Sanatorium "Grenada", Altai Territory: address, services, reviews

There is a sanatorium in Grenada in the Altai Territory , founded in 1997. At that time, the times were not the most suitable for building new health resorts, and the more surprising was the emergence of an islet of health, and even with a Spanish name.

Altai is an amazing place where many landscapes are combined: steppes with forests, lakes with mountain peaks. UNESCO recognized the territory of this region as one of the best for recreation and living, and according to some sources Altai is called the second Shambhala.

Blessed land

These places cannot leave anyone indifferent, at least once having been here. Altai is the heart of Eurasia, it has collected almost all the climatic zones of the continent.

Altai nature

Due to the remoteness of the oceans, temperatures in the summer period reach forty degrees. Winter in Altai is frosty, but more often calm (possibly due to the protection of the mountains), however, the thermometer can drop to -50 ยฐ C. Precipitation falls more often in mountain and steppe regions, their annual rate is about 900 mm. Summer thunderstorms are short-lived and give way to clear weather. The sun in these places is a frequent guest in the summer, and therefore, for the construction of health resorts Altai is one of the best territories.

However, human intervention was not painless for the nature of this blessed corner of the planet. Ecology has suffered irreparable damage: explosions at the Semipalatinsk test site, the work and construction of heavy and chemical industries, the emissions of which into the atmosphere affect the health of residents, including those working at these plants.


The construction of the Grenada sanatorium in the Altai Territory turned out to be very helpful, and the area allocated for the health resort is rather big - 20 hectares.

Health coordinates

We start the conversation with the coordinates. Address: sanatorium "Grenada" in the Altai Territory is located in the Pervomaisky district in the village of Cossack. The health resort works from Monday to Friday from 09-00 to 17-00 hours (lunch break from 13-00 to 14-00 hours).

If you arrived by your own car, you can leave it in the parking lot.

The places here are wooded, so there is plenty of fresh air. On the territory of the sanatorium there is a lake of artificial origin and a forest park zone, where you can spend time using the paths or cycling and skiing.

Sanatorium infrastructure

The complex of the sanatorium "Grenada" in the Altai Territory is an administrative multi-story building, a medical building and three residential units, interconnected by a passage in which it is warm at any time of the year.

Double Room

The health resort is designed for 150 beds, which are distributed in 77 rooms of different levels of comfort:

  • double room (in a holiday home);
  • room for two people without a shower (in a holiday home);
  • Suite (in a holiday home);
  • standard numbers (in blocks 3, 4, 5).

In the administrative building are concentrated objects for various purposes:

  • on the ground floor: cafe, kiosk-buffet, assembly hall for events, billiard room, table tennis;
  • on the second floor: a library, rental equipment.

In a nearby building on two floors there is a sauna, two pools - a large one with a cascade and a small one with a jacuzzi, a cafe working in the warm season. Food in the sanatorium is four meals a day, diet.

All for relaxation

Guests arriving at the Grenada sanatorium in the Altai Territory are divided into those who would like to improve their health and those who are attracted by the opportunity to visit these picturesque places.

Sanatorium building

For the former, procedures for various purposes are provided, and for the latter, a two-story holiday home is built. It stands at a distance from the medical buildings, in it you can use the bathhouse and small pool. There are flower beds around the building, arbors with barbecue facilities, where you can have a picnic.

Sanatorium "Grenada"

In the sanatorium "Grenada" Altai Territory organize meals in the fireplace room. Here, various celebrations and events are sometimes held.

Sanatorium Profile

You can come for treatment or just relax with your children (if they are more than 4 years old) for a period of one to 21 days.

The health resort specializes in the prevention and treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, neurosis, respiratory and digestive organs, circulatory system, and pediatrics. One of the important elements of treatment is the unique microclimate of these places.

Services in the sanatorium "Grenada" in the Altai Territory are as follows:

  • directions of physiotherapy for restoration of the muscular system, including electrical stimulation of muscles, ultrasound, electrosleep to relieve nervous tension, electrophoresis with the use of drugs, darsonval point;
  • therapeutic effects based on decimeter microwave therapy, microwaves, warming UHF therapy, and laser point therapy;
  • balneological procedures: pearl baths, enriched with oxygen, with the addition of aromatic oils, with the addition of medicinal broths, vortex, using contrasting temperatures of water, enriched with carbon dioxide, mineral, iodine-bromine, local effects;
  • zonal effect: Sharko shower and circular shower, underwater directional action of jets under high pressure;
  • the use of mud therapy, mud applications;
  • activation of problem areas using thermal procedures: paraffin, ozocerite applications;
  • improvement of ENT and respiratory organs: inhalation with the addition of various natural remedies, the use of herbal teas and infusions;
  • areas of psychological relief: music therapy, aromatherapy;
  • treatment simulating the natural environment: halotherapy, diet therapy, climatotherapy, speleotherapy;
  • activation of the body's defenses: physiotherapy exercises (physical therapy), massage, drug therapy, mechanotherapy, thalassotherapy, health path.

In Grenada, you can consult a doctor of rehabilitation medicine, a gastroenterologist, a nutritionist, a cardiologist, a neurologist, a pediatrician, a pathologist, a pulmonologist, a general practitioner, an ultrasound specialist and a physiotherapist.

Impressions are different

Visitors differently evaluate the service provided at the Grenada sanatorium in the Altai Territory. Reviews regarding the comfort of the rooms are most often negative. Insufficient heating is noted, the rooms are cleaned after several reminders. Many complain about the rudeness of the staff and say that the attitude towards patients is โ€œshovelingโ€ and disrespectful. The impressions regarding treatment are also contradictory, which indicates a different approach of specialists to their duties.

Of the advantages, guests note the natural conditions and a good physiotherapy room. It turns out that if you want to come to breathe clean air and enjoy the magnificent nature, it is better to come here, but if you think to improve your health, go to more comfortable institutions.


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