Sviridov Sergey Vladimirovich, plastic surgeon: biography, career, photo of work performed, experience in operations and patient reviews

Plastic surgeon Sergey Vladimirovich Sviridov is one of the most famous specialists in his field. This is a doctor of the highest category, behind whom many years of successful practice, about eight hundred operations performed. During this time, he managed to develop his own technique for performing complex plastic procedures, to develop his own approach. At the moment, he performs a wide range of operations on the body and face, using modern and advanced technologies, innovative techniques.

Doctor's biography

Biography of Sergey Sviridov

Plastic surgeon Sergey Vladimirovich Sviridov was born in Vladivostok. He was born in 1975. He graduated from the Yaroslavl State Medical Academy, which he graduated in 1999.

He decided not to be limited to this. After he became the holder of the diploma, the future plastic surgeon Sergei Vladimirovich Sviridov remained in the residency. Until 2002, he specialized in surgery at the Moscow Regional Clinical Hospital, which was located in Sergiev Posad.

Until 2014, he regularly attended all kinds of advanced training courses in various areas, in particular in plastic, maxillofacial, laser, reconstructive surgery, healthcare organization, and mammology.

In the same years, he underwent scientific and practical internships, as well as retraining in leading clinics specializing in aesthetic medicine in Europe (for example, in Italy, Germany, Latvia, the USA). Sergey Vladimirovich - holder of prestigious international certificates.

Professional career

The work of Sergei Sviridov

Plastic surgeon Sergey Vladimirovich Sviridov began his professional career in 1999 on the basis of the regional state medical association in the Moscow region. He worked as a doctor in the surgical department.

Since 2000, doctor Sergei Sviridov worked as a surgeon in a clinical hospital No. 6 of the Third General Directorate of Roszdrav, and then worked for five years in the state unitary enterprise "Laser Medical Center" ASTR ", located in Moscow. Here he was already a plastic surgeon, was in charge of the operating room block.

From 2007 to 2009, plastic surgeon Sergei Sviridov was already the head physician of the Care and Plastic Surgery Clinic in Moscow. After that, he served as the leading plastic surgeon of the Eklan clinic for four years, which worked at the Central Clinical Hospital of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. At the same time, the doctor began to work as a plastic surgeon at the MedLaz Aesthetic Surgery Clinic. Sergey Vladimirovich Sviridov since 2013 became her chief physician. Currently, this is his main place of work, it is here that you can contact him, get a full consultation, sign up for an operation of any complexity.

In 2016, Sviridov became an employee of the Department of Plastic Surgery, he gives lectures to students of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.

Advances in Surgery

Surgeon Sergey Sviridov

The Svirid surgeon is a well-known specialist in professional medical circles who has an impeccable reputation. He has significant experience, more than a dozen years of continuous surgical practice.

The specialist has on his account a whole list of unique tools that allow him to carry out liposuction operations, new methods in breast plastic surgery, which are now actively used and are being introduced into plastic surgery.

Among the latest striking examples of his successful activities are unique even for our time techniques that are based on the use of innovative technologies and new principles for conducting operations. For example, when the edges of the incision immediately after the operation are intimately glued together using autologous fibrin glue. Sviridov personally patented the latest technique, now known as the β€œChest without seam”. It will be discussed in more detail about it, but for now, we only note that about five hundred operations have already been performed, in which the patient undergoes only a minimal skin incision in the invisible part of the areola. Sviridov also conducts successful operations on seamless blepharoplasty, which demonstrate high results. This technique is patented.

Sviridov is considered the first surgeon in Russia to have mastered the latest modern technology of body lipoplasty, which has long established itself and is showing good results. The so-called bodybuilding-liposuction can significantly rejuvenate the appearance of a person, giving his body an athletic and embossed look. It is carried out by the method of ultrasonic liposuction, in which not only all unnecessary fat is removed, but also an attractive body relief is formed.

Sviridov confirms his high professionalism by the fact of being trained by the best plastic surgeons in Europe who have long been working on this technology.

Currently, he regularly conducts training for experienced and young surgeons, gathers specialists for his own master classes on lipomodelling and body contour correction. As a guest lecturer, he often acts in Kazakhstan, Russia and China at numerous medical congresses.

Published scientific papers

Sergey Vladimirovich Sviridov

Many potential patients trust the professionalism of a doctor, paying attention to his successes and achievements in the scientific field.

Developing new techniques, he constantly conducts scientific research, which he backs up with deep scientific work. Since 2010, Sviridov has published several dozens of popular science articles in periodicals and scientific publications, received six patents for inventions.

In the field of his professional skills, seamless breast plastic surgery, facelift, forehead plastic surgery, endoscopic lifting, eyelid plastic surgery, seamless lower eyelid plastic surgery, laser transconjunctive plastic surgery of the eyelids, nose surgery, nose tip and wings correction, removal of the back of the nose, liposuction of the neck, chin areas, lip correction for traumatic deformities, elimination of mammary ptosis, abdominal liposuction, laser nano-liposuction of the shoulders and hips, endoscopic abdominoplasty, buttock and lower leg endoprosthetics, treatment tion and correction of keloid scars, liposculpture and lipofilling, skin grafts.

Work reviews

Photos of works

On your own website of plastic surgeon Sergei Vladimirovich Sviridov, you can find mostly positive reviews. Patients who underwent appropriate procedures with him note that the doctor helped to realize their old dreams.

These reviews of plastic surgeon Sergey Vladimirovich Sviridov abound with enthusiastic characteristics. For example, "surgeon from God", "master - golden hands." It should be noted that all these assessments have an objective basis, at least, as specialists who know the methods by which the plastic surgeon works, say so.

