Yan Arlazorov: biography, family and work of a comedian

A brilliant actor, a strong personality, a sparkling comedian - all these words relate to the hero of our article. During his life, Yan Arlazorov managed to win the hearts of all viewers. Almost every person in our country (and beyond) knows the work of our hero. He is recognizable and loved by the people. How did he appear, who is this person, and why was he so popular?

Yan Arlazorov: biography

Ian Arlazorov

The family of our hero was the most ordinary. Arlazorov Jan Mayorovich (although this is not entirely correct, more precisely - Meyerovich) was born into a Jewish family on August 26, 1947 in Moscow. His father, Maer Shmulevich (Meyer Samoilovich) Shulrufer, was born in 1923, a participant in the Great Patriotic War, after which he worked as a lawyer. Mother, Raisa Yakovlevna Arlazorova, is a surgeon. Yan’s younger brother, Leonid Meyerovich Shulrufer, continued the work of his mother.

In many ways, Yan inherited his talent and craving for art from his grandfather, who worked at the Vakhtangov Theater.

While studying at school, our hero often skipped classes. Unfortunately for his parents, Ian was a fat kid. Due to overweight problems, his mom and dad constantly tried to put Jan in sports sections, which he, in turn, also managed to skip. He managed to lose weight only thanks to a strong desire to enter the theater school. This made him train hard. For Jan, this was the first victory over himself in his life.

Creative way

After school, Jan, in 1965, entered the Shchukin Theater School and successfully graduated from it (in 1969). Then, from 1970 to 1973, the young man worked at the Central Children's Theater in Moscow, where he mainly played comedic characters. In late 1970, he began working at the Mossovet Theater. He devoted 30 years of his life to this scene. And this did not become the limit of his dreams. Despite the fact that most of his life was devoted to the theater, in the late 90s, Jan began to work on the stage, as in the same place he was bored. At the age of 40, our hero became truly famous.

Ian Arlazorov biography

As a pop artist in 1978, Yan Arlazorov, whose biography was not so bright up to this point, first showed himself at Rostislav Plyatt at the anniversary. At evening, our hero was the host and conducted it brilliantly.

The debut of Jan Arlazorov (as a film actor) in 1971 was the film "Chronicle of the Night." But the picture was not shot in his usual comedy genre, but vice versa. This script contained scenes of explosions and shootings in abundance. Perhaps this influenced the fact that Jan after filming this tape for eight years left the movie.

In 1979, at the sixth All-Union Competition of Variety Artists, Arlazorov became a laureate. The comedic role of the ever-dissatisfied cashier brought popularity to Jan.

Arlazorov worked in the Full House with such comedians as G. Vetrov, Yu. Galtsev, E. Vorobey, S. Drobotenko and others.

Yan Arlazorov

In 1997 he received the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. In 2004, Yang published a book of wisdom called Yanki. In 2008 he was awarded the Order of Honor. Starred in films such as "Quote", "Carnival Night-2", "Funny Neighbors."

The first conversational artist

In his speeches, Yan Arlazorov often involved spectators who
automatically became its co-authors, in their numbers. At that time, he was the only actor working directly, not afraid of the reaction of the viewer and any development of events. From the stage, he turned to a man with the words: “Hey man ...” The performances cost Arlazorov tremendous strength and intense tension. Only from the outside it seemed that the artist was working in a relaxed atmosphere. And it was worth it. The audience was delighted with his performances. Arlazorov seemed so close and dear to them, because anyone could talk to him at the concert and take part in his improvised rooms. Mostly the text of his speeches, our hero wrote himself, although sometimes he also resorted to the help of professionals.

Jan Arlazorov biography

Ambulance Arla Zorro

At the end of the 90s at Avtoradio, Yan Arlazorov was the host of the People’s Ambulance program. He was called "Dr. Arla Zorro". Our hero was called by listeners from all over the country to talk about their misfortune, in the hope of help. One day, Jan helped the father of a sick daughter who needed surgery in Germany. On air, he announced the phone number of the parents of a sick child, and one of the listeners helped the unfortunate family with money. And this case is not an isolated one. At one time, Ian helped a sick boy who needed a blood transfusion. There was also a case when help was needed to a disabled person of the Great Patriotic War, whose wheels were stolen from a Cossack donated to him on Victory Day. For him, Jan collected a large number of car wheels. A disabled person who had no arms and legs and who was not visited by anyone in the hospital, he helped to make many friends who came to him after hearing a radio broadcast. And this is only a small part of the good deeds of Dr. Arles Zorro. But two years later, for unknown reasons, the transfer was closed.

Arlazorov Jan Mayorovich

Alone with myself

At concerts, Yan Arlazorov devoted himself to the audience. And it seemed that in ordinary life he was just as merry. But in fact, Ian was closed and vulnerable. The love that the artist gave the viewer, he could not get himself. Perhaps this was the tragedy of his life. For him, love was the most important gift, but an unsuccessful marriage did not allow him to fully receive this feeling that he had dreamed of.

First and last marriage

Yana Arlazorov’s wife studied, like him, at the Shchukin Theater School. The future wife was called Yoloy Sanko. After graduation, they got married.

wife of yan arlazorov
Yola’s career developed more safely than her spouse. She was invited to play a movie, in a theater. Yana didn’t quite like this, since he wanted Yola to devote more time to him. The newlyweds often quarreled, did not want to give in to each other, constantly disappeared at work. This did not suit them, but the couple did not want to change anything in their lives. Even the birth of Alena's daughter did not save the family. Once, after returning home from work, Ian did not find his wife and baby at home. After three years of marriage, Yela left Moscow without even telling Yan where, leaving her husband and leaving a successful career. She often had to play in various provincial theaters. All this time, Jan unsuccessfully searched for his wife and daughter. When nevertheless they were found, Ian tried to establish relations with his wife, but to no avail. This marriage was not destined to last long. Relations with his daughter were also unstable. After the first unsuccessful marriage, Yang did not marry a second time. The ideal woman, he said, was his mother.

Jan's disease

In 2007, a stomach tumor was discovered in Arlazorov. Despite the illness and pain that it caused him, Jan went on stage and with all his appearance showed great health. In the same year, the artist celebrates his 60th birthday. All this has further aggravated the state of health of our hero. But he was not up to himself. Arlazorov's mother was ill with cancer, from which she soon died. His father was also very ill. And Arlazorov put all his strength into their treatment. Later, the artist had an operation, but the disease did not recede. He was asked to have a second operation in Moscow. Arlazorov refused and went to Germany for treatment. He was re-operated there, but everything was unsuccessful.

death of yan arlazorov
Before his death, Arlazorov did not want to see anyone. His brother and father were on duty at his bed. My daughter was not there, although Jan was waiting for her to meet.

The death of Jan Arlazorov

No matter how great a man may be, illness and death spare no one. Everyone has their own time measured out. On March 7, 2009, Jan Arlazorov died. The funeral took place on the 11th at the Vostryakovsky cemetery.

Yan Arlazorov's funeral
For everyone who wanted to say goodbye to Arlazorov, the doors of the State Variety Theater were open. A river of people flowed there endlessly: friends, relatives and fans. At the funeral of Arlazorov, his ex-wife was not. Alain's daughter nevertheless came to say goodbye to her father.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B6352/

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