What is more expensive - sapphire or ruby: description of minerals, characteristics and photos

The largest jewelry brands have long identified the so-called big three gemstones that customers prefer. Jewelry in sapphire, ruby ​​and emerald versions can be found in almost any jewelry store.

The Big Three First-Order Gems

And if an emerald is an independent mineral of the highest class of precious stones, then not everyone knows that sapphire and ruby ​​are actually “relatives”, since they are varieties of the same mineral called corundum. Blue corundum is sapphire, and red corundum is ruby. But what is more expensive - sapphire or ruby? And what characteristics should I look for when choosing jewelry with these gems? Read about it in our article.

Mineral corundum

Crystalline alumina, it is also aluminum oxide, it is also corundum - the so-called mineral stone known in scientific circles.

Mineral stone corundum

One of the main properties of corundum is its high hardness, which ensures the durability of the mineral and its widespread use in jewelry, and the presence of various colors and shades that the stone acquires depending on the chemicals that make up its composition. For example, titanium, vanadium and iron oxide give corundum a blue hue. This gem is known to many as sapphire. Chrome, iron and titanium color the stone in shades of red and form a ruby. Corundum without impurities has a gray tint, is not precious and is used for technical and industrial needs.

International classification

Jewelry corundums, depending on color and gloss, are divided into several varieties:

  • Red is a ruby.
  • Blue is sapphire.
  • Colorless - leucosapphire.
  • Orange-pink - padparaj.
  • Violet is an eastern amethyst.
  • Green is the eastern emerald.
  • Grayish-white - ordinary corundum.
  • Varieties of corundum with asterism (an optical effect in which star rays are visible on the surface of a stone) occur in ruby ​​and sapphire - star ruby ​​and star sapphire

Today, some names are already outdated, so all stones, except red and blue, are simply called fancy sapphire.

Corundum color palette

Nevertheless, the most popular crystals have a classic blue gamut. Sapphires in green are far from being as beautiful as emeralds, and cost significantly less. Many people wonder: sapphire, emerald or ruby ​​- which looks more expensive? It is impossible to determine, because each gem is a wonderful gift of nature, delighting the eyes.

Precious corundums

The most popular varieties of noble corundum are rubies and sapphires. There is not a single gemstone that can be compared with these gems in blue and red and their shades. Moreover, rubies and sapphires of the highest quality are valued in the same way as diamonds, or more expensive than them. The extraordinary beauty and excellent natural data of corundum make it the most sought-after mineral for artistic processing for more than one century. Earrings, rings, bracelets and other jewelry with gems are the treasured highlight in the wardrobe of the fair sex. As a rule, choose between two popular stones - blue and red. But which is better - sapphire or ruby? Of course, there is no single answer to this question and it cannot be - no one has yet canceled personal preferences. Nevertheless, there are some differences in price and symbolic designations of these jewelry, and we will tell you which ones.

Ruby as a kind of corundum

A mixture of chlorine in corundum gives the mineral a reddish tint and makes it a real jewel, commonly known as ruby.

Red corundum

The name of the gem comes from the word rubens, which is translated from Latin as "red". This mineral belongs to the stones of the first order and has a different saturation of red: bright red, dark red and violet red. Large rubies, as a rule, have a heterogeneous color, distributed in stripes or spots. The most valuable and rare rubies have a purple hue. Sapphire, emerald and diamond also belong to first-order stones. The latter is traditionally considered the most expensive gem, but not everyone has an idea of ​​the cost of the remaining three gems. Sapphire, emerald, ruby ​​- which is more expensive? High-quality ruby ​​samples are more expensive than sapphire and emerald, which, in turn, have approximately the same price.

A bit of history

Rubin gained fame in ancient India, where he was considered the king of precious stones. The Greeks and Romans also appreciated the ruby, believed that stone contributes to victories and great feats, so the rulers' palaces and their clothes were often decorated with ruby ​​products. In eastern countries, the stone personified vital energy, and its owners received love, strength and health. In Russia, the gem became popular in the 9th century and was called a yacht (like its "brother" sapphire). It was believed that the stone gives strength and heals the heart. And since “yachting” used to be a synonym for “precious”, the phrase “yachting you are mine” has become popular among the people as an appeal to a dear, beloved person.

Photos of ruby ​​stone demonstrate its unsurpassed majesty and mystery.

