The value of numbers in feng shui. Lucky numbers and their combinations in Feng Shui

In Feng Shui practice, special attention is paid to numbers and numbers. They are perceived as special codes in which deep meaning is hidden. It is believed that the dates, numbers of apartments, offices and other digital signs can to some extent affect a person’s life. What is the meaning of feng shui numbers?

mystery of numbers

Numbers 1 and 2

The unit was especially honored in ancient Chinese culture. It was associated with the starry sky, which was considered the birthplace of everything that is on Earth. Also, this number was compared with a sprout that slowly and gradually develops, becoming tall and beautiful.

The Feng Shui unit is considered a rather successful sign and the source of everything that exists. It itself carries a positive burden and enhances the positive influence of other numbers. Here's how to describe it:

  • an honest name and a spotless reputation;
  • unity and harmony with the outside world;
  • authority in the eyes of others;
  • success in any endeavors;
  • increases luck and luck.
number one

The number two is called harmonizing, providing a balance between the yin and yang energies. If in a combination of several digits it faces some kind of a successful number, then its positive effect on a person is enhanced. And if it is adjacent to an unsuccessful number, then the negative impact increases. This even figure carries the following meaning:

  • lightness, relaxation and peace;
  • life satisfaction;
  • the ability to enjoy the little things;
  • ability to withstand tests and problems;
  • achieving results without much effort.

Interestingly, a combination consisting exclusively of twos does not carry absolutely no load. This is an empty number that has no effect on a person at all.

Number three

In accordance with ancient Chinese teachings, the troika is the reason for the appearance of all things in the world, the symbol of the three principles (man, earth and sky), the symbol of the triple arrangement of the family (mother, father, son), the symbol of three elevated spaces (sacred, real and immortal land) . It was always sacred, it was considered to be light-bearing.

The value of the number in Feng Shui is growth. The three are responsible for the rapid development of life. It most favorably affects a person in combination with other numbers, enhancing their effect. Here's how to characterize this figure:

  • moving towards new opportunities;
  • a push to help overcome a period of stagnation;
  • rapid career growth;
  • self-improvement and self-development.
number three

Four and Five

The value of the Feng Shui number is extremely negative and is associated with death. And the number itself, and any combinations with it (except 44), the Chinese are trying to avoid. Here's how to interpret the meaning of this number:

  • the end of the favorable period;
  • failures in all life forces;
  • emotional depression;
  • ongoing troubles;
  • insurmountable barriers to getting what you want;
  • painful lesions.

The five has several important associations. These are the five elements - metal, fire, air, earth and water. There are also five major planets - Saturn, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus.

Five is an odd number, which in accordance with the teachings of Feng Shui means "nothing." Being part of the combination, it neutralizes the positive value of the remaining numbers. However, it cannot nullify the influence of negatively charged numbers.

Six and seven

Among the numbers, six is ​​one of the most favorable. This is a Feng Shui monetary number. What does this figure mean? The main features will be:

  • material well-being;
  • success in business;
  • rapid career growth;
  • profitable investments;
  • large profits.

The number seven has a powerful semantic and energy load. It symbolizes the unity of the five major planets and two celestial bodies. It also means the number of days of the week and the number of planetary cycles.

An odd number 7 in accordance with feng shui means a guarantee or confidence. Adjacent to other lucky numbers, the seven guarantees their positive effects on humans. By itself, it carries the following semantic load:

  • luck and luck;
  • self confidence;
  • valuable opportunities;
  • realization of potential;
  • wisdom, knowledge and learning;
  • creative talent;
  • help in finding your vocation;
  • achievements of goals.
seven meaning


One of the most favorable numbers in accordance with the Feng Shui philosophy is eight. It draws into the life of a person all the best - prosperity, prosperity, material values, personal happiness and so on. It is not surprising that the Chinese are ready to do anything to get a phone number with an eight, settle in an apartment or work in an office with that number. Here's what else you can say about the eight:

  • the totality of all the best that is in the world;
  • constant luck;
  • feeling of happiness.
the meaning of numbers

Number nine

Another lucky number in Feng Shui is 9. According to the power of the positive impact, nine is equated to eight, and someone considers it even more favorable. Here is the meaning given to this number:

  • good health;
  • long life;
  • spiritual enlightenment;
  • personal happiness.


There is no consensus among the Chinese regarding the significance of this figure. The value of the number in Feng Shui is interpreted in two ways. Some associate it with emptiness, while others believe that it helps maintain balance. Most people agree that this is a completely neutral figure, which does not carry any semantic load (neither independently, nor in combinations).

Happy combinations

Combining in combination, the numbers complement and correct each other. The most successful combinations are the following:

  • 11 - a symbol of success;
  • 21 - favor of the universe;
  • 23 - increases efficiency and attracts professional success;
  • 28 - easy money;
  • 29 - gives life energy and helps to maintain well-being;
  • 33 - fast getting what you want;
  • 39 - unprecedented spiritual heights;
  • 67 - Feng Shui number means guaranteed wealth;
  • 68 - continuously growing wealth;
  • 78 - fulfillment of a cherished desire;
  • 168 - luck and success in all areas of life, a sense of harmony and well-being;
  • 639 - incredible financial success;
  • 789 - a positive sign without a certain semantic load, internal energy balance.
number combinations

Unsuccessful combinations

Some combinations of numbers carry a negative semantic and energy load, and therefore it is recommended to avoid them. Here is some of them:

  • 15 - stagnation in business and a series of failures;
  • 24 - mild death or rapid losses;
  • 56 - unjustified expectations regarding income;
  • 59 - the threat of losing existing goods;
  • 64 - financial collapse.

