How to wind flax on a thread? Plumbing linen (tow)

The question of how to wrap flax on a thread arises among many people, it is also often necessary to deal with the task of choosing between fum tape and flax. Each option is preferred for different situations. However, in some cases, they may be interchangeable.

how to wind flax on a thread


Plumbing flax is a standard sealant for threaded connections, it can also be found under the name tow. It has many advantages, among which are the following:

  • Resistance to mechanical stress. This material is the best option for sealing plumbing fixtures. When using it, it becomes possible to adjust while maintaining tightness.
  • In the process of getting wet, flax increases its volume. That is, you can not worry if a small leak occurs after the connection is completed, as it will be independently eliminated. The material begins to swell from exposure to moisture and, thus, blocks the flow.
  • Universality. The correct winding allows you to use for connections of various kinds.
  • Low cost. Compared to other gaskets, this option is much cheaper. The main thing is to choose a high-quality reeling, it should be light, realized in the form of a bay or pigtails, while there should be no lumps and inclusions.

tow linen


Despite the advantages, there were some points that complicate the application:

  • Care must be taken when working with bronze and brass, as thread damage may occur when winding a thick layer.
  • Before use, the thread must be carefully prepared. Today, fittings with threads designed for linen winding are on the market. They can be identified by special notches. In their absence, you can use pliers or a file. The notches prevent flax from churning and slipping.
  • Before wrapping flax on a thread, it must be treated with suitable compounds - it can be oil-based paint, silicone, sealant or solid oil. Since this winding is an organic material, it is subject to the development of putrefactive processes in contact with water and air. The latter is annually in heating and water supply systems during preventive maintenance or repair. Special compounds prevent the destruction of the material.

plumbing flax

Processing Tools

Some special formulations can complicate the dismantling of joints, the need for which arises when a leak occurs, new elements are connected, or some parts are being replaced. Paint and silicone contribute to the bonding of elements and, as a consequence, to the difficulty of separation, in some cases it becomes impossible. In the absence of associated means or illiterate winding on steel parts, similar problems arise due to corrosion damage at the joint.

Flaxen tow should be wound only in accordance with established rules. To begin with, it is processed with a suitable tool, a thread is also prepared for it. When winding, the direction should go along the threads. Further, the remaining part is brought out of it and stretched, at this time the connection is wound and tightened. How much flax to wrap on threads? This can be determined by the tightness of the fitting on it.

which is better flax or fum tape

Which is better: flax or fum tape?

The materials used to organize hot water supply are subject to special requirements. They relate to the means used for winding. Due to the high temperature of the liquid in the pipes, the winding must have high tightness and resistance to temperature. Flax meets similar requirements, while fum tape is not the best material. When connected, it is divided into many fibers, which seal the voids and prevent water leakage. High temperatures, which are peculiar to a hot water supply system and a heating system, lead to compression of the fibers. Because of this, the risk of leakage increases.

As for other characteristics, it should be noted that linen tow is cheaper than fum tape, even if the material is used for processing. If in small works the difference is not so noticeable, then with active use you can get significant savings. But at the same time, the tape speeds up the work. Thus, it is impossible to unequivocally say which is better: flax or fum tape, since each material is suitable for different tasks.

Combination of two materials

In some cases, a combination of flax and fum tape is used to obtain a better compound. Two options are possible: flax is covered with several turns of tape or both materials are wound in turn. Despite the effectiveness, this method has not gained distribution due to the peculiarities of the winding conditions.

flax thread seal

Preparatory work

Before winding the flax onto the thread, a joint is prepared. This is to prevent material from slipping or sliding off a flat surface. If the flax does not stay in place, then the degree of sealing will be extremely low. To fix the fibers, special notches are applied on the turns. They can be cut with a hacksaw, file or file. In the absence of such tools, you can use pliers and, holding the thread as tight as possible, squeeze it - you should get small notches in a circle of turns. Also, as mentioned earlier, you can purchase fittings that are specially made for plumbing tow.

how much flax to wind on a thread

How to wind flax on a thread: instructions

The fibers are separated in small strands. It is worth noting the need for careful selection of the thickness of the strands, since the winding should have an average thickness. If lumps or foreign elements are found, they must be removed. Plumbers use various options, for example, winding with a loose strand or a braid. This is necessary to simplify the work, while the quality of the connection remains unchanged.

Next, plumbing flax, pre-treated with a special compound, is wound on a thread. You can also first apply the composition to the surface, then wrap the material, and distribute an additional layer on top. The effectiveness of both options is on the same level.

Regardless of the method used, tow is wound in accordance with the direction of the thread. The first turn should act as a lock: for this it is superimposed with a cross, at this time one side of the strand should be clamped by hand. The sealing of the thread with linen should be as tight as possible, and there should be no gaps between the turns. Then the strand is brought to the edge of the thread and glued with a suitable material.


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