What should be the sperm of a healthy man: consistency, color, smell. What determines the amount of sperm?

Successful conception directly depends on the seminal fluid of a man, and not only on the state of the reproductive organs of a woman. It is necessary that the sperm of a man possess a certain number of properties. It is for this purpose that the diagnosis of male ejaculate, which is known as a spermogram, is carried out. Therefore, many men are interested in the question: "What should be sperm?". We will discuss the norm and deviations in this article.

The main list of characteristics of seminal fluid

Several indicators affect the viability of a man’s seminal fluid . So, the main criteria:

  • amount of seed;
  • sperm color;
  • consistency;
  • sperm concentration as a percentage;
  • motility and shape of germ cells;
  • the time the ejaculate turns into a liquid;
  • sign of hydrogenity;
  • bonding and aggregation process.

The overall picture of the state of the seed is based on the calculation of some factors. Even with the absence of any sign, one cannot say that a man develops a disease. "What should be the sperm in men?" - This question worries much more than normal factors.

There are cases when men of childbearing age have sperm with more or less acidity, which is different from the norm. But if other signs are developed as standard, then do not worry.

What color should the sperm be?

Of particular importance is the color and smell of sperm during the period of the diagnostic examination for the detection of various diseases. For the study of male seed, special conditions are required that imply the use of a microscopic device. Many doctors today do not take into account these characteristics of the ejaculate. However, it is precisely the changed indicators of male sperm that indicate the presence or absence of the disease.

sperm must be thick or thin

What color should the sperm be? Normal sperm color is considered white, gray and yellowish. If any pathological changes have occurred in the man’s body, then it is necessary to immediately undergo a medical examination. So, the first "adverse" signs of the disease appear in the color of sperm:

  • cloudy white sperm indicates that there is no pathological process;
  • Absolutely transparent semen indicates that there are no sperm in the fluid. The reason is revealed only after passing a diagnostic examination;
  • the greenish and yellow shades of the ejaculate indicate that an inflammatory process is taking place in the male body, namely in the prostate gland, on which full functioning and sexual capabilities depend;
  • a pink hue (closer to red) indicates that there is an admixture of blood in the ejaculate. This means that the urethra is inflamed or the urethra is damaged.

By the way, a saturated grayish tint indicates that there is a large number of sperm in the seminal fluid. This phenomenon can only occur if a man has not had sexual contact for a long time.

The main thing is to remember that timely access to a doctor can save from male infertility and various diseases of the male genital organs.

Sperm species

What determines the amount of sperm? Its color depends on the individual characteristics of the male body. However, the above sperm colors confirm that in the man’s body there is a violation of male reproductive function. It is necessary to talk in more detail about abnormal phenomena. Here is a classification of sperm species based on their appearance:

  • seminal fluid of a pinkish hue indicates that the level of red blood cells - red blood cells - is increased in the body of a man. This indicates that the urinary organs are inflamed, and possibly the presence of a genital or sexually transmitted infection. In rare cases, blood in the seed indicates diabetes;
  • a bluish tint or completely transparent sperm means a lack of quantitative composition of sperm, which entails the impossibility of successful conception. In most similar cases, a man has a problem with testosterone production;
  • a green shade of sperm is an extremely dangerous sign that shows a purulent process. Immediately after identifying this symptom, you must urgently consult a doctor and undergo a course of treatment;
  • white sperm with an admixture of blood is another pathology, which is accompanied by an unpleasant rotten odor. These signs indicate that the man has a sexually transmitted disease or a malignant tumor.

The doctor, before making a specific diagnosis, is guided by the results of an examination of the question, what should be sperm and color.

Semen volume

In addition to the color of seminal fluid, many are interested in the question of how much sperm should be in a mature man.