Practical application of knowledge

Combinations of numbers in human life are found everywhere. In this regard, people try to surround themselves with positively charged combinations to the maximum. Here are some helpful tips:

  • Car plate numbers. It is believed that they should consist solely of "white numbers" that carry a positive meaning. It’s good when the unit is at the end. It allows the driver to feel better both the car itself and the road, brings good luck on trips. But fours are better to avoid (especially in combination with deuce).
  • Phone number. Followers of the Feng Shui teachings are very scrupulous in choosing these numbers. In order for business and personal communication to develop as successfully as possible, it is worth choosing numbers containing sevens, as well as those ending in nine. Units and triples also contribute to a fruitful conversation.
  • Apartment number. In Feng Shui, the numbers 6, 7, 8, and 9 are most favorable in this quality. Also, their proximity to 1, 2, and 3 is encouraged. Try to avoid fours and fives. With the exception of the number 44, in sum, his numbers give a lucky eight. Scratch in the room should not be afraid.
apartment number

How to find out your gua number

In addition to the generally accepted meaning of numbers, feng shui implies that each person has their own number of fate, which determines the energy orientation and helps to find their own path in life. This is the number of gua. How to calculate it? For people born before 2000, the following formula applies:

  • Find the sum of the last two digits of the year of birth.
  • If the number turned out to be double-digit, add its numbers again.
  • If you are a man, subtract the single digit from 10.
  • If you are a woman, add a single-digit number 5. If the number turns out to be double-digit, add its numbers again.

For those born after 2000, the calculation formula changes slightly:

  • Find the sum of the last two digits of the year of birth.
  • If the number turned out to be double-digit, add its numbers again.
  • If you are a man, subtract the obtained single-digit number from 9 (for 2009, the calculation leads to a zero result, which must be replaced by 9).
  • If you are a woman, add 6 to the resulting single digit.

Keep in mind that the number of Gua cannot be equal to 5. If the results of calculations turned out to be such a value, then for women it should be replaced by 8, and for men - by 2.

Also, when calculating, it is worth considering that according to the Chinese calendar, New Year comes in February. Therefore, if your birthday is in January, calculations must be done according to the year preceding the one in which you were born.

number of gua

What is the number of gua

In accordance with the value of the Gua number, people can be divided into two groups: the western (west, north- and south-west, northeast), and the eastern (east, southeast, south, north). The first includes the numbers 2, 8, 7, and 6, and the second - 9, 4, 3, and 1. In life, you should always follow favorable directions and draw energy from them.

Also, by the number of Gua, you can get valuable life tips. Namely:

  • The unit is characterized by powerful and cheerful creative energy. Holders of this number should pay attention to creative professions related to art. You should look at life objectively, without exaggerating or downplaying the significance of the events.

  • Two defines powerful intuition and insight. Holders of this number should pay attention to activities that involve working with people. It is important to be able to control emotions in order to prevent mental disorders.

  • The three is characterized by strong will and restlessness. Owners of this number tend to make quick, right decisions and act as energetically as possible, without delay. Downtime leads to physical and psychological problems.

  • The four defines increased sociability, mental talent and eloquence. The most suitable type of activity is teaching. There is a desire for constant change and new experiences.

  • Six is ​​characterized by a desire for physical and moral comfort. The owners of this number are very kind and friendly, but try to limit contacts with others. For them, communication with nature (both with flora and fauna) is more acceptable.

  • Seven determines the tendency to subject oneself to physical and mental tests. Holders of this number tend to learn various spiritual practices. In any case, strive to achieve the highest skill.

  • Eight means freedom of love and unpredictability. Holders of this number seek to interact with innovation and mysticism. They have exalted thinking that helps to cope with problems that are beyond the reach of realists. They value friendship and mutual assistance.

  • Nine determines emotional instability and the emergence of addictions. For owners of this number, positive thinking is crucial. Creative professions, as well as those that do not imply frequent contact with people, are best suited.

Gua number in love

Interestingly, the number of Gua can influence the establishment of relationships in love. For example, there are several most successful combinations in love. Namely:

  • 1 and 6 are a union of practical people who are striving for career growth and material well-being. Partners are equally serious about success and development, and therefore they support each other in all endeavors.

  • 3 and 8 are a union of passionate people in love who strive for continuous emotional tension in a relationship. They manage to maintain a passionate love in its original form throughout the life together.

  • 2 and 7 are a harmonious union based on mutual respect. Partners seek to surround each other with warmth and reverent care.

  • 4 and 9 - a union of reliable people who are each other's strong support. Partners support and help each other in everything, and therefore any goals and desires are on their shoulder.


Feng Shui is a system of invaluable knowledge, the wisdom accumulated over the centuries. Knowing the meaning of numbers and their combinations, you can attract luck, love and material well-being into your life. But you should not rely solely on the magic of numbers. It is just an auxiliary tool that corrects energy, sets the right direction, clarifies thoughts, instills confidence. But the main responsibility for achieving results still lies with you. If you are inactive, using Feng Shui wisdom and lucky number combinations will most likely not bring you what you want.


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