Board game "Millionaire": the rules of the game, the number of sites, reviews

Millionaire is an economic board game that people of any age can play. Both adults and children love her. In addition, such board games unite the family and allow you to have fun in a friendly company, teach people basic concepts about business, entrepreneurial activity, and provide knowledge about economic relations.

This board game develops logical thinking, attentiveness, the ability to quickly find the right solution, out of a difficult situation, and calculate the moves ahead. In the Millionaire board game, the rules of the game may seem complicated and confusing at first, but those who have already dealt with other board economic games will quickly get in the way. If this is your first encounter with such a game, don’t worry, you will quickly understand how to act.

In the article, we will explain in detail to readers what is included in the package of the board game "Millionaire", we will tell the rules of this game, and consider the reviews of other players.

board game millionaire game rules

Types of "Millionaire"

There are such types of games:

  1. "Millionaire Classic".
  2. The Millionaire De Luxe.
  3. "Millionaire Junior" (for children).
  4. The Millionaire Elite.

The goal of the game is to become a millionaire and ruin the rest of the participants in the competition, but each one has differences, which we will gradually consider in the article. Let's start with the first - basic version.


The main goal pursued by the players is to reach the top of the rating, ruin the rest of the players and become the owner of more sites. In the board game "Millionaire" you need to become a monopolist. The one who ruined the rest and ended up on top becomes the wealthiest player and is the winner. You can still play for a while. Then the goal of the players will be at the time of completion of the game to become the owner of the greatest fortune.

How to play?

According to the rules of the game, at least two people take part in the board game "Millionaire". A maximum of six can play. Each player has a role:

  • banker - manages money, monitors financial flows, transactions, makes payments, monitors banking operations so that everything goes correctly and without violations;
  • broker - works on the exchange, conducts and controls all transactions with securities, stocks, etc .;
  • insurance agent - oversees the issuance of insurance policies, manages the repayment of insurance in crisis situations.

board games for children

In the box with the game, the playing field is square in shape, on which 9 sectors are drawn. This is a branch of the economy. The first 8 industries are represented in the game by 2-3 enterprises. They are located close to each other. The last, 9th industry, is considered the most valuable. It consists of 4 companies located at central points on each side of the playing field.

The game begins by issuing each player his initial capital. With this money, the player acquires stocks and insurance.

Beginning of the game

In the board game "Millionaire", the cards of the plots are initially laid out according to the branches of the drawn field. There are 24 pieces in the kit. There are still packs of "Chance" cards in the amount of 20 pieces, as well as "Movement" - also 20 pieces. They are laid out with inscriptions down, excess ones are laid aside for now. First choose a player who will be a banker. He distributes the initial capital for each person. This is 2000 forfeits, but another 200 is put into the cash register. This is the jackpot. The board game "Millionaire" begins according to the rules of the game with a cell labeled "Start". The sequence of the move is decided by lot.

board game millionaire reviews

Player Actions

The game starts by throwing a pair of dice, the chips from the "Start" cage go clockwise, counting the number of cells corresponding to the sum of the numbers on the dice.

If a double fell, the player makes another move. But there is one “but”. If you get a double three times in a row, then the player is sent to the "Tax Police". Moving around the field, players' chips fall on the cells of enterprises. On each is written the value of the enterprise and the rental rate. The data on how much taxes you need to pay for this company are also indicated.

how to play the board game millionaire

If after the next roll of the dice the chip falls into an empty area, then you can buy it for your use. On this cell is written the value that needs to be paid to the general bank. After payment, the card is removed from the cage and the player leaves it in his pack.

If you do not want to buy a plot, then it can be put up for sale. Starting price is chosen at your own discretion. All players can bid. The player who gave a large amount of money takes the plot for himself.

Stop at another player’s area

If, after the next move, the chips stop at the cage with a site belonging to another player, then you will have to pay a rent for being in someone else's territory. The price is written on this cell. If you are the owner of all existing enterprises in the industry, then you are considered a monopolist. If, as a result of the move, the chip falls on the cell of the monopolist enterprise, then the lease will be increased by 2 times. When a player makes a full circle of moves and goes through the "Start" cell again, he is paid 200 forfeits of circular income.

