Where and how to pay property tax: payment methods

Today we have to figure out how to pay property tax. Consider all possible scenarios for individuals. After all, taxes not paid on time can lead to a number of negative consequences. And therefore, it is better to immediately find out how to pay with the state for the existing property. To do this with proper preparation is not difficult.

property tax how to pay

Terms of payment

First, we’ll try to find out how much you have to pay the bills. In Russia there is a certain period for making property taxes.

In 2017, citizens must make the corresponding payments until December 1, inclusive. Otherwise, they will also have to list penalties. They are charged daily.

About payment transfer tools

How to pay property tax? You can cope with the task in different ways. Usually, the answer directly depends on the skills of a particular person, as well as on his personal preferences.

Today you can pay taxes:

  • personally;
  • through the Internet.

Most often, citizens act independently. But the payment of property tax receipts via the Internet is also in demand.

Online Payment Methods

A few words about what Internet resources will help to cope with the task. You need to know about them due to the fact that the Web is full of scammers. And sometimes citizens simply do not transfer money to the Federal Tax Service.

how to pay property tax through public services

How to pay property tax? Receipt of payment in the hands of a citizen? Then on the Internet it is recommended to look at the following resources:

  • "Government services";
  • Sberbank Online (and other Internet banking services);
  • "Payment of public services".

These 3 sites are in great demand. They work flawlessly today. Below we will talk about how to use them to pay taxes.

Payment methods in person

But that is not all. Every modern citizen can personally pay tax payments. This is a fairly common scenario.

How to pay property tax? For example, you can do it like this:

  • apply to the cashier of any bank;
  • use a special payment terminal (available in most Federal Tax Service);
  • resort to the help of ATMs / terminals of financial organizations;
  • carry out an operation on the "Post of Russia".

In reality, everything is simpler than it seems. Next, we will consider in more detail all of the above methods of paying taxes. And after that, everyone will be able to decide what exactly suits him.

Required for Payments

Let's start with a little preparation. Without it, some problems may arise in the process of paying property taxes.

where to pay property tax for individuals

What is useful for making study payments? You must have with you:

  • passport of a citizen;
  • amount of tax;
  • details of the Federal Tax Service recipient;
  • type of tax.

Ideally, a citizen should have a tax receipt . Its presence greatly simplifies life. Indeed, in such a document there are both details of the recipient of funds and the amount due.

For some payment methods you will have to find out your TIN. It is not necessary to have a certificate of the established form. A simple tax number is enough. As a rule, it can be seen on the payment receipt. Such securities are sent no later than a month before the deadline for transferring money to the Federal Tax Service. In our case, until November 1.


How to pay property tax through Sberbank? You can contact the cashier of this financial organization and get rid of the task.

This will require:

  1. Take with you the papers listed previously. Do not forget about the money.
  2. Contact the cash desk of any branch of Sberbank for individuals.
  3. Transfer a tax receipt and money.
  4. Present a passport.
  5. Receive change, receipt and payment receipt.

That's all. Such a technique, as a rule, implies a cash settlement. And it requires a significant investment of time. Therefore, this method is not in special demand.

property tax receipt

Terminals and ATMs

Where to pay property tax for individuals in Russia? For example, in Sberbank. More precisely, in its terminals and ATMs.

Such techniques provide, as a rule, cashless payments. But banknotes can also be paid. But how?

A guide to paying property tax through an ATM looks like this:

  1. Insert a plastic card into the ATM from Sberbank.
  2. Enter the PIN code.
  3. Go to the "Payments in my city" block.
  4. Click on "Taxes, duties."
  5. Go to the "Taxes" section. Sometimes this step is absent due to the features of the ATM system.
  6. Click on the button "Search payee".
  7. Indicate a convenient way to search. For example, "By TIN".
  8. Dial the payee's TIN.
  9. Click on the "Find" button.
  10. Select the desired recipient, click on "Next" and check the option "Property tax".
  11. Indicate payer details.
  12. Enter the amount of payment.
  13. Check details.
  14. Confirm payment.
  15. Take a check from an ATM.

