Sample CV for an accountant. How to write an accountant resume correctly

If you are looking for work as an accountant, then most likely you are interested in questions on creating the right resume in order to increase the chances of taking the desired job in a particular company.

Using a template with explanations to create a CV about yourself is much easier. Below are explanations of what to write in the accountant’s resume, on what key points to emphasize, so that the employer draws attention to your person and becomes interested in your professional skills.

Rules for compiling competent "self-promotion"

An ideal sample resume for an accountant can be made by following these tips:

  1. A document informing the employer about the professional level of a specialist should clearly indicate the position that the applicant wishes to occupy. The accounting profession has a certain ranking. Even if your experience in accounting is diverse, you should nevertheless specify your interest in the resume. To indicate who you really are - a cashier, material accountant, economist, tax specialist ... This will make it easier for the employer to make a decision in which accounting department it is best to identify you.
  2. The resume should contain a certain figure of the desired salary. Based on your professional skills, appreciate your work, but do not exaggerate. Before submitting a resume, you should familiarize yourself with the average salaries of the company where you want to take the position of accountant.
    professional resume skills
  3. You must write about your skills in a resume. This also applies to knowledge of foreign languages, and applied accounting programs, and modern methods of accounting. But here it is impossible to exaggerate, because when hiring all the knowledge and skills of a specialist are checked.
  4. An accountant resume should tag an attractive fresh photo. Often an accountant - the face of the company - do not forget about it. The photo should reflect a business person, not a beach vacation or a model on the catwalk.
  5. The resume should be short, concise and as informative as possible, set out in a business style and correctly documented. Therefore, pay attention to the font size, paragraphs, separators between sections. Do not get involved in frames, illustrations.
  6. Harsh phrases, humor, obscene language, colloquial presentation of information are unacceptable in a resume.

What should an accountant know?

Too many experts do not know how to describe their professional skills appropriately.

Firstly, you should list the skills regarding the position that you want to occupy. For example, a company needs a material accountant, and you are a cashier. The skills of the cashier are unlikely to interest the latter, and your resume will be in the bin. Another thing is if you specify your abilities to the maximum. Show that with a certain area of ​​work you can cope without problems.

accountant resume

Secondly, it is imperative to list the skills that each specialist possesses, regardless of ranking and binding to specific departments. Here is a list of what an accountant should know and be able to do without fail:

  • know the legislative framework of accounting;
  • work with primary documentation - draw up, keep records, verify, correct errors;
  • be able to work with the monetary measurement of objects, determine the cost of assets, materials, group economic facts in an operational manner;
  • keep records of economic activity;
  • be able to work with PC - accounting application programs;
  • be able to draw up reference documentation.

The general accountant skills in the resume will be supplemented by the concretized experience of a specialist in a certain segment of accounting.

Key Summary Accents

Studying candidates' CVs, the personnel department of companies pay attention to well-written resumes that are informative and have a logical structure. Particularly important are the content points about professional skills, personal qualities and merits of a specialist.

Professional skills

A sample resume for an accountant in a specific area should contain the most detailed description of the specialist’s experience in the segment in which the candidate claims to work for an open position. Below is a sample of specifics for each accounting rank.

Personal virtues

In this section of the resume, you should show the employer what you are willing to spend your working time on and whether you have special qualities of character to achieve certain goals.

what should be an accountant

What should be an accountant? For example, you can indicate personality traits such as:

  • increased concentration of attention and accuracy;
  • fast learner;
  • organization and diligence;
  • honesty and decency;
  • perseverance and ability to work with a large information load;
  • stress resistance and increased performance.


Of particular interest to employers is the resume of specialists who have certain awards, rewards, merits, reflecting the specialist’s interest in career growth. Therefore, if you have such incentives, be sure to write about them in your resume.

awards, promotions in resumes

How to draw up a document for those who do not have work experience

What to write in a sample resume for an accountant with many years of experience is more or less clear. But what to write to a young specialist who has just graduated from a university so that they pay attention to him?

A resume of an accountant without work experience should focus on what you managed to learn while getting an education in accounting, and on personal qualities.

The beginner’s resume should contain information on:

  • what languages ​​do you speak;
  • in which programs you know how to work;
  • what new theories of economics do you own;
  • Have you participated in student conferences, seminars on topics of economics and accounting?
resume of a young specialist

Employers appreciate diligent, attentive, easily trained, responsible workers, so these qualities should definitely be mentioned in your first resume.

Summary for accounting grades. Features

A sample resume for an accountant, as noted above, depending on the rank may be different. Consider the features:

  1. If the applicant is interested in the work of the chief accountant, then in the paragraph on professional skills should describe in detail all their skills, listing all departments of accounting. The enterprises where they held a leading position and their specialization should be specified specifically. Be sure to mention the value of the annual turnover of the latter.
  2. The applicant for the position of accountant-cashier may indicate the relevant skills in the resume. For example: working with cash, maintaining cash documents, working with payment programs, experience working with banking institutions, maintaining ledgers of inventories, inventories, currency exchange.
    resume regarding accountant rank
  3. A jobseeker may indicate other professional experience. For example: payroll, bonuses, remuneration, accounting for travel and hospital expenses, tax calculation, tax reporting, checking the time sheet.
  4. The material desk accountant can supplement his skills with the following items: knowledge of the legislation regarding the purchase and sale of goods and materials, movable and immovable property, maintaining records of the sale of goods and materials and stocks, organization of workflow, accounting of revenue, write-offs of goods and materials, goods, stocks.
  5. An accountant for primary documentation can list the following skills in a resume: assistance in maintaining accounting areas for a chief accountant, filling out, checking, accounting for primary documentation, making money transfers through electronic payment systems, monitoring the execution of contract documents.

Do you need recommendations?

If the sample resume for the accountant contains recommendations from previous places of study or work, this increases the chances of taking the desired job. It should specifically indicate in the CV persons who can recommend a specialist on the positive side, as well as their contact numbers.

recommendations in the accountant’s resume


The above explanations will help you fill out the standard accountant’s resume form, which consists of the following substantive points:

  • the name of the resume indicating the specific position;
  • personal data (date of birth, place of residence, contacts);
  • education;
  • target;
  • professional skills (specifics according to rank);
  • personal merits;
  • encouragement;
  • size of the desired salary;
  • recommendations.
accountant resume example

We hope that the above recommendations will help you in compiling a resume, and you will soon be a sought-after specialist in the company in which you want to work.


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