Lays ears in an airplane - what to do? Useful Tips

Many people wonder why the ear was blocked after the plane, what to do in such a situation? Naturally, the presented phenomenon does not cause pain. However, discomfort is still present.

Let’s find out why it puts ears in an airplane and how to deal with it? What should be done so that the problem does not arise during subsequent flights?

lays ears on the plane what to do

Pathology of the Hearing Organs

There are a number of diseases in which it lays ears in an airplane. What to do to eliminate discomfort and what manifest such ailments?

The following hearing diseases can cause the effect of stuffy ears :

  1. Eustachitis - at the root of the problem lies the development of inflammatory processes in the area of ​​the auditory tube. The occurrence of puffiness, as a rule, is a consequence of a late response to colds. However, sinusitis, the formation of polyps in the nasopharynx, can also serve as the cause of the development of eustachitis.
  2. Hearing loss is a sensorineural pathology of the hearing organs that occurs against the background of destructive processes affecting the auditory nerve. A prerequisite for the development of the disease may be vascular hypertension, cerebral ischemia, head injury. If your ear is blocked after an airplane, what should I do? To pass suspicions on the development of sensorineural hearing loss allows the passage of an audiogram.
  3. Otitis - is one of the most common reasons why he can regularly lay his ears on the plane. Even after successful treatment of the disease, the eardrum contains the so-called adhesions, which reduce its mobility and prevent the natural return to the anatomically correct position.

Pressure drops

Most passengers have stuffy ears during landing and take-off. The occurrence of the effect is due to the difference in pressure on board the aircraft and outside. As a result of a sharp climb, conditions change so quickly that the Eustachian tube of the hearing organ simply cannot cope with the functions assigned to it. Thus, the pressure outside the eardrum and in the inner part of the ear does not have time to equalize.

stuffy ear after the plane what to do

Sulfur cork

The accumulation of sulfur in the ear canal can lead to the formation of a so-called cork. The latter often lays ears as a result of displacement to one or the other side with pressure drops.

A direct sign of ear clogging with sulfur is a decrease in hearing acuity. A person may not catch individual words from a conversation. Such people often think that the other person is talking too quietly. If there is a cork, one often gets the feeling that the ears seem to be submerged under water.

What to do if laying ears in an airplane? What to do when the formation of sulfuric plug in the ear canal is to blame? In this case, you should seek the help of a doctor who will quickly eliminate the blockage. However, it is much easier to avoid the development of the problem. To do this, it is enough to regularly perform hygiene of the ears using special ear sticks.

lays ears when landing an airplane what to do

Water in the ear canal

You can lay your ears on the plane if, shortly before departure, a person bathed in a bathtub, swam in a pond or pool. After such procedures, water may remain in the ear canal, causing a stuffiness effect during takeoff or landing.

In such a situation, it is recommended to carefully clean the ears with a cotton swab. The latter absorbs all moisture, as well as eliminate blockage in the form of swollen sulfur. After the procedure, it is worth several times to make swallowing movements, open and close your mouth, yawn. This will allow probable residual water to move further into the nasopharynx.

Stuffs up your ears while landing - what to do?

what to do if he puts his ears on the plane and why

You can avoid the effect of the stuffiness of the auditory canal using the following recommendations:

  1. To help eliminate the problem allows the implementation of swallowing movements. For this reason, flight attendants of some airlines offer passengers lollipops. The latter cause profuse salivation, which makes a person swallow more often. In turn, such movements provide a plentiful flow of air into the middle ear.
  2. Stuffing up ears in an airplane? What to do? Avoiding unpleasant manifestations makes it possible to open the mouth while typing or lowering the height. The implementation of this action helps to eliminate the difference in pressure in the inner ear and the outside. A good alternative to the method presented is yawning.
  3. If congestion is felt in the ears during the flight, it is enough to draw more air into the lungs, covering the nose with your fingers, and then exhale sharply. In this case, a characteristic click should occur, which reports the eardrum is moving to its intended place.
  4. In people who suffer from catarrhal diseases, they often put ears in an airplane. What to do in such cases? Here nasal drops that have a vasoconstrictor effect will come to the rescue. The use of drugs of this category will allow to relieve the nasopharynx from mucus and, accordingly, reduce the pressure on the tissues in the ear canal.

why lays ears on the plane and how to deal with it


So we figured out what to do if it lays ears on the plane, and why such discomfort occurs. As you can see, eliminating an unpleasant phenomenon during the flight is quite simple. It is enough to use the above recommendations. If desired, special earplugs can be purchased at the airport, which will help regulate the internal pressure in the hearing organs.


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