Surprises as the game progresses

In the board game "Millionaire" according to the rules of the game there are special cells, getting on which, the player has to perform an action written on the card, lying "shirt" up. In advance, the player does not know what awaits him. This is the main surprise. After all, it can be both pleasant and not very. Let us consider in detail the meaning of such cells:

  1. "Tax Inspectorate". Once in such a cell, you have to pay tax.
  2. "Tax police". Here, the player needs to roll dice three times, waiting for the double to fall. If the double did not fall, then you will have to pay a fine, otherwise you will not leave the police station.
  3. Jackpot. A player who has got to this cell has the right to play on a slot machine. First a bet is made. The player in the board game "Millionaire" according to the rules of the game rolls only one die, but 3 times. After each throw, the chip moves from bottom to top on the column of the slot machine as much as it fell. If all the numbers displayed match the winning combination, the player receives a bonus. A cash bonus is transferred to him from the bank. But if the numbers do not match, then the bet remains at the box office.
  4. "Move". If by the result of the roll of the dice the card falls into the "Move" cell, then the player flips the card and reads the task, to which cell he needs to rearrange the chips. If this is the "Start" cell, then the player does not get circular income.
  5. "Charity Fund". If, as a result of moving the card as indicated by the "Move" cell, the chip falls onto the cell labeled "White Business" or "Charity Fund", then the player is paid money from the bank from this fund.
  6. There is also a cell called Black Business. If you hit this cell, the player flies from it to the “Charity Fund” box, and he will also have to pay a fine of 50 forfeits.
  7. "Chance". If the chip hits this cell, the card flips over. Instructions written on it must be performed by the player. Then the card is hiding at the bottom of the pack. If the player cannot fulfill the instruction at the moment, then the card remains with him until he completes the task.

Branches of enterprises: description

millionaire economic board game

The board game "Millionaire" offers players who own a monopoly in any branch of the economy to build enterprises and branches on the sites. Their value is written on the cells of the field, their price is indicated on the cards of the players.

The purchased extensions are placed on the field sections, which are built up systematically. First, one branch, then the second are added, and only then - the third. If in each industry a player has three branches of an enterprise built, then he is already given permission to build the enterprises themselves. The branch and the company are equivalent in price. But to begin construction, all branches must be free. If at least one is pledged to a bank, then the industry is not considered complete. The player ceases to be a monopolist and can no longer build plots in this sector of the economy.

If the player has financial difficulties and wants to sell his buildings to the bank, he must act systematically. You can sell one plot from each industry, then the second, etc. But you should know that the bank buys from the player plots only half the price of the full price.

"Millionaire Junior"

How to play the board game "Millionaire" ("Classic")? The rules are described in detail above. Now let's see how the children's version of the game called "Junior" differs. The set includes a square playing field. This is an amusement park. There are 20 cards of "adventures", money of various denominations - 121 banknotes, ticket kiosks - 56 pieces, a cube for throwing a number, chips - 4 pieces, a description of the rules of the game.

board game millionaire description

Board game for children has other rules. Let's consider them in more detail.

The goal of the game is to get rich by buying rides. Earn money by selling entry tickets. First, let's figure out how a player can buy an attraction. Each cell is divided into two equal parts. If after a die roll your chip fell on one of the halves of the cell, and it is free, no one has bought it yet, then you have the right to purchase it, you only have to pay 10 forfeits to the bank. If the player is able to make a purchase, then he (without looking at the card) pulls out any of his ticket kiosks and must cover half of the attraction. If the player does not have money for such an acquisition, then he returns to the "Start" square, and the other player gets a chance. From any part of the playing field, he returns to this cell and becomes its owner for free. The board game for children is brightly decorated; it is interesting to play in it for children of primary school age. The children learn the skills of economic activity that will be useful to them in later life.

"Millionaire Elite"

This is a game for adult players. It differs from the classic version of the game in the following features:

  1. Added stocks, you can buy insurance for all occasions. In this game, you can get rich not only on the sale of plots, but also at the expense of the securities market. In "Elite" the luck factor is of great importance.
  2. There was a surprise card "Fortune". There is a step-by-step instruction that players must follow. This may affect the course of the game as a whole.
  3. If, when throwing dice, the chip falls on the Exchange cell, then you will know the price of your shares. They can grow, or they can fall to a minimum.
  4. Insurance policies can protect the player. This applies to rents, taxes or auctions. There are short-term and long-term policies. The first are valid until passing one circle. If a player passes the "Start" cell, the policy ends. But the action of the second continues until the insured event.

board game millionaire kit


Based on the reviews of the Millionaire board game, we can conclude that the majority liked the game both in its external design and in game content. Beginning players are warned that the game is very addictive, you can stay until midnight, so it is better to start the game early and on weekends. Some have become real gamers.

If you want to find a replacement for your computer, buy a game and invite your friends to have fun in the evening. Live communication is always better than being alone in front of a monitor screen.


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