the inclusion of losses in the networks and the consumption of heat for own purposes and needs.
  5. Data on the connected load for heating, ventilation, hot water supply.
  6. Reasonable economic waste on heat generation, calculation of the gross profit of the enterprise. Information of this kind should be generated in accordance with the methodological requirements for calculating tariffs in the Russian Federation (approved by Order of the Federal Tariff Service No. 20-e / 2 in 2004).
  7. The investment program of the company with transcripts of the amounts and sources of funding for its activities.
  8. An application, certified by the head’s signature, regarding consideration of documentation, approval of the heat tariff with an indication of the method by which it was regulated.
formation of tariffs for thermal energy


Also, for calculating REC tariffs, it is also required to provide certain technical information from resource supply companies:

  1. Actual data on the useful supply of heat for previous preparatory and heating periods, relevant plans for future periods.
  2. A list of heat sources, heat points, with an indication of their addresses, mode maps, technical specifications, schemes of heating systems.
  3. The specification of the equipment available to the company.
  4. Technical and economic indicators with applications in the form of invoices and quality certificates for purchased raw materials, gas, electricity, water, fuel, etc.
  5. Data on specific fuel waste standards. The facts of deviation from them are additionally substantiated in the attached explanatory notes.
  6. Registers of concluded heat supply contracts concluded with its consumers.
  7. Copies of contracts for the purchase of water, gas and electric energy.

Economic documentation

Calculation and regulation of tariffs for thermal energy in the Russian Federation is the prerogative of REC. To carry out calculations, the commission’s specialists also require economic documents from resource-supplying enterprises:

  1. Copies of constituent documentation.
  2. Data on the organization itself, its specifics, characteristics of activities, major consumer groups.
  3. Copies of documentation confirming the procurement of tender activities.
  4. Calculation of repair costs, schedules for such work, copies of contracts with contractors.
  5. Data on wage funds, depreciation, tax, insurance contributions and other expenses.
heat tariff

Thus, tariffs for heat energy are formed and regulated by REC on the basis of documents provided by resource-supplying companies. Citizens can only independently control their consumption of thermal energy with the help of special meters, deduct the cost of the service based on such tariffs and device readings.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/A9815/

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