Everything is extremely simple and clear. You can search for the recipient "By payment order number". Then the bulk of these steps will be skipped - the system will fill in some of the fields automatically. You can give preference to the search "By barcode". After that it is necessary to bring the tax payment receipt to a special reading laser. And then it will be possible to immediately begin to verify the details of the recipient.

How to pay property tax through Sberbank

How to pay property tax through a payment terminal? To cope with the task will help the previously proposed instructions. The difference lies in the fact that after checking the details, the user will have to deposit the notes in the bill acceptor, and also indicate the phone number for the transfer of change.

Internet banking

How to pay property tax? Sberbank Online is a service that almost every modern user is familiar with. And he will help to cope with the task.

To translate ideas into reality you need:

  1. Get login and password from Sberbank Online. For example, registering in the system through an ATM.
  2. Log in to the Internet banking site from Sberbank.
  3. Go to "Payments and transfers."
  4. Click on "FTS, taxes."
  5. Select "Pay Tax."
  6. Indicate how to search for payment information.
  7. Fill in the appeared fields.
  8. Click on the "Search" button.
  9. Click on "Go to payment".
  10. Fill in the form. All fields have prompts.
  11. Confirm payment.
  12. Save or print immediately the tax payment receipt.

Fast, easy and very convenient. But this alignment is not used by everyone. The Internet is full of resources for paying taxes and other receipts.

"Payment of government services"

For example, there is a site called "Payment of Government Services". With its help, it will be possible to very quickly answer the question of how to pay property tax via the Internet. The service does not require registration, does not charge a commission, allows you to make transactions with bank cards or using online wallets.

Sberbank online how to pay property tax

The algorithm of actions in this situation will have the following form:

  1. Open oplatagosuslug.ru page in a browser.
  2. In the upper part of the window, click on the item "Taxes".
  3. Check the box next to the appropriate way to find information. For example, "By TIN".
  4. Fill in the fields that appear on the screen.
  5. Click on the "Find" button.
  6. Click on the appropriate payment.
  7. Click on the "Pay" button.
  8. Choose a method of transferring funds.
  9. Indicate the details of the account from which money will be debited. Usually we are talking about data from bank plastic.
  10. Make a payment confirmation.

Within a minute, the user will be able to save the receipt to his computer. And only after that print it. Money for property tax is debited from the specified card / wallet immediately.

"Public services" to help

And how to pay property tax through the "State Services"? This question is asked by many modern citizens of the Russian Federation. After all, if a person has a profile on this portal, paper receipts for paying taxes will not come to him. And then it’s easier to deal with the payment through the “ Public Services Portal ”.

The most difficult thing here is to register on the service and confirm your identity. Such procedures take about 15 days. Therefore, you will have to worry about registration in advance.

How to pay property tax through public services? As soon as a person has a verified profile, he will need:

  1. Go to gosuslugi.ru website.
  2. Log in to your personal account.
  3. Open LK. It is located in the upper right corner.
  4. Click on the "Tax Debt" block.
  5. Select item "Property tax".
  6. Click on the "Pay" button.
  7. Indicate the method of transferring funds.
  8. Enter the details of your account.
  9. Click on the "OK" button.

This is the fastest way to solve the problem. All tax debts are displayed in the "My Account" on the "State Services". After the operation, new data will appear in the system after about 2 days. Therefore, with checking the debt will have to wait.

how to pay property tax online

You can go to the block "State services" - "Federal Tax Service" - "Debt Search". By specifying the taxpayer’s TIN here, it will be possible to find all currently unpaid taxes. Further, the algorithm of actions will be exactly the same as indicated above. Where to pay property tax for individuals? Now the answer to this question will not cause trouble!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B6351/

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