Gemstone ruby

What you need to pay attention to when choosing a ruby ​​jewelry

Ruby can be confused with other minerals, in particular with red spinel, pomegranate, topaz and tourmaline, as well as glass and composite stones. In the 19th century, they learned to produce ruby ​​artificially, so when choosing a gem, you need to know some of the features of the stone:

  • Real rubies tend to sparkle in bright red, for which they called the stone fiery. Fake gems are usually dull, their luster is not as deep as that of true rubies.
  • Ruby is quite easy to process, so it is not difficult for a jeweler to make clear edges, without bulges and irregularities.
  • Small defects and blotches can appear on the surface of a natural ruby ​​under a microscope, and artificial analogues look perfectly clean.
  • A real ruby ​​is very hard, so it is almost impossible to scratch. Also, when falling with a ruby, nothing happens - it is extremely difficult to damage it.
  • Since ruby ​​contains chromium, the stone casts in purple, the intensity of which depends on the percentage of chromium. In artificial samples there are no violet overflows.
  • A natural sample heats up for a long time in hands, unlike a synthetic product.

Since now there are many fakes of ruby, and it is difficult for an amateur to calculate its authenticity, the most reliable way to check is to evaluate a certified jeweler. It will help determine not only the authenticity, but also the approximate cost.

The healing and magical properties of ruby, zodiac meaning

It is believed that these minerals have healing properties. Ruby is no exception. He is credited with a number of useful qualities that can get rid of many ailments: diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system, epilepsy and vision problems, diseases of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems, hypertension and tonsillitis. The mineral also helps with insomnia and depression, restores memory and relieves fatigue.

Rubin is considered an amplifier of the basic character traits of his master: he favors kind and honest people, and increases the negative qualities of imperious and cruel natures. Ruby helps to find and maintain love, gives spiritual harmony, is a symbol of courage and dignity. It has long been believed that ruby ​​contributes to victories and the achievement of goals, eliminates uncertainty and doubt.

According to astrologers, the ruby ​​is ideal for Cancers and Sagittarius. First, he adds confidence and helps in reaching the heights of life. The second relieves of pride, increases confidence and determination. Rubin enhances the attractiveness of women-Lions and the confidence of men-Lions, directs the energy of Aries in the right direction and softens the temperamental Scorpions. Energetic Capricorn ruby ​​helps to achieve goals, and in the life of calm representatives of the sign adds movement and activity.

The ruby ​​is energetically incompatible with Taurus and Virgo.

Many faces sapphire

The sapphire color palette is incredibly rich. The stones of blue shades are considered to be a classic example: from light blue to almost black. Also, nature gave the world gems in pink, green, yellow, orange and purple. In ancient times, blue and cornflower stones were considered a royal decoration that endowed rulers with justice and wisdom. Today, the gem is considered a symbol of wealth and power. The main supplier of sapphires is Australia. Dark blue sapphires, which are considered relatively inexpensive, are mined there. The most valuable representatives of sapphires are cornflower stones located in Indian Kashmir. Orange-pink sapphires (padparajas) from Sri Lanka are also of high value, as they are rare finds.

In the photo of the jewelry with a sapphire stone, a rich palette of colors and shades of this corundum is visible.

Ornament with colorful sapphires.

How to choose sapphire?

Today, fake sapphire is almost identical to natural stone. Sometimes even jewelers find it difficult to evaluate this gem, not to mention the townsfolk. Nevertheless, an idea of ​​some of the distinguishing features of a true sapphire can help with the purchase:

  • Like ruby, sapphire cannot be scratched since it is a very hard stone.
  • Unlike natural or synthetic sapphire, fakes made of glass instantly heat up in your hands.
  • If gluing is visible under a magnifying glass when examining a product, it means that you have a composite stone: one layer is real sapphire, the second is artificial filler (glass or cheap gem).
  • As a rule, sapphire has a heterogeneous structure, and in bright light you can notice inclusions that artificial stone does not have.
  • These jewels have a certificate or passport.

Remember that some analogues of sapphire are so similar to it (for example, tourmaline) that only a professional can give an accurate expert opinion.

The healing and magical properties of sapphire, zodiac meaning

It is believed that natural sapphire takes care of the health of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems, eliminates sleep disorders and mental disorders, and maintains clarity of thought.

Blue sapphire gives its owner calmness and wisdom, harmonizes family relationships, helps doubters and protects travelers, directs human energy in the right direction. Sapphire since ancient times is considered a symbol of power, it helps to rule and lead, show leadership qualities.

