How to develop a child’s creativity

Abilities are a mental feature of a person, thanks to which he can successfully master certain knowledge and skills. This quality does not affect the skill itself, but is manifested in the speed and ease of acquiring certain skills. Creativity can manifest itself in various fields of activity. They allow you to create something new that did not exist before.

In addition to the biological base of such qualities, among which there are innate anatomical and physiological features, there is a social one, that is, the environment should stimulate their development. Thus, the child’s creativity is determined by the following parameters.

Firstly, the presence of the necessary inclinations and predisposition. In addition, it is necessary to have motivation to engage in any activity. In this case, the decisive moment is social circumstances. That is, if parents, teachers or other adults surrounding the child early noticed his creative productivity in any activity and began to engage with him in this direction, then there is more chance that he will succeed in the future than if the process is left to chance.

In the works of the psychologist Torrens, who created a system for measuring creative abilities, one can often find reasoning that it is the family and the school that influence the development or destruction of the creative potential of the child. Often gifted children experience problems in communicating with peers, since not every group accepts deviations from general behavior or thinking. There are several tricks that can help the adaptation of talented individuals in the team.

Firstly, it is necessary to teach the child to voice his ideas accessible to others, so that society perceives them as a contribution that serves their own needs. Comments to others should be sought to be kindly expressed.

Secondly, talented children must show that they support ideas, principles and ideals that are respected in this team. It is necessary to teach the child to focus on the implementation of a specific task, and not to spray on the "personality" and achievement of a certain status.

These techniques will help both adults and children to resolve conflicts, while remaining independent, but also taking into account the interests of the group.

The development of students' creative abilities to a large extent depends on the personality of the teacher. By stimulating a quality in his student, he himself must possess it. A competent person adequately perceives new ideas and experiences the joy of his victories, which shows a convincing example to a child.

The development of children's creative abilities depends on a number of conditions. Therefore, in working with gifted babies, the following recommendations should be followed.

It is important to create a cozy and safe psychological atmosphere. It is necessary not only to support the child in his endeavors, but also to show sympathy for his failures. It is better to avoid any negative reviews about the work of the baby. Adults need to help the child if he is frustrated or doubtful - feelings that are sure to meet in the process of creative search. It is recommended to teach children to find a reward in themselves and worry less about the non-recognition of their achievements by others.

Creativity must be maintained, creating the most favorable atmosphere for this. You can advise the individuals who possess them to become "intelligent adventurers", that is, sometimes rely on discoveries only on their intuition, despite the risk.

Adults - parents and educators - need to know that creativity is more or less inherent in most children. But how much they will be developed, whether they will subsequently be useful, depends on the environment of the baby.


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