Delicate lentil soup from Julia Vysotskaya

Lentil soup from Yulia Vysotskaya is very tasty and nutritious. There are a lot of ways to cook it. Such a dish can be made on chicken or beef broth, as well as using pork or lamb.

lentil soup from Julia Vysotsky

Today we will present you several options for how to prepare the simplest lentil soup from Julia Vysotskaya.

Cooking a quick and tasty first course

To prepare lentil soup, you do not need to purchase expensive or overseas products. After all, such a dish is made from simple ingredients that are available to everyone.

So what components are needed to make lentil soup puree yourself? The recipe for this dish requires the purchase of the following components:

  • chilled chicken breasts - 450 g;
  • lentils red or green (choose according to taste) - about 200 g;
  • potato tubers - about 200 g;
  • onions - 1 head;
  • celery (stalks) - 2 pcs.;
  • medium carrots - 1 pc.;
  • red and yellow (sweet) peppers - Β½ pc.;
  • olive oil - about 2 large spoons;
  • common salt - apply to taste;
  • crushed allspice - add to taste;
  • Lavrushki - 2 leaves;
  • fresh herbs - apply to taste.
    lentil puree soup recipe

We process the ingredients for the first course

How to cook lentil soup puree? The recipe for this dish requires careful processing of all components. First you need to wash the chicken breasts, peeling them from the skin. Then vegetables should be prepared. Potato tubers are peeled and then cut into several slices. Do the same with onions, sweet yellow and red peppers, celery and carrots. At the very end, the green or red lentils are spread in a sieve and washed thoroughly. If desired, this product can be kept for some time in cold water.

Cooking soup on the stove

Vysotskaya Julia cooks lentil soup in a large saucepan. She pours enough water into it, and then brings it to a boil. After that, washed and cleaned chicken breast is laid out in the liquid. After salting the bird, it is cooked over medium heat until soft. As a rule, this takes 35-47 minutes of free time. But this is provided that you use a young soup bird.

After the meat broth is ready, potato tubers, sweet pepper, celery stalks, lavrushka, red or green lentils and chopped allspice are dipped in it. As for chicken breasts, they are preliminarily removed, cooled, the fillet is separated from the bones, and then chopped into large cubes.

lentil and beef soup

Having laid all the ingredients in a saucepan, lentil soup from Julia Vysotskaya is cooked until all products are completely soft (about 30-32 minutes).

Frying vegetables

To make the lentil soup from Yulia Vysotskaya more delicious and aromatic, it is recommended to separately prepare a vegetable fry for it. To do this, take chopped carrots and onions, and then lay them in a saucepan with olive oil. Peppercorns and salted components, they are fried until transparent. Subsequently, the vegetables are removed from the stove and cooled.

Making mashed soup

Lentil with Chicken Soup, the recipes of which should be present in the cookbooks of all housewives, is prepared quite easily. For this, vegetables boiled in meat broth are removed from the stove and cool a little. Then they take out a lavrushka from a pan and immerse a blender in a container. With this kitchen appliance, all the ingredients are whipped at maximum speed. As a result of such actions, you should get a dish of delicate puree-like consistency. After that, it is again put on the stove and slowly brought to a boil, adding some spices if desired.

The final stage of preparation

After you have formed a gentle soup-puree of chicken and vegetables, firstly pieces of boiled breasts are added to it, then fried carrots and onions. Finely chopped greens are also spread in the pan. In this composition, the first dish is again brought to a boil. Cook it for about four minutes, and then remove from the stove, cover and leave aside (for 8-10 minutes).

lentil soup recipes with photos

Serve delicious and tender lentil soup to the table

Do you know how Yulia Vysotskaya serves the first course? The lentil soup, aged under the lid, is poured into deep plates, and then served hot to family members. Moreover, in each portion of dinner, not only tender meat broth with whipped vegetables is laid out, but also pieces of chicken.

In addition to such a dinner, a slice of bread or self-cooked croutons is served.

Making a delicious beef dinner

How to cook lentil soup? Recipes with photos of this dish are well known to fans of Julia Vysotskaya. After all, she quite often cooks such a dinner using different components.

In this section of the article, we will tell you how to quickly and tasty make a nutritious soup based on beef broth.

So, lentil soup from Julia Vysotskaya requires the use of the following products:

  • beef meat on the bone - 650 g;
  • lentils red or green (choose according to taste) - about 170 g;
  • potato tubers - about 200 g;
  • onions - 1 head;
  • medium carrots - 1 pc.;
  • olive oil - about 2 large spoons;
  • common salt - apply to taste;
  • fresh tomato - 2 pcs.;
  • crushed allspice - add to taste;
  • Lavrushki - 2 leaves;
  • fresh herbs - apply to taste.
    lentil soup vysotskaya

We prepare products for the first course

Lentil and beef soup is a great dinner for the family. Preparing such a dish is much easier and simpler than what is presented above. Indeed, in order to make a regular soup, and not mashed potatoes, there is no need to use a large number of various vegetables, which subsequently need to be crushed with a blender.

So, before you start cooking the first dish on the stove, you need to prepare all the components. To do this, thoroughly wash the beef meat on the bone, and then cut off all inedible veins from it. After that proceed to the preparation of lentils. It is sorted out (if necessary), laid out in a sieve and washed thoroughly. If you have free time, then this product is recommended to withstand for several hours in cold water.

Fresh vegetables are treated separately. To do this, they are thoroughly washed and peeled. Potatoes are diced, carrots are grated, and the onion is cut in half rings. As for fresh tomatoes, they are scalded with boiling water, peeled and crushed in a blender.

Roasting Vegetables

To make the soup with lentils and beef aromatic and have a rich taste, fried onions must be added to it. For this, half rings of onion are laid out in a pan with olive oil and cooked until transparent. At the end, it is salted, pepper and removed from the stove.

Julia Vysotsky Lentil Soup

Cook the first dish

After preparing the components, they immediately begin to heat them. Beef on the bone is laid out in a large saucepan, poured with water and put on a strong fire. After boiling the liquid, dark foam is carefully removed from its surface, salt is added, the lid is covered, the temperature is reduced and the meat product is boiled until soft. This process can take from 50 to 70 minutes.

Having cooked the beef, they take it out and cool it. Then the meat is separated from the bones and coarsely chopped. As for the cooked broth, carrots, lavrushka, lentils and potatoes are laid out in it. Also, tomato gruel is poured into the pan.

To taste pepper and salt the ingredients, they are boiled for half an hour (if necessary, it can be a little longer). Having received aromatic beef soup, previously cooked meat, fresh herbs and fried onions are added to it. In this composition, the first dish is again brought to a boil. Then it is removed from the stove and left under the lid for 18 minutes.

Serve delicious beef soup to the table.

After the actions described above, you should get a pretty rich and very tasty red beef soup (by adding tomatoes). After keeping it under the lid for some time, the dish is poured on plates and served to family members. If there is a desire, then such a lunch is flavored with a spoon of sour cream or cream. It is also served with a slice of white or black bread.

lentil soup with chicken recipes

To summarize

Cooking lentil soup is no big deal. That's exactly what Julia Vysotskaya thinks. To verify this, you must prepare this dish yourself, using those ingredients that are listed above.


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