Smoked Lentil Soup: A Detailed Recipe

Lentil soup with smoked meats is prepared in several stages, but it turns out to be unusually tasty and satisfying. Many chefs do not dare to make such a dish because of the perception of this product by our stomach. Like all legumes, lentils cause flatulence due to the presence of inhibitors in the product. However, thanks to a little trick that we will share with the reader, you will get rid of unwanted consequences.

Lentils are rich in useful substances and vitamins, therefore, it is necessary to use it for good nutrition. Soup can also be cooked on the broth, adding to each a plate a few pieces of boiled meat, but it is the smoked meats that will give the dish an incredible taste and aroma of spices. Therefore, use our tips and cook exactly lentil soup with smoked meats.

How to choose lentils

On sale now there is a large assortment of diverse lentils. However, choosing it for cooking soup, consider the features of each grade.

varieties of lentils for soup

Green or, in other words, French, as well as marble, almost do not boil and keep their shape well. They are mainly used by cooks to make salads. Brown is being prepared as a side dish for meat dishes. But for the soup it is best to take orange - it boils well and can be easily kneaded for mashed soup.

How to cook lentils

So, if you are planning to cook lentil soup with smoked meats, take care of the lentils themselves in advance. To rid the gastrointestinal tract from problems with excessive gas formation, it is necessary to soak the beans in water all night.

soaking lentils in water

Forgot to do this in the evening? Not scary - you can fill in the morning. The main thing is that the beans be in the water for at least 3 hours. But the longer the better. Then drain the water, rinse the lentils under the tap, get fresh water and put it on the fire.

Each variety has a different cooking time. So, half an hour is enough for red lentils, but green will have to be cooked for as long as 40 minutes. Moreover, the housewives noticed that if you salt the water in advance, then the duration of boiling the bean grits increases, so it is recommended to add salt at the ready stage.

Smoked Lentil Soup Recipe

To make a delicious and fragrant soup, prepare the following foods:

  • orange lentils - 1 cup;
  • 2 or 3 pieces of potatoes;
  • different smoked meats - 300 grams;
  • 1 medium onion;
  • 1 juicy carrot;
  • fresh parsley - a small bunch;
  • tomato paste - a couple of tablespoons;
  • vegetable oil.

Cooking soup

Pour the lentils prepared in the evening into a three-liter pan, fill with water and put on fire. After the liquid boils, reduce the power of the fire and cook for 20 minutes. During this time, peel and chop the vegetables: potatoes and carrots - in strips, and onions - in half rings.

Then go in for meat products. You can take slices of ham, pork ribs, undercuts, ham sausage or hunting sausages for lentil soup with smoked meats.

smoked meat for soup

Cut food into small cubes and fry in a hot pan in vegetable oil. When the meat has a golden hue, add chopped onions and carrots to it. Then potatoes, and at the end - tomato. Simmer food under a closed lid for 5 minutes until soft.

Then mash the boiled lentils with a crush right in the pan and send the stew with vegetables from the pan to it. Salt, you can also add black pepper or coriander, if desired. Bring to a boil and boil everything together for another 5 minutes. After turning off the fire, pour, as the recipe requires, into the lentil soup with smoked meats (photo in the article) fresh herbs. The dish is guaranteed to appeal to all guests and family members.

lentil soup

Pea and lentil soup

With smoked meats, you can cook soup with the addition of peas, and in a slow cooker.

1.5 cups of yellow peas and as much red lentils pour water for several hours. Pour a little vegetable oil into the bowl and put 1 onion chopped into cubes. Turn on the “Baking” mode and fry vegetables with the lid open. Stir often with a wooden spoon. After a while, when the onion gets a golden hue, add chopped 1 carrot to the bowl and simmer for 5 minutes. Then turn off this mode.

Put cooked smoked meats - you can use the ribs directly with the bones or chicken wings. Drain the beans and rinse them under the tap. Pour into the multicooker bowl. Pour everything with hot water, salt, add spices if desired. Close the lid, check the locking knob. Set the soup mode.

The rest of the data is entered by default: pressure - 3, availability - medium. Since the beans are boiled for a long time, the time can be changed by setting 40 minutes. Cook the soup until a beep sounds. At the end, leave it in the “Preheat” mode for another 20 minutes. When serving, sprinkle with finely chopped parsley or dill.

As you can see, preparing a delicious soup is simple, so even an inexperienced novice hostess can cope with it.


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