Colleagues argue that Sviridov is not just a craftsman in his work, but a real creator, in which there is a powerful and strong creative beginning. In addition, he constantly strives to use and put into practice the latest and original techniques.

The number of operations performed by a doctor in recent times is simply impressive. This is more than eight hundred complex plastic surgeries, as well as about six thousand minimally invasive surgical interventions. It is worth noting that he works not only in plastic surgery, but also in urology, dermacosmetology, gynecology.

Negative opinions

However, there are also bad reviews about the plastic surgeon Sergey Vladimirovich Sviridov, some patients after operations are not satisfied with the result.

For example, after breast augmentation and tightening, women still have poorly made and coarse sutures, and the implant itself begins to emerge from under the skin. Of course, in clothes such flaws remain invisible, but when the patient goes under the knife to such an experienced and well-known specialist, he expects, of course, a different result. As a result, those who are faced with a similar problem do not recommend this doctor to those who are going for some more complicated plastic surgery than the usual breast enlargement.

In addition, customers often remain dissatisfied with the organization of the clinic itself, the attitude to the work of plastic surgeon Sergei Vladimirovich Sviridov. Bad reviews are based on the fact that customers are faced with elementary slowness and negligence of employees. For example, there are situations when, shortly before the operation, the tests that were submitted in the same clinic were not printed. As a result, the anesthetist simply does not have enough time to carefully read them.

Sviridov himself is sometimes indifferent to the patients before the operations; their analyzes often do not pay any attention at all. Most likely, the matter is the popularity of the clinic and the large flow of customers, it is often necessary to register two months in advance, so the loss of one or two patients for such a large medical company is completely painless.

In general, there are very different reviews about the work of Sergei Vladimirovich Sviridov. You can risk trusting a plastic surgeon, but for this you need to learn more about the methods of his work. This is described further.

"Chest without seam"

Career Sergei Sviridov

One of the most famous and replicated techniques often used by a plastic surgeon is seamless breast plastic surgery.

The essence of this method is the most strict adherence to the basic principles of plastic surgery for breast augmentation, as well as the most sparing technique of the intervention itself, which leaves almost no traces. This can be achieved by applying a complex of modern surgical techniques.

As a result, it becomes possible to carry out an operation that will leave absolutely no traces on the mammary gland, while the rehabilitation period will be as comfortable as possible, and the result obtained in the near future and far future will exceed the patient's wildest expectations. For example, the functionality of the breast tissue will be fully preserved.

Nowadays, women of different ages are often interested in such a technique that proves its effectiveness and aesthetics with minimal damage.

Operation planning

Plastic surgeon Sergey Sviridov

Before all operations, even the most insignificant ones, thorough preparation takes place, at least, as they say in the clinic of Sergei Sviridov himself. Photos of patients before and after plastic surgery can serve as proof of the quality that surgeons can achieve.

Immediately prior to surgery, the doctor has a complete medical history. The woman finds out the number of pregnancies, the features of taking hormonal contraceptives, the volume of the breast after and during lactation, the level of physical activity, the presence of bad habits, her somatic status.

The clinic attaches great attention to the wishes of the patient herself in terms of breast shape, projection and volume, their objectivity is evaluated, as a result of a detailed analysis, it is possible to achieve the best option. It should suit the client and be feasible in specific conditions.

Then an anatomical feature is assessed. In particular, the degree of ptosis of the gland, the presence of asymmetry, taking into account the width of the chest, the ratio of the adipose tissue of the gland and the parenchyma, the presence of asymmetry and deformation of the chest, scoliotic changes in the spine, weight fluctuations, skin characteristics.

Preparation ends with the use of implant selection methods together with the patient. At the same time, external sizers are used that simulate weight and volume, the chest and chest are measured, 3D modeling is done.

Operation progress

A photo of the work of Sergei Sviridov can serve as a confirmation of his professionalism, prove that he is truly a high-class professional. During the operation, much attention is paid to the fact that it is performed using gentle technique. First of all, in relation to breast tissue, the surgeon makes sure that the functions of the mammary parenchyma are not impaired. For this, a special pocket is formed for implant placement, which is located in the lateral space between the adipose tissue and the parenchyma (the latter does not stretch).

During surgery, the method of stupid separation of breast tissue is used, and not their dissection, as was done before. In this case, the patient does not inflict any injuries, manages to do without damage to the milk ducts and dissection of blood vessels.

During the operation itself, it is possible to achieve minimal bleeding, after surgery you can observe minimal bruising and swelling. At the same time, drainages are not established with the help of additional incisions, which allows to increase the woman's comfort level after the operation is completed. In the clinic of Sergey Sviridov, an additional conduction local anesthesia is performed, which avoids the use of narcotic analgesics. The fact is that for such an operation, the use of sedatives is quite enough. This type of anesthesia is safe and easy, and its duration does not exceed just one hour.

If you have plastic surgery with Sergei Sviridov, you can count on a painless and easy period using anatomical and round implants. In addition, minimal overlapping of the internal sutures is possible, as well as bonding of the skin of the areola in the incision zone, which guarantees the most optimal conditions for quick healing, ensures quick restoration, invisibility of the seam, and complete preservation of sensitivity. Due to the fact that the operation will be seamless, it can be performed even in the summer months.

Features of the recovery period

There will be very few recommendations about the features of the postoperative period if you decide to contact Sergey Sviridov. The plastic surgeon guarantees a full restoration of working capacity in a week, high patient satisfaction with the results of the surgical intervention.

In this case, you need to be prepared for moderate or minor edema in the chest during the postoperative period, but there will be no obvious pain, for example, the feeling of fullness in the chest, which many have to face after mammoplasty throughout rehabilitation. Perhaps a slight aching sensation, which will pass in a few days.

It is important that you do not need to take any antibiotics or painkillers.


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