Astrologers recommend wearing sapphire to Aquarius and Sagittarius. First, he will help to cope with emotions and not be afraid of a sense of responsibility. The second will provide concentration and tell you the right decision. It is not recommended to have a stone to calm and wise Capricorns, since for them wearing a gem can end in depression.

Which stone is more expensive: ruby ​​or sapphire?

Many people want to have a decoration with a beautiful stone. At the same time, they ask themselves: what is more expensive - sapphire or ruby? And how much is one carat of these gems? Natural rubies and sapphires are considered precious stones, some of which are superior in price to even diamonds. The cost depends on the following characteristics: size, transparency, hue, type of cut, place of extraction. The best examples of ruby ​​are more expensive than the best samples of his blue brother. At the same time, red-violet rubies are considered the most valuable, and the cheapest - defective and synthetic stones. Since high-quality samples are rarely found in nature, most of the red corundums in the world markets are glass-filled. This should be considered when buying jewelry with this gem so as not to overpay unscrupulous jewelers. So, the price of a carat of heat-treated rubies without impurities and inclusions should be up to 60 thousand rubles. Natural ruby ​​is a very expensive gem, second only to red diamond. At auctions, its value can reach astronomical values. The price of natural low-quality rubies depends on the country of production and varies from 35 thousand rubles. up to 200 thousand rubles. per carat. Good quality rubies cost 3–4 times more expensive, and excellent rubies are 20 times more expensive.

Sapphires of a classic blue hue are priced more expensive than sapphires of other colors. The cost of large stones starts from 60 thousand rubles. per carat and depends on the country of origin. Sapphires of Burmese origin are highly valued: stones cost about 250 thousand rubles. per carat. The cost of padparaja, another expensive sapphire, starts at 150 thousand rubles. per carat. Medium-sized sapphires cost 18-36 thousand rubles. per carat, and small samples (less than half a carat) with various inclusions can be purchased at an attractive price of only 1200. The cheapest sapphires are black. Their price is from 60 to 600 rubles. per carat.

Due to this price range, it is quite difficult to answer the question of which is more expensive - sapphire or ruby, because a high-quality sample of sapphire will cost more than low-quality ruby. But if you compare crystals of high quality and the same characteristics, then the red stone will surpass the blue counterpart.

Ruby and sapphire jewelry

The fashion for ruby ​​and sapphire jewelry has remained unchanged for centuries. Gems are widely used in jewelry and are part of all kinds of products: earrings, rings, bracelets, necklaces, necklaces, etc. Young ladies should not have a question what looks more expensive - ruby ​​or sapphire. Both gems are the highest order stones and a great addition to the fashionistas toilet. Ruby goes well with gold - white and yellow, as well as silver. Photos of jewelry with a ruby ​​stone confirm this.

Yellow gold ruby

Sapphire most advantageously looks with silver or white gold. The abundance of various options allows you to choose jewelry for everyday wear, as well as for special occasions.

Photos of jewelry with gold with a sapphire stone indicate that the gem is in perfect harmony with white gold. No woman will refuse such jewels!

White Gold Sapphire

What is preferable for a young girl - ruby ​​or sapphire?

Ruby and sapphire are stones that are ideal for all ages, so when choosing a gem, paramount importance is given to the tastes of the fair sex. It is only important to consider the size of the stone. So, products with huge rubies in a massive frame are more suitable for mature ladies, while young fashionable women are better off choosing jewelry with small stones. It is important to remember that wearing a ruby ​​is far from all clothing styles. This stone is more suitable for classic, romantic, extravagant styles, as well as the style of the femme fatale. Also, when wearing a ruby, a measure is important: do not combine it with other precious stones and wear all ruby ​​jewelry at once. Bright red rubies are more suitable for girls with a cold, winter appearance, and dim examples perfectly fit into the image of a person of summer color type. The variety of shades of sapphire allows you to choose a jewelry for almost any type of appearance. The blue gem is perfect for spring looks. Autumn girls will most clearly look with stones in yellow and orange.


So, an unequivocal answer to the question of whether it is more expensive - sapphire or ruby ​​does not exist, since it all depends on the characteristics of each specific sample and the place of extraction of the mineral. If you compare high-quality samples of both gems, then ruby ​​will be somewhat more expensive, but this does not detract from the advantages of sapphire. Both stones belong to the first order of precious stones and are considered one of the most valuable jewelry. With the right choice of color and shades, as well as the size of rubies and sapphires will suit almost all women. They emphasize the natural beauty of fashionistas and give a piece of their energy and strength.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B6392/

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