How to assemble vertical blinds: description, instruction

How to assemble vertical blinds? The question is quite interesting, since they are very different from the horizontal ones in their design. In addition, they are much larger, and therefore the design must be more massive to withstand heavy weight. They also have other characteristics of their own.

lamella nozzle

Features of vertical scenery

Naturally, people, before doing anything, are always interested in the features, advantages and other qualities of the product. For this reason, it is worth familiarizing yourself with certain nuances that carry vertical blinds:

  • One of the very pleasant features of the interior item is the ability to visually enlarge and expand the window opening. This is perfect for those houses in which the windows are small or low ceilings.
  • When purchasing this product, you can place an individual order on it. In other words, the blinds may be exactly as needed in a particular case. They can be painted in a variety of colors, shades, change the texture and more.
  • The vertical type is great for transmitting diffused and soft light, stopping bright rays.
  • They are very easy to operate, practical and lightweight.

Many people care about how to assemble vertical blinds. The instruction will be given later, but for now it’s worth saying that doing this is quite simple and easy. In addition, they do not need constant or frequent care.

mounting fixtures


To answer the question of how to assemble vertical blinds, it is worth telling a little about their design, as it will give an idea of ​​what you will have to deal with:

  1. In this design there are lamellas. These are precisely the strips of blinds that close the window. They can be made of different materials, and therefore there will be plenty to choose from when buying.
  2. This is followed by a profile or cornice, which is supplied with a control element. In addition, it is a supporting part of the structure to which the lamellas will be fixed. It is usually mounted above the window, and the main part of the profile is usually made of aluminum. There are plastic cornices, they are, of course, cheaper, but not practical at all. Under the weight of the lamella, the plastic can break, and if this does not happen, then over time it will still deform, which will affect the rotary mechanism.
  3. The next structural element is the runners that directly connect the lamellas and the cornice. They are made of plastic and are usually integrated into the supporting structure. It is this part that allows you to twist and move the blinds. The efficiency of the mechanism depends on the quality of the runners, and their number is always equal to the number of lamellas.
  4. Separately, it is worth mentioning the small loads that are built into the bottom of the lamella. They are necessary so that the blinds do not swing in the wind.
  5. In addition to the load, there is a chain below, which ensures equal removal of each lamella from each other.
  6. If you wish, then in the kit you can purchase a decorative overlay on the profile.
taking measurements

What you need to install

Now you can assemble vertical blinds. But first you need to decide on the necessary equipment. To complete the task, you will need such materials and tools:

  • Building level and marking pencil.
  • Screwdriver, drill and perforator for working with holes.
  • A tape measure for measuring distance and a stepladder if you cannot reach the right place without it.
  • Screwdriver of any type.
  • Drills of different diameters, as well as brackets, which play the role of mounting for the supporting structure.

Installation options

The necessary tools are not all you need to know. There are several options for how to assemble vertical blinds. A step-by-step guide will be presented later, but now you need to decide how they will be opened.

  1. The first option is from the control. The lamellas will extend from the side of this element, and slide back to it.
  2. The second option is the opposite of the first, that is, to the control.
  3. The third option is from the center. When the lamellas are equally moved apart in different directions.
  4. The latter, the fourth, is the opposite of the third option and involves moving apart from the edges to the center.
cornice mount


We begin to collect vertical blinds (instructions, photos are presented in the article):

  • Work begins with the fact that you need to select the plane to which the cornice will be attached. It can be a wall, ceiling or window opening.
  • After the plane is selected, you need to attach a tape measure to it and, using a level and a pencil, make markings for installing the brackets. All of them should be in one plane. In the case of a short cornice (less than 2 meters), the installation of two supports is required. If the cornice is more than 2 meters, then 3 brackets must already be mounted.
  • In selected places, attachments are made and places where holes need to be made are outlined. With the help of a drill, this work is performed, and the fasteners themselves are carried out using a screwdriver.
  • Now you need to install the cornice, placing control correctly. The brackets have special clips to which the cornice is attached, so this will not be difficult to do.
  • Disassemble the runners perpendicular to the window. After that, lamellas must be inserted into each. Since the runners have the same clips, this step will be easy.
  • Vertical blinds, to assemble the bottom of which is simple, require the installation of cargo. In addition to installing a weighting compound, it is necessary to connect them all in a chain.

After that, the assembly can be considered completed.

carriage installation


To summarize all of the above, it should be noted that the assembly of such a massive structure, in fact, does not present any difficulties. Installation instructions are quite simple, and the resulting decor will be a great decoration. It is worth adding that, despite the fact that many ask how to assemble carriages on vertical blinds, when buying a set they are usually ready. It remains only to put them on special clips of the cornice.


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