People who defeated cancer? How to beat cancer?

A terrible tumor is far from what people want to tell others. Unfortunately, our society has acquired such a terrifying stereotype that it’s impossible to cure a cancer at all, and people who have already identified it will simply die in 2-3 years. But everyone should understand that cancer is not a sentence. There are not rare cases when an ordinary person dies from the fact that he did not cure an oncological disease in time, and now the stage is already so neglected that nothing can be done. Moreover, people around him (friends, relatives, neighbors, acquaintances, etc.) observe how he is tormented, and this does not always last for some short months. It also happened that patients with advanced stages of cancer lived for several years. Moreover, every day they became worse and worse, doctors said that 2-3 months is their limit. But they did not give up, they tried to fight. And they were able to withstand this disease, because in fact, they could live no more than six months, but they extended their age, although at the same time, of course, they were very tormented. But if they immediately went to the doctor, even at the first sign of illness, they would probably be on our list called "People who defeated cancer." They could get rid of the disease, as the heroes of this article did, which you will learn about later.

people who defeated cancer

Often people who defeated cancer are those who immediately went to the hospital. These are those who discovered a terrible disease in themselves, from which a large number of people have already died, even in the very initial stage. But it is during this period that it is easiest to suppress a tumor in the body. Such people do not disclose information that they managed to defeat cancer, but it is simply impossible to not say such a great achievement to their near and dear ones.

Cancer Victory

Some very famous personalities in the entertainment industry also have cancer. While an ordinary person does not want to divulge about his illness, the world learns about the tumor of a celebrity almost instantly. Apparently, the walls do have ears. No one is immune from such a terrible disease, preventive measures simply do not exist. However, doctors do not stop convincing people that cancer is not a sentence. To defeat this disease is within the power of everyone who only very much wants, who has an incentive to live.

There are actually a lot of stars that defeated the tumor. The cancer winners are strong in spirit. It is necessary to respect those people who not only got rid of the disease, but also told their story to a huge number of ordinary residents. Now we’ll talk more about celebrities, we’ll learn the stories of cancer-winning stars of our stage, beloved by many singers and singers, actors and writers.

Robert DeNiro

cancer winners

Robert de Niro was 60 years old when he learned that he had cancer. In mid-2003, the man, as usual, went for a routine examination, as he always carefully watched his health. The tumor had not yet had time to develop, so the doctors did not doubt their predictions a bit and confidently stated that everything would be fine, that there was no danger to life. Doctors gave only the most optimistic forecasts, because the operation that awaited the man ahead was not very complicated.

Robert de Niro underwent prostatectomy. This operation is one of the most radical in surgery, and the doctors performed it successfully. A sixty-year-old man withstood the procedure that is performed only for people with terrifying neoplasms of the male prostate.

The recovery process itself took place quite actively, quickly and without any complications that could lead not only to the well-being of the famous actor, but, of course, to death. Since the moment that Robert de Niro defeated his illness, more than 12 years have passed, and the hero continues to act in films. For such a decent period of time, viewers saw this actor in more than 25 films, where he played major and minor roles. Now Robert de Niro boldly declares that life after cancer exists.

Darya Dontsova

A very famous writer of detective stories, which, by the way, remain popular even despite the fact that more than 10 years have already passed since their release, may also claim that she is very familiar with cancer. For the first time in her life, she encountered this disgusting disease a long time ago, more than 10 years ago. In 1998, Daria found out that she had cancer, but this was not the worst news for the writer, because a little later the doctors told her that she had the last (fourth) stage of cancer. This proved the words of one of the doctors: “Not more than 3 months remain ...”

It is precisely because Daria still overcame the fourth stage of the disease that people have been asking for many years how Dontsova defeated cancer. A terrible breast tumor simply made the woman afraid ... Afraid that she would die. At this time, Daria could not think only of her fatal disease, because she already had several children at that time, as well as an elderly mother, who needed to be looked after, and, in the end, ordinary pets, who also needed care. Because of this, Dontsova simply could not die, she began to fight, realizing that her path would not be the easiest. The woman coped with terrible cancer, she overcame it, and it helped her that she began to write books. She found her favorite pastime - a hobby that she lives to this day.

Angelina Jolie

lung oncology

This young and attractive girl experienced a lot: more than 5 years ago (in 2007), Angelina Jolie forever broke up with her beloved mother, whose name was Marcheline Bertrand. The mother of the actress died of ovarian cancer. This disease came to a woman at the age of 57, when she was already physically unable to overcome her causes. One of the most beautiful girls in Hollywood, Jolie, was very worried about the death of her mother, but it was too late to do something. After the funeral, the famous lady thought about whether it is possible to defeat cancer in general?

But a few years ago, a Hollywood star told the public that she underwent a very difficult operation - a mastectomy. When the lady was tested again (after the surgery was performed), the doctors informed her that her risk of illness decreased by more than 80%. Recall that earlier the probability that Jolie would get cancer was almost 90%, that is, there was almost no chance to “get around" the disease.

Yuri Nikolaev

In mid-2007, the famous Russian TV presenter, as well as the man who became the founder of the well-known and beloved in all Slavic countries contest called “Morning Star”, found out the worst news that he had cancer. Moreover, it was intestinal cancer, which is almost impossible to defeat.

