Elite troops of Russia: names, list and rating. How to get into the elite troops of Russia?

The well-being of absolutely any state directly depends on the national army. The more efficient it is, the less threats there will be for the country's security. But one should understand the fact that the army is a systemic concept that has internal features and specific structural components. Each of these elements has a number of specific functions necessary to ensure the state’s defense capability. It must also be remembered that the army performs important tasks both in wartime and in peace. In the classic version, it consists of several basic elements, namely: naval, ground, air forces.

elite troops of Russia

In specially developed countries there are other troops, for example, in the Russian Federation there are space forces. Secretly distinguish special elite troops, which are assigned special functions. It is about such national military units of the Russian Federation that will be discussed in the article below.

The essence of the concept

What are the elite troops of Russia? Many people do not even understand the meaning of this stable phrase. Elite troops are a kind of army, a separate part of the family (company, division, battalion, etc.). The peculiarity is that this part of the national army is in a higher degree of combat readiness than the rest of the armed forces.

“Elite troops” is an entirely journalistic expression. It is in no way fixed at the legislative level. Thus, it is possible to select purely nominally any elite troops of Russia from the entire array of Russian armed forces. To date, there are no specific assessment criteria, according to which it would be possible to determine the elite of certain troops.

Grounds for determination

As mentioned earlier, Russia's elite troops are not determined at the legislative level. Most often, ratings are created or polls are conducted to determine the most combat-ready troops, according to the population of the Russian Federation. Also, an “elite” degree can be given to an army or unit for displayed heroism or professionalism in carrying out any combat missions or for other services to the state. Below we consider a list of elite troops of Russia, which is universally recognized.

Federal Security Service

This department has internal traditions that have existed since the existence of the 9th Department of State Security of the USSR. To date, conscripts are recruiting for service. The most prestigious division of the FSO is the Presidential Regiment. About 240 conscripts annually pass into it. The selection is quite tough.

the most elite troops of Russia

You must have excellent physical fitness, Slavic appearance and growth of at least 180 centimeters. It is believed that the Presidential Regiment is a springboard, after which a direct road to the Presidential Security Service opens.

Space Forces of the Russian Federation

At the dawn of the XXI century, the question arises of the need for a contactless war. Space troops are the crown of evolution. Today they are at the very first stage of their development, nevertheless they are developing literally by the hour. The main task of the space forces is to protect the territory of the state from an attack from space through nuclear missiles or other innovative weapons.

Russian elite troops
At present, in Russia there are no special educational institutions that train specialists for these troops. Personnel are recruited from the most prestigious technical universities in Moscow.


Elite troops of Russia, names which were presented above, do not enjoy such a frenzied interest among draftees and military specialists as the Russian Marines. Its units belong to the naval forces of the Russian Federation.

list of elite troops of Russia

They are the most combat-ready and deadly. Today, the Russian Navy includes five fleets: the Black Sea, Caspian, Northern, Pacific and Baltic. To get into the ranks of the Marines, you need to go through two competitive stages. Firstly, even during the distribution in the military registration and enlistment office, it will be necessary to withstand a special selection in the team of recruits for the marines. Secondly, it is necessary to establish oneself directly in the fleet as a strong and strong-willed person, because morally stable and physically healthy people are accepted into the ranks of the Marine Corps.

Strategic Missile Forces

Strategic missile forces have unprecedented popularity. They have certain tasks and functions, which, in fact, are not in other military formations of the Russian Federation.

Russian elite troops rating
It should immediately be noted that missile forces are entirely sedentary work in a bunker or at a military base. Nevertheless, a person with exceptional abilities in the field of mathematics and physics can get here. Soldiers of military service are practically not involved. Basically, strategic missile forces gather officers under their command.

Today, the Russian Federation has about six types of military missile systems. It should be understood that missile forces are the main striking force. Modern installations can literally tear apart virtually any country in the world in a matter of seconds.

Missile troops are the pride of our country. They are isolated from the entire array, like other elite troops of Russia. The rating of professional military formations of the Russian Federation does not end there. For many years now, the most combat-ready and mobile troops have held the palm of the championship. He told them below.

Airborne troops

In many countries of the world there are no landing troops . They simply do not emit. Units of this type stand out in the ground forces. For example, in America there is a division of "Fur Seals", which is assigned to the US Navy. But in our country , the airborne troops, or the Airborne Forces, as they are called, are the most elite troops of Russia. Representatives of the "blue berets" participated in almost all conflicts, of which the Russian Federation was one of the parties. Airborne troops conduct their activities behind enemy lines. Therefore, they are considered the most mobile and operational. There are also special forces .

how to get into the elite troops of Russia

To get into the most elite troops of Russia, you need to train hard and for a long time. Many experts advise starting physical training before the age of draft. Both conscripts and officers who have graduated from special universities get into the Airborne Forces. Knowledge of any martial arts or the availability of military sports training is welcome. This type of troops is the most promising in the Russian Federation, because it recruits personnel in the GRU, the FSB and other classified special forces.


We examined the elite troops of Russia. Note the fact that this list may change over time. Nevertheless, the rating is based on the facts of combat readiness and detailed surveys of the population. The article also answers the question of how to get into the elite troops of Russia. In conclusion, we add that the army is the lot of strong and motivated people. If you are 100% confident in yourself, the elite of the Russian armed forces is waiting!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B6307/

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