Best campsites on the Black Sea

It will warm soon, and this means that it is time to think about where to spend holidays and vacations. At the same time, do not forget about the cost of pleasure. The most advantageous offer at the moment is camping on the Black Sea. This is not only a great and picturesque place to relax with the whole family, but also a great opportunity to save.

There are a lot of campsites on the Black Sea in the Krasnodar Territory. This article talks about places that are well reviewed.

The benefits of camping

Opinion of the people:

  • One of the most inexpensive types of recreation.
  • Great mobility. There is no need to be attached to one beach of the coast, you can move from place to place without any problems and futile searches for a free room in season.
  • Camping on the Black Sea is an opportunity to take a break from civilization and live in nature for your pleasure. In this case, you can choose how to stay in the forest, and on the beach.
  • A minimum of people on the beach, unlike resort towns.
  • Cooking at the stake. Dishes are much tastier than usual.
  • An opportunity to stay away from the noisy city and enjoy the silence.
  • Camping has civilization benefits such as showers and toilets.

Cons of camping

If you believe the reviews, then the disadvantages of camping in the Black Sea are much less than the pluses.

  • Lack of shops and cafes.
  • The inability to store food for a long time (an exception if you have a car refrigerator).
  • There is a shortage of fresh water.
  • Entering the water is harder and worse than on a regular beach.

Basic inquiries to the campsite

  • The territory of the camping on the Black Sea is guarded, which means that you can leave your car and tent without risk.
  • The distance to the sea is insignificant, for convenience.
  • The presence on the territory of trees to create shade, so as not to overheat in the sun.
  • The presence of drinking water.
  • The presence of garbage cans to keep clean on the campsite.
  • The presence of a shower and toilet on the territory (they are not in every campsite).

The list of the best campsites on the Black Sea in the Krasnodar Territory

  • Campsite Scala Camping Kabardinka. It is located on Cape Doob. Geographically refers to the village of Kabardinka. This campsite has several areas. The first is tent places. The second - several tents with furniture, the third - parking for cars, the fourth - places for a motor home. The shore at this campsite is small, but long. The beach is pebble, and the descent to it is a wide and comfortable staircase.
Scala camping kabardinka
  • Camping "Savages". The location of this campsite is Arkhipo-Osipovka. Users claim that the descent to the sea is short-lived and convenient, along a wide concrete staircase. On the territory there are showers and a toilet. There is a tent area, a parking lot, as well as tables with benches.
Car camping in Arkhipo-Osipovka - β€œSavages”
  • Camping "Beach". Camping is located in the village of Ashe. Geographically, it is located between Tuapse and Lazarevsky. On the territory there is an excellent pebble beach. Judging by the reviews, the minus of this camping is the nearby railway, which creates noise. The campsite is guarded, which means that you don’t have to worry about security. The territory has its own grocery store, souvenir shop, dining room, shower and toilet, sockets for recharging phones and laptops. The beach has a great length. The territory is divided into three zones: coastal, shadow and preferential.
Rest in a camping on the Black Sea "Coast"
  • Camping "Nazarova Dacha". This is a year-round camping that is located in the immediate vicinity of Arkhipo-Osipovka. The shore at the campsite is steep, located in a pine-juniper forest. Nature and local animals will bring a lot of positive emotions. Nearby are markets and shops. The campsite has convenient areas for tents and cars. Many believe that the minus of the beach and sunset is the large boulders that are located throughout the coastal territory.
  • Camping "Sosnovka". Camping has its own wild beach, which is characterized by pristine beauty. Camping is located on a steep cliff, and its beach is considered the most inaccessible of all the nearest, but magical in beauty. Descent to the beach - spiral staircase. The beach itself is rather narrow and not equipped with equipment, but the campsite at the top has showers, a toilet, a cafe and gazebos. As well as a rope town and a rental point of the necessary props.
  • Camping "Pine Grove". Judging by the reviews, this camping is suitable for lovers of natural romance. Here you can enjoy the peace and beauty of the world. The campsite is located in the Gelendzhik area, between the village of Divnomorskoye and Dzhanhot, surrounded by centuries-old pine trees. The descent to the beach is quite difficult, and the coast itself is narrow and rocky. Due to the fact that the stones are large and uncomfortable, it will be difficult to sunbathe on it, but the water here is very clean, quite transparent. On the territory there are showers, toilets, trash cans and a spring with delicious water (on the way to the beach).
Camping "Pine Grove" Black Sea


Here is the whole list of campsites on the Black Sea in the Krasnodar Territory that deserve attention. This list is those places of rest that will bring pleasure and minimize troubles and expenses. Thus, your vacation will not be overshadowed by unforeseen difficulties. In this list, everyone will be able to find exactly the place to stay that will appeal to you.

People practicing holidays in campsites on the Black Sea leave various reviews. Somewhere too noisy, someone, on the contrary, likes a big company. But mostly motorists are happy with their impressions and share information about their favorite places.

Have a nice rest!


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