This man did not even think of giving up; he had been struggling with an expanding tumor for more than two years. After Yuri found out about his terrible fatal disease, as he himself says, the world instantly turned into something terrible. As if from something colorful and bright, he turned gray-black.

The disease began to progress, time was short, but the man did not give up and continued to fight fiercely. Yuri Nikolaev believed in God, he was not going to give cancer to spoil his plans for the future. And he won, he overcame this disgusting affliction. Now the TV presenter is absolutely healthy and does not need medical help, which could not be said then. Unlike other stars, Nikolaev does not trust European medicine, so he was treated in Moscow.

Kylie Minogue

cancer is not a sentence

This very famous young pop diva went on tour across Europe in 2005, where, in fact, she learned that she had a terrible fatal disease - breast cancer. According to the girl, when the doctor informed her that she had a breast tumor, the earth simply began to leave under her feet. The girl instantly reconciled with her illness, she thought that she was already dying, but, thank God, she was mistaken. The day after Kylie found out about her diagnosis, the girl canceled all subsequent planned trips and concerts, apologizing to her fans who had already purchased tickets for the show. Naturally, the lady had to tell the whole world: she is sick, she is terminally ill. They supported the pop star, wished her good luck, and most importantly - health. The girl, in turn, promised that she would defeat cancer and return to the big stage to please her fans. In the end, Kylie Minogue kept her promise. She overcame breast cancer and returned to the stage again.

First, the girl survived a lengthy operation to remove part of the mammary gland, and then withstood several courses of radio and chemotherapy at once, after which, in fact, she returned to her work, informing everyone that she had gotten rid of a fatal ailment.

Vladimir Pozner

Back in 1993, Vladimir Pozner, a well-known correspondent from the Russian Federation, found out that he had cancer. Medical workers convinced the man that specifically in his case, the disease poses no health hazard, since a cancer was discovered at an early stage. Therefore, we can say that Vladimir was lucky, because he did not need to undergo a course of expensive and painfully long chemotherapy. However, for some reason, doctors urged the journalist to agree to an immediate tumor removal operation.

can cancer be defeated

It was his loved ones who played an important role in the speedy recovery of Vladimir, who tried to always be there. The Posner family behaved as if everything was in perfect order, as if nothing had happened, and no one had ever heard of the disease. And what did Posner get in the end? Someone does not know how to defeat cancer, but someone simply does not think about it. But some people have to overcome a terrible disease, doing it in all possible ways. And Posner was able to defeat cancer!

And for more than twenty years, Vladimir Pozner has been living quietly. But he still undergoes examinations, because he understands that health is the main thing!

Charlotte Lewis

Charlotte, in those days when she was diagnosed with lung cancer, was a young and charming girl. Looking at her, it was difficult to say that she was sick with a terrible disease, which often leads to death. When the doctor just saw the actress with the diagnosis made earlier to her, he was surprised, because the lady looked very good. Therefore, the doctor decided that this was some kind of mistake, but nevertheless conducted an examination and tests.

Oncology of the lungs is the disease that Charlotte defeated. After getting rid of a terrible disease, more than thirty years have passed. But at one time, she was not afraid to refuse chemotherapy. And this was, as we see, the right decision.

Lance Armstrong

life after cancer

This man can easily be called the legend of cycling, because he is a seven-time winner of the famous competitions in France called Tour de France. Lance refers to those individuals who defeated cancer, despite the fact that the doctors did not give them a chance at all. Doctors diagnosed with testicular cancer, when the disease has already moved to the last stage, which proved that there is simply no chance of victory.

Then, in 1996, the man gave his written consent to the use of a new very risky method for treating penile cancer, which could easily lead to a variety of troubles and side effects. True self-confidence, which, in fact, is inherent in a professional athlete, only helped Lance Armstrong win the most important victory in his life - the victory over cancer. Lance is the kind of person who knows firsthand how to defeat cancer.

Joseph Kobzon

The Russian pop singer also once overcame an oncological disease, however, the treatment for such an elderly man did not go as smoothly as, of course, we would like. Exactly 10 years ago, in 2005, he learned that he was mortally ill. Doctors insisted on an immediate operation, so Kobzon himself went to Germany, where, in fact, he had removed a poor-quality neoplasm. But everything turned out to be much more complicated, because surgical intervention, performed for the good, entailed a number of completely different problems with the artist’s health. After the operation, the man’s immunity was so weakened that anything could infect him. It should also be noted that after the treatment of the tumor, or rather, its removal, a small thrombus formed in the lungs of Joseph Kobzon in the lungs, as well as inflammation of the renal tissue. Four years later, Kobzon underwent another operation. And to this day, the famous Russian artist continues to be treated, and while he, despite his age, manages to defeat the disease.

Lyme Vaikule

stories of cancer winners

A terrible disease did not bypass one of the most famous Russian singers - Laimu Vaikule. More than twenty years ago, in 1991, in the United States of America, doctors diagnosed the girl with breast cancer. This, as you know, is a very insidious disease, which could easily lead to the death of the singer. Since the pathology was discovered by American doctors very late, Laima Vaikule simply had no chance of survival. The singer herself regarded this disease as something important, something more. She is sure that God in this way gave her a little impetus for her to rethink the purpose of her life once and for all. A long and intensive treatment of the tumor followed, but Vaykule still defeated the cancer, immediately after which she returned to her creative activities.


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