Roll laminator: specifications and reviews

The segment of printing technology is going through hard times today. On the one hand, the largest manufacturers of such equipment successfully develop and master new technologies, but on the other hand, competition with digital storage media as a whole determines a decrease in interest in such products. Nevertheless, the technical support of any office requires a basic set that allows you to perform basic printing operations. In addition to common printers and copy machines, this kit also includes a roll laminator, with which you can refine almost any paper document, regardless of format.

Roll Laminator Overview

roll laminator

Today the most common batch laminators due to their practicality. These are small models in design, which can be considered both as household appliances, and as office equipment, subject to light workload. Rolled analogs are more profitable to use in working with large volumes. And it's not even about performance, but in formats. Theoretically, a roll laminator is capable of serving the A0 format as well - by the way, in many devices this feature is implemented in practice. But the potential of the “roll” makes it possible to cover sheets with a format exceeding the A3 format at the lowest cost and with high quality. In addition, representatives of professional series can also perform a wide range of additional options, including foil stamping. As for the disadvantages of this kind of laminators, they can be attributed to the difficulty in maintenance. In the process, the technician requires the operator to carefully control the parameters of the film tension, the temperature of the rolls, the speed of broaching, etc. And this is not to mention the operating mode, which is also selected with the expectation of ensuring certain parameters of the protective layer.

Key Features

roll laminator

A key performance indicator for a roll laminator is productivity. This is the value that affects the speed of the coverage. Standard models process an average of 1800 mm / min. We can say that this is a typical value of performance, which is typical for 70-80% of devices of this type. The rest represent a class of mini-laminators or industrial machines. The most interesting professional category, individual models in which can provide coverage at speeds up to 20 m / min. The second important characteristic that a roll laminator has is the maximum coverage width. This indicator on average varies from 300 to 700 mm. At the same time, the optional capabilities of a roll laminator should be considered. The weak point of such equipment is unilateral lamination. However, the latest models are devoid of this drawback and can also work in a double-sided film coating mode.

Film for laminator

roll laminator fm

The film coating itself differs in operational protective characteristics. The laminator only provides its application, but the final properties of the processed document will depend on the selected film. Actually, there are few differences between the materials for lamination, and the main one is the thickness. So, if you only need to visually give the document a glossy appearance, then thin coatings of the order of 8-10 microns are chosen. A thick film for a roll laminator, the thickness of which is about 250 microns, is already able to protect the paper base from light cuts, fractures of the structure and other physical damage. In turn, laminating machines can work with specific ranges of film formats or support all sizes. The film also differs in aesthetic properties. For example, manufacturers produce coatings with varying degrees of gloss and dullness, varying the content of hot-melt adhesive in the composition of the primary plastic mixture.

Grafalex FM 360 model reviews

roll laminators gmp

This model is often used for professional purposes. The machine successfully copes with the tasks of lamination in copy centers, printing houses, photographic studios, etc. Users note high productivity, which in practice provides a decent result without delays in the work process. Experts emphasize the advantages of a metal case, which also helps to increase the reliability of the device. The internal content provides an optimal functional mode even in conditions of heavy load due to the presence of high-strength plastic shafts. Many point to the presence of automatic systems, which are equipped with a roll laminator FM 360 in the basic version. First of all, this is the function of storing operating parameters. This means that every time at the beginning of work the device will perform operations with the same parameters as in the last use session.

Bulros FM 360 model reviews

roll laminator bulros

This device works with approximately the same standard sizes as the previous model, but it also has several significant differences. According to users, this version is more profitable to use for working with posters, posters, calendars and other printing products. This is explained by the fact that the model is designed for simple control, which allows you to easily control the lamination process. At the same time, the Bulros roll laminator is also distinguished by a high speed of operation, which can be adjusted or reverse movement can be used. For ease of use, the manufacturer has provided additional functions. For example, the owners of the device highly appreciate the work of the automatic film tension and the simplified system for installing shafts.

Reviews on the model Mefu MF1700-M1

roll laminator fm 360

Large printing industries are provided with modern high-performance equipment, which can also include the MF1700-M1 unit. Users of this machine primarily note its wide structural and functional capabilities, allowing you to work with almost all common formats of printed materials. Moreover, the lamination speed is up to 6 m / min. For comparison, the roll laminator FM-series on average provides coverage of documents with a frequency of 1800 mm / min. If we talk about the shortcomings of the MF1700-M1 modification, then many owners talk about a lot of power consumption.

GMP Excelam 355 reviews

In the niche of medium-capacity laminators, which are used at home and in small offices, the GMP Excelam 355 is popular. It should be said right away that the model has low power and compact dimensions, which is why the reviews about performance are mostly restrained. In other words, on this machine it is advisable to work with formats up to size A3 and in small quantities. But in terms of ergonomics and quality of document processing, this machine has practically no equal in class. Like all the latest GMP roll laminators, the Excelam 355 is equipped with a digital speed and temperature controller, which facilitates the use of the device.

film for a roll laminator

How to choose the best laminator?

To begin with, the scope of technology and its functionality are determined. High workload, continuous operation and demanding quality of lamination - all this determines the choice of professional equipment. For home and office, where only occasionally resort to printing technology, it is worth choosing a model in which the emphasis is on ergonomics. In particular, the Excelam 355 roll laminator is suitable for such needs. If you need a balanced model for universal use, you can opt for the Grafalex FM 360. This is a high-quality performance multifunctional and easy-to-use laminator, which also has an optimal speed and support for a wide range of work formats.


Lamination is a specific printing service, so equipment for performing such operations is not as common as traditional printing machines. Nevertheless, in terms of technological development, the roll laminator does not stand still. Modern models receive automatic systems for monitoring and controlling operating parameters. These include indicators of lamination temperature, coating speed, etc. More advanced modifications in addition receive the ability to implement holography, texture surface treatment, selective glossing and foiling.


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