It should be noted that the volume of sperm includes the amount of sperm that is produced during ejaculation. According to medical indicators, the norm of sperm volume is from 1.5 to 5-6 ml. Of course, the difference between these indicators is great. However, doctors found that the volume of less than 1.5 ml and more than 6 ml is a pathology.

what determines the amount of sperm

The average norm is 2.5 ml. If the output turns out to be very little seminal fluid, this means that the prostate gland does not function well and abnormalities are observed in the seminal vesicles.

It should be noted that a decrease in the amount of seed can lead to blockage of the vas deferens and retrograde ejaculation, as a result - the release of sperm into the bladder.


In addition to the basic questions about the color, smell and volume of seminal fluid, most often questions arise about what consistency should be sperm. Thick sperm is considered normal. However, doctors also take into account the liquefaction period of male seminal fluid. After the man has passed the analysis for a spermogram, she liquefies in 15 minutes. This process begins and after an hour, this is also considered the norm. But if the sperm does not liquefy after 60 minutes, then this indicates that the man has problems with the prostate gland.

what sperm should be

The viscosity of the seminal fluid is checked in this way: with a sterile medical instrument, touch the surface of the seed and lift it up a little. The length of a kind of thread should be equal to 2 centimeters, no more.

According to the consistency, sperm is a mucus liquid, which, during excretion, acquires a jelly form, and after 30-60 minutes it liquefies and becomes transparent (which is necessary for conception).

Sperm must be thick or thin? A common question asked by experts. A normal indicator is a moderately viscous seminal fluid. Excessively thick sperm is the first cause of male infertility. This should alert the man.

If the sperm looks like lumps of semolina porridge, after which it becomes more dense, this can happen due to a weakened immune system of a man, metabolic disorders or indicate the course of the inflammatory process in the testicles.

What determines the amount of sperm and its consistency? The quality of the ejaculate is directly affected by the regularity of sexual activity. Norm - at least 2 times a week.


What should be the smell of sperm? Normal seminal fluid has a slight chlorine odor. If a systematic unpleasant or too sharp odor is detected, consult a doctor. Also, an unpleasant odor may indicate that the man ate certain foods, alcohol or specific seasonings.

Seminal fluid acidity

An important role is played by sperm acidity. A pH of 7.3 to 8 is considered a normal slightly alkaline environment. It is these indicators that help to neutralize the increased level of acidity in the female vagina, which can kill sperm.

what should be sperm in men

The sperm hydrogen factor is also important, especially for those who plan to have a baby. Provided that the sperm are insufficient and deviations of the acid sphere are observed, the male sperm will die without reaching the female egg.

White blood cells

The presence of white blood cells indicates that male sperm is normal. The norm indicator, which is recognized by WHO, is more than 1 million leukocytes per 1 ml of seminal fluid. It is this quantitative composition of cells that doctors are guided in identifying the causes of various pathologies in the male body. In this case, sperm is examined under a microscope.

what consistency should be sperm

If the number of leukocytes exceeds the norm, then this means that there is a blockage in the pathways along which the seed is excreted.

What should be sperm and its volume for conception? It should be noted that a healthy ejaculate has antisperm antibodies. No less important is the fact of the viability of male germ cells and their structure. Few people think that the quality of seminal fluid directly affects the health of the future baby. Moreover, the activity of male germ cells makes it possible to accelerate the process of conception of a child and increase the chance of becoming a father. Sperm quality is affected by an insufficient level of vitamins, a poor diet, the ecological situation of the region of residence, bad habits, and heredity.

Improving sperm quality

The sperm of a healthy man should be fed with vitamins. So, scientists have proved that cereal products and fruits affect the quality of the ejaculate. Nuts, bananas, greens, apples, asparagus, tomatoes, pomegranate and protein-filled foods must be included in the diet. It is also recommended to eat cereals: from buckwheat, oats, corn and rice. It is worth highlighting seafood separately. It has a positive effect on sperm and spinach, although many men do not like it.

sperm of a healthy man

There are a number of medications that have a beneficial effect on sperm quality.

what should be the smell of sperm

However, self-medication is not necessary. You need to take drugs only after the appointment of a doctor. Be healthy and active!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B6322/

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