Industrial safety examination of a technical device: features, documentation and recommendations

An examination of industrial safety of a technical device is a set of measures aimed at determining the condition, the possibility of normal operation and maintenance of equipment. It is carried out at intervals and within the time established by law. Let us further consider how the industrial safety expertise of technical devices is carried out.

industrial safety expertise of a technical device

general characteristics

In practice, an industrial safety review of technical devices at the industrial facilities, documentation, structures and buildings is performed. The procedure is aimed at assessing the compliance of the object of examination with the requirements for it. The norms and local acts establish cases when mandatory diagnostics are performed, destructive / non-destructive testing to assess the condition of the equipment. These procedures are carried out with:

  1. Examination after restoration repair related to the elimination of the consequences of accidents or other incident at the hazardous facilities, which caused damage to technical devices.
  2. Detection by specialists during the inspection of deficiencies that raise doubts about the strength and reliability of the structure, or defects, the cause of which is unknown.

The head of the enterprise carrying out the inspection can determine other cases of diagnosis and control.


Industrial safety expertise of technical devices aimed at assessing the compliance of the facility with applicable law. Activities are carried out in accordance with established generally accepted principles of comprehensiveness, independence, objectivity, and completeness of research. The procedure in accordance with which the industrial safety examination of a technical device is carried out is established by order of Rostekhnadzor.

industrial safety expertise of technical devices


Technical devices act as one of the key objects of expertise. The study is carried out in relation to equipment used in the petrochemical, chemical, oil and gas processing industries and other explosive and chemically hazardous enterprises. An examination of the industrial safety of a technical device makes it possible to assess the compliance of equipment, assemblies, mechanisms, components, systems with the requirements. The procedure can only be performed by specialized organizations. Expertise of industrial safety of a technical device is a licensed activity. For the absence of an authorization document, liability is provided for by law. The license is issued by Rostekhnadzor.

General order

All enterprises related to hazardous production facilities (HEP) are interested in performing industrial safety expertise, regardless of their class. The legislation establishes cases in which events are mandatory:

  1. If a defect is detected.
  2. In an accident.
  3. At the end of the operational life of the equipment.
  4. By decision of a specialist in industrial safety.

The term of the procedure is no more than 20 days.

technical devices subject to industrial safety expertise

Preliminary stage

To carry out an examination of the industrial safety of the technical device, the customer must submit an appropriate application. It provides primary data on the objects for which the survey will be carried out. The main information that should be indicated in the application includes:

  1. Name, type, identification features of equipment.
  2. The technological purpose of the device.
  3. Work parameters.
  4. Information on design features.
  5. The reasons why the survey is necessary.

After accepting the application, the contractor sets a date for negotiations with the customer. During the discussion, primary information is clarified, the scope and program of work are specified. Subsequently, a schedule is formed . It indicates which technical devices are subject to industrial safety expertise , provides a list of documents requested from the customer. Based on the results of negotiations, an agreement is signed.

what technical devices are subject to industrial safety expertise

Full-scale study of the object

After signing the contract according to the agreed and approved program, the contractor proceeds to the examination. An examination of the industrial safety of a technical device is carried out in accordance with regulatory documents - technical specifications, industry standards and other acts. In some cases, the program of events can be adjusted according to the motivated desire of the customer or on the recommendation of the contractor and if this does not contradict the established standards. The introduced changes should not reduce the quality of work and negatively affect its results.

The program can be adjusted, for example, when there are unspecified factors or when it becomes necessary to replace methods and controls. Changes can be made to the schedule. If during the course of the implementation of measures it is found that the object under investigation cannot be further operated without repair, its use will immediately cease.

expert review of industrial safety of technical devices

Results Analysis

Assessment of the results of the survey is carried out already at the stage of full-scale study of the object. The contractor checks the equipment for strength, non-destructive testing, etc. Based on the results of the procedures, a list of comments is made that should be eliminated. The customer liquidates them and notifies the contractor about this. The latter needs to check for troubleshooting information.

Final document

After checking the information on the elimination of the identified deficiencies, an expert opinion on the industrial safety of technical devices is drawn up . The final document may be positive or negative. The latter is drawn up if the survey found that the facility does not comply with the applicable industrial safety requirements. In such a situation, Rostechnadzor should be notified of the results of the examination.

Technical devices subject to industrial safety expertise

The signs of the equipment in respect of which the survey is carried out are determined in Appendix No. 1 to the Federal Law No. 116, as well as in the FNiP PB. If the technical regulation does not provide for another form of assessing the compliance of facilities with current requirements, then the technical devices used at the OPO from January 1. 2014, in accordance with Article 7 of the Federal Law No. 116, are subject to examination. This rule also applies to equipment that has been put into operation before the specified date and is not subject to regulations. The devices subject to examination include:

  1. Boilers.
  2. Cranes.
  3. Gas pipelines.
  4. Tanks of refrigeration units.
  5. Heating systems.
  6. Objects of the oil and fat industry, plant materials.
  7. Equipment for metallurgical enterprises.
    industrial safety expertise of technical devices at

Possible regulatory changes

Updating legislation in the field of industrial safety may cause an increase in the cost and terms of the examination. This is due to the lack of a mechanism that blocks the reception of final documents from enterprises that have not reissued a license from Rostekhnadzor. As soon as the process of regular certification of performers in accordance with the new rules is launched, the submission of opinions by such companies will become impossible. Moreover, the mismatch of the requirements of Rostekhnadzor and the lack of qualified specialists accredited by the updated rules will lead to a significant reduction in expert enterprises.

examination of industrial safety of technical devices


An examination of the industrial safety of technical devices is governed by the provisions of the Fund. If the inspected object does not fall within the scope of the technical regulation, the procedure is carried out before it is put into operation at the enterprise, at the end of the estimated period of use, in the absence of documentation that indicates the period of use, but in fact it exceeds 20 years. An examination of the industrial safety of technical devices is also carried out after reconstructions, if during them the materials of the bearing parts were replaced. In order to avoid sanctions on the part of supervisory authorities, the heads of enterprises, both using survey objects and performing the relevant procedures, must receive timely information on changes in legislation.


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