Article on how to make your stomach flat and elastic

Many women dream of a beautiful figure and think about how to make their belly flat and elastic. This problem worsens after childbirth or long holidays. To achieve a dream, there are many different ways: teas for weight loss, diet, etc. The safest and at the same time healthy way to make your stomach taut is to regularly perform correctly selected physical exercises. From a person only perseverance and patience will be needed, then the result will certainly be.

how to make the belly elastic

To create a beautiful waist and overall weight loss, you can perform rope jumping, jogging, dance aerobics or other active activities for at least 45 minutes. 3-4 such exercises should be carried out per week.

Consider how to make the stomach flat and elastic by performing other effective types of exercises.

Exercise number 1. "Raising the legs at a right angle." Initial position: lie on the floor, put your hands behind your head, keep your legs together. Raise your legs while inhaling at a right angle (knees should not bend), and exhale lower them, but not touch the floor. Complete 20 sets.

flat stomach in 6 weeks
Exercise number 2. "Twist at the waist." Starting position: lie on the floor, hands are behind the head, legs are bent at the knees. Exercise: during inhalation, raise the feet from the floor, twisting the waist, put your feet on your left side. On exhalation, return to the starting position, and then repeat to the other side. Make on both sides for 20-30 approaches.

Exercise number 3. "Corner". First you need to lie on the floor, place your palms near the hips. Legs should always be straight and together. On exhalation, they must be raised, and arms extended forward. Keep your back straight and your abs muscles tense. Fix this pose for 2 minutes.

Exercise number 4. Initial position: lying on the floor, put your hands near your hips. Execution: on exhalation, slightly raise the upper part of the body to the shoulder blades, arms stretch forward. Fix for 2-3 minutes. When this time passes, you should lie down on the floor and relax.

Exercise number 5. "Pilates". From a position lying on the floor with hands behind the head, you need to raise your legs with bent knees 90 degrees. Shins should be parallel to the surface. Further, alternately tearing off the shoulders from the floor, stretch your elbow to the opposite knee. Perform 20 to 25 repetitions. Such training allows not only to achieve a flat stomach, but also works out the waist area.

Next, we will talk a little about how to make the stomach flat and elastic with the use of sports equipment, which will diversify the workouts and make them effective.

how to make the belly elastic

Exercise number 6. "The draft of dumbbells in the slope." Initial position: torso at an angle of 45 degrees, arms with dumbbells down (at the knees), bend in the lower back. Fulfillment: with an exhale, strive to bring elbows behind the back, the forearm should be parallel to the body, and weighting agents are located near the lower abdomen. Return to starting position with a breath.

Exercise number 7. "Squats with dumbbells over your head." Starting position: legs are placed at a shoulder-width distance, arms (with dumbbells) should be raised above the head. On inspiration, you should smoothly perform incomplete squats to a right angle in the knees and the position of the hips parallel to the floor. In the lower back, bend a little. With an exhalation, return to the starting position. Perform 15 to 30 sets.

how to make the stomach flat and elastic

Exercise number 8. "With a fitball." For training, take an emphasis lying down (push-ups from the floor), only the legs in the knees should be placed on the ball. Keep your back straight. Execution: rolling the fitball, stretch your knees to your chest, squeezing the muscles of the abdomen. After that, return to the starting position. Make 10 rentals.

You can create a flat stomach in 6 weeks by performing a very diverse set of exercises from a popular fitness instructor - Gillian Michaels.

Obviously, today there is a wide selection of options for making the stomach flat and elastic. All who wish can only choose what they like, carefully read all the recommendations and